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Friday, February 20, 2009

Don't Ever Tell Me The Daily Times Isn't As Bad As Some Of The Blogs!
ReggieBro wrote:
"I be remember dat stank ho Donna. About 10 years ago, she be begging for some chocolate treat from a brotha, for a hit off dat crack pipe. Dem police'es be getting away wit everything though."

luxetveritas99 wrote:
"An honest cop wouldn't have David Moore as his lawyer."

While they only have around 20 comments on the Donna Pusey and Sheriff Bobby Jones article, man, I have to tell you, that article reads just like our Salisbury News article did two days ago. Nevertheless, just look at some of the comments the Daily Times has allowed. Again, what say you now nay sayers of Somerset County? The top one is one of the first comments, so they have allowed it to stay up there for several hours.

You people want to call me racist? I will forever ignore and reject any more comments calling me a racist. There is not one comments after that one that attacks the Daily Times for such a remark.

My guess, the Daily Times has lost so much business that they're desperate to get any attention no matter who says what. March Blog Madness is a coming Daily Times, better watch how a leader does it right. You're copying everything else we do, (including this entire story we broke 7 days ago) so why not. Oh, watch them go pull the comment now that they're getting REAL attention on it. With only 20 comments verses our 120+ comments, they know we have a much bigger readership than they do now so they'll pull it.


Anonymous said...

The first comment you refer to went up today at 2:43pm, not days ago.

joe albero said...

Good enough for me. Point being is, do they review and moderate comments? Seems to me whenever anything pops up bad about them, someone mentions Salisbury News, they reject or pull down the comment. At times they have removed ALL of the comments as they knew where things were heading and it wasn't going to look good on them.

Point being, they are becoming a Blog with very tiny ba((s.

Anonymous said...

I understand your point. There have been comments on other stories by ReggieBro today that are totally out of line also. I think it is totally racist for a person, who I believe is a white, to intentionally appear black and ignorant. These comments by this person should be taken down immediately.
But if you put the same story up 2 hours before them you would be a stickler for the time, this should be no exception.

Anonymous said...

Joe, you really should remove your operation out of your bathroom, I think the fumes have started to affect your brain.

You're called a racist, among other things, because of what you post, not what others post. You, just like The Times, can't be responsible (other than posts containing extreme obscenity) for what others post. I know much of what you post is too feed that giant ego of yours and to get some of the more intellectual members of our citizenry that can't think for themselves fired up. I think you're just smart enough to have figured out the topics that get the good 'ol boys hopping mad. Let's see if I have the secret formula figured out. Ahhhhh Mmmm, anything pertaining to the mayor, police chief, or fire chief seems about right.

You seem to live by the counter that tabulates the number of times people submit comments. About those numbers. I have never counted, but I would have to say that based on the number of "hits" you claimed you had on a daily basis last week, compared with the number of comments you actually posted, I would have to say the number of people you give a case of the dribbling s--ts to, and thus, censor their comments, out number your fan club pretty significantly.

To compare what you write with what The Times writes clearly demonstrates how delusional you truly are. But all is not lost. You just may win the award for being the Eastern Shore’s biggest sycophant.

Since I understand you live in Delaware, I can't understand all the attention you're giving to Salisbury, Maryland. Sure I can, I was just kidding you. There are more people in Salisbury to respond to your nefarious posts and thus assuage your attention starved soul. Everything being run perfectly in Delaware, Joe? The one thing I've learned in life is it's so easy to criticize the people that make the voluntary choice to put themselves in a position of making decisions that affect many. When that happens, guess what? You're not going to please 100% of the people. It can't be done. I've also been around enough armchair quarterbacks, like you, to realize that being critical of someone else is the easy part. Being in their position and having to make the tough decisions is the hard part. Joe, why don't you take all your care, concern, energy, and expertise, move into Salisbury and actually put your money and your time where your mouth is?

Post this Joe, and let the chips fall where they may. Don't simply post a comment referring to it (a common tactic of yours) but never allowing others to see what it is you're commenting on.

joe albero said...

anonymous 10:37,

In case you haven't noticed, I do put myself on the line each and every day, 7 days a week, unlike all of the other people you mention.

I also live closer to Salisbury than most of the people you mention here. Oh, I should add, I also own property within the City Limits and pay more taxes that ALL of the people combined in the City of Salisbury.

As for me putting my money where my mouth is, well, I not only have done so, I do plan on doing even more when the time comes.

I have accomplished more positive things in the past 4 years for the City of Salisbury than ALL of these people combined as well. If you'd like to challenge me on that, please do so and then I'll come back with my accomplishments and track record.

As for the racist part. Does the name Lorenzo Cropper ring a bell to you? I'll even be so BOLD as to tell you a very quick story. Quite a few years ago I played Professional Pool. There was a black gentleman named Cissero Murphy, (Google him) who held the greatest records in the game of pool than any other human being, ever. Because he was black, the Hall of Fame would not recognize him. Long story short, I not only got him nominated, I personally got him elected into the Hall of Fame months before he had a fatal heart attack and died.

Again, Google his name and look into it. If you have any problems I'll be happy to share the articles written about him as well as myself. Racist, I don't think so. I have given back to the black community more than any person you have ever known.

Now, just because I don't agree with Obama n many issues, that makes me a racist? Because I post some comical things about him, I'm a racist? I think not. That's just a CARD some of you enjoy playing to bring me down. That's OK though. I have a lot more than you'll ever know backing up who I am and what I'm all about.

As for your not believing how well I do here on Salisbury News, YOU do not pay to subscribe to this Website and all the information I provide daily. Until I do, that's none of your business. However, I will challenge you to go look at the on line comments daily on the Daily Times and compare them to how many comments I get here. Granted, I'll agree that the people who comment versus the volume of people visiting each and every day is quite small. But you'll not see another Blog in this State and perhaps even Newspaper that receives the amount of comments I do here. If that doesn't tell you how well we're doing, I don't know what else to tell you. OR, perhaps you DO see that each and every day, perhaps you work at the Daily Times and you're simply frustrated because you know how eell we're doing. It's a guess but I'd say I'm right on target, Greg.

My home is in Delaware and my Office is in Downtown Salisbury. Are you strongly suggesting that because I live in Delaware that I shouldn't be a part of Delaware? If so, then why does Chief See live in Delaware and work in Salisbury?

In closing, I do plan on moving to Salisbury some time in the next 3 years. Are you figuring out why yet? I'll go at my pace, not yours. In the end I'll make the biggest difference this Eastern Shore has ever seen or experienced and guess what, I have NO special interests and I can't be bought!

Anonymous said...

It's getting close to the full moon.

Anonymous said...

Here's how the Times Blog works:
I read something there that I wanted to comment on, but since I had never done it before, had to sign up with a blog name. So I made up a name, signed on an account, and posted my comment. It posted in less than two seconds!
There is no moderator! The computer just posts them as they come in! Nobody reads them or proofreads anything else they write there!
They DO, however, read everything on the Salisbury News. That's how they find out what to write about next.

I think everyone today should take advantage of the Times' blog computer this weekend since there will be no one working there anyway this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Don't you think it is suspicious that Sheriff Jones would have a lawyer who is a major drug user, among other things?
It can't be for his skills, as a lawyer. He's usually late, and unprepared, for Court.
So, why?

Anonymous said...

Good posting Joe.Let them be the ones proving who they are. If that had been a Black Woman involved with the Sheriff Jones The NAACP would have been all over it the next morning. Now that people have seen the woman is a white lady the police and courts will be slower to respond.It has nothing to do with race.The black community stick together for their race and I admire that. This lady will have her day in court,however it will be a long process nothing will happen to the [good old boy]of Somerset. Guess whos gonna pay for this defense?

Anonymous said...

Joe every man has a price! So don't say you can't be bought.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I agree I do not think that you are a racist. However, I feel there are many posts that don't make it because you feel if it dosent suit your opinion, you won't post it. We need a kinder gentler Joe

Anonymous said...

don't lie your number are not sh*t compared to the Daily Times...WBOC number one, Daily Times #2, SBYNEWS #3 and WMDT #4, tell the truth joe

joe albero said...

anonymous 10:52,

You just go on believing whatever you want, it doesn't matter to me. Again, just look at the comments and you'll clearly see who's #1.

Anonymous said...

7:32 There was actually a response to Joe's 11:01 posting that he failed or refused to post. In it, I explained that I never referred to him as a racist, nor have I, in the limited time I've visited this blog, seen that to be true. The remark about racist in the 10:37 post was in response to what Joe wrote in his original story, "Don't Ever Tell Me The Daily Times Isn't As Bad As Some Of The Blogs!" which initially read, "you SOB's want to call me racist?" but he has since edited and now says, "You people want to call me racist?"

Anonymous said...


you said,

"Oh, I should add, I also own property within the City Limits and pay more taxes that ALL of the people combined in the City of Salisbury"

You think you pay more taxes than ALL THE PEOPLE IN SALISBURY COMBINED? I think you need to wake up and smell the coffee, there is no way that is true.

joe albero said...

Clearly that came out wrong. What I meant to say was that I pay more City taxes than all those mentioned earlier, combined.