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Friday, February 20, 2009

Obama Tells Spanish Radio: Immigration Reform Coming

Obama tells Spanish radio: Immigration reform coming
Administration plans to begin drawing up legislation 'over the next several months'
By Jerome R. Corsi© 2009 WorldNetDaily

NEW YORK – President Obama affirmed in an interview with a Spanish-language radio show that his administration is preparing to push for a new round of "comprehensive immigration reform."

The White House confirmed to WND Obama was a guest on the Univision show "Piolin por la Manana," or "Piolin in the Morning," hosted by Eddie "Piolin" Sotelo. A transcript of the interview, however, was not posted on the White House website.

"And then we've got to have comprehensive immigration reform," Obama told the radio audience, according to a transcript. "It's going to take some time to move that forward, but I'm very committed to making it happen."

(Story continues)


Anonymous said...

God bless President Obama for his visionary actions to make and keep America the melting pot. The land of the free and the home of the brave. Welcome all who desire a future, a high standard of living, the opportunity to prosper and the freedoms that a democracy offers.

Anonymous said...

This will be the last straw, the one that breaks the camels back. He can do what-ever he wants, but it will not be tolerated here on the Shore. You broke the law to get here, "GET OUT" "GO HOME". You will not be allowed to steal anymore of our jobs.

Anonymous said...

"Comprehensive Immigration Reform Plan"

1) Executive order to grant amnesty to 12-20 million illegal aliens.

2) Legislation to allow their 18-20 million relatives to join them in the U.S.

3) Legislation to expedite the citizenship process for 30-40 million "new Americans."

4) With millions of new Democratic voters, pass repeal the 22nd Amendment limiting President to two terms (a la Hugo Chavez).

5) America becomes one party country with Obama as President for Life.

6) Obama changes his name to Robert Mugabe.

Anonymous said...

It is a real shame starving people in our county have to resort to crime. How many of you have been hungry and have no money? We need Stimulus money to be given to the poor especially the minority who have been kept in bondage and ignored by the fat cats white race.You should expect more crime as adults resort to such to feed their starving children. What a shame! Is this the American dream?

Anonymous said...

President Obama is the new sensation, the future, the hope for the oppressed, and the salvation for the black race. God bless and guide him as the instrument of your hands.May the American dream be shared by everyone. Praise his name-Obama, Obama, thank you for the promised change.Amen.

Anonymous said...

Us fat cat whites have supported
and paid for the minorities for the past 55 years. I'm tired of it , and won't tolerate it any longer. You want to keep your children from starving , then go to one of your neighbors and sell some more dope or try to rob them.
Maybe in for a 160 grain surprise.
At least I know you will at my house!!

Anonymous said...

Obama must think he is dumbo with those ears . He will find out very shortly that he can't fly. He will wish he could.

Anonymous said...

If we are loosing a half-million jobs a month how can we possibly afford to have millions more people come in our country and take more jobs. Obama is a friggin idiot and the sooner he is gone the better off we will all be. And for you nuts cases I MEAN HIS TERM IS OVER OR HE IS IMPEACHED

Reconciled1 said...

Melting pot yes, illegally no, This great Country has always welcomed the tired , the poor and the hungry. No one in their right mind disputes that. We just want you to COME IN LEGALLY. Not in the trunk of a car or over a fence or have a baby to stay, etc... Contribute to society not become another liability that WE have to support with our taxes. Learn our language, our history, our Amaerican way of life just like all of our fore fathers did. Pay your taxes, spend your money here, not ship it back to your "homeland". Make this your homeland. If you want to become an American , fine. We welcome you just as our forefathers were welcomed. BUT FOLLOW THE RULES.
I for one haven't kept anyone in bondage or kept the poor man down. We are all given the same rights as humans. Life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Thats the pursuit not a guarantee like some think. We must all make our own way. We should as Americans pray for our President but not to him. Reguardless of what some may think, he isn't the Messiah. He is a man. Once his pedistool is rocked by failure, as all of ours is at one time or another, Hollywood and the President's followers will see it. I pray the Country survives the next 4 yrs. God help us all.

Anonymous said...

I know this Rev. James Bailey. I seen him in Baltimore a few years back stirring up stuff. I think he is on the board for NAACP. He has a church some place up by the Bay bridge.He better stick to reading his bible and stay off your blog and our Wicomico business.

Anonymous said...

I am 76 years old and it seems to me that we have a lot of crooks, racial unrest and foolish talk. I'm glad I am old and don't have to face the problems looming ahead for you younger folks.For the life of me I don't understand why so many black people find pres. Obama a supreme being and follow him blindly.I was taught to think and be knowledgeable before I vote or speak.I have had a computer 5 months and my granddaughter is teaching me to get the hang of it. You know you are never too old to learn.I want this Rev. Bailey to think of all Americans when he speaks. It makes us white folks upset when you push minority down our throats. We respect those who act right and present themselves as decent folks. I don't care what color they are. My heart doctor is black and I love him to death.He saved my life. Rev. Bailey, please help all of on the shore to live together in peace. I know the black race rally around their church and their minister and I am glad Christ is in their life.It seems to me it is as much prejudice on one side as the other. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Immigration reform done well, will actually solve the immigration problem. The fact that we need many that are already here, but don't need more to come, makes it imperative that we act. The Bush administration understood this (and tried), and so does the current administration.

Rush Lamedog and his buddies at Faux News will rail on, and the right wing rabble will gnash their teeth and wave their guns, but this will pass... and America will be a better place for it.

UwillTapout said...

This is from my blog:
Here is something that should be of great interest for you to pass around.
I didn't know of this until it was pointed out to me. But, back during The Great Depression,
President Herbert Hoover ordered the deportation of ALL illegal aliens in order
to make jobs available to American citizens that desperately needed

Harry Truman deported over two million Illegal's after WWII to
create jobs for returning veterans.

And then again in 1954, President
Dwight Eisenhower deported 13 million Mexican nationals! The program was called
'Operation Wetback' so that American WWII and Korean veterans had a better
chance at jobs. It took 2 Years, but they deported them!

Now, if they
could deport the illegal's back then, they can sure do it today!! If you have
doubts about the veracity of this information, enter Operation Wetback into your
favorite search engine and confirm it for yourself. AMEN!

**Reminder: Don't forget to pay your taxes .... 12 million Illegal Aliens will be needing welfare.

Illegal Aliens are Criminal Invaders and Financial Terrorists!

UwillTapout said...

Rev Bailey---- MY Bible warns against idols. Seems to me you have lost your way. Teach your people to fish, Rev. Bailey, so they can eat. Too many have been taught to wait by the mailbox for the next handout. Your false prophet Obama will only further divide the positive contributors of society and those who eat the free cheese.
Your comment has nothing to do with the post. You sound like a race baiter to me, and for that you will answer when the THE MAN.

Anonymous said...

Well mister Bailey you just taught me something. I thought i read in the bible that God said, you will have no other gods before me,,,,can i get a copy of that bible you are reading from as it is very different from mine. I will praise no name but God and what a jackass you really are. It is people like you that keep rase problems going just for there own pleasure. You are a bigot and a big one. You are the kind that damn everyone else, i just want for me,me,me. Well at least for now i do not have to read the corand. Dum a!!

Anonymous said...

Dont let him distract you from the real issue here.

Anonymous said...

James Bailey,

"Don't believe the hype"

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile Acorn activits are Breaking into padlocked houses that have been foreclosed on and putting the former owner back in illegally. It was on the Balto more news last nite, check it out!!

Anonymous said...

This country doesn't need comprehensive immigration reform, we need to enforce the current laws. There will be balance on the incoming people and the law-breakers will be dealt with correctly. You can ask any naturalized citizen if they want illegals here and blanket amnesty, and they will tell you NO. You can ask legal natural born citizens of Mexican or hispanic descents and they also don't want people here illegally. If Obama wants a second term, he'll listen to the people, because Rush Limbaugh may have helped start the rally but if the people weren't interested, the message would have been lost and fallen on deaf ears, like the rally to vote for John McCain, like the Fairness Doctrine hasn't gotten as much attention, like the call for the release of border agents Compean and Ramos went unheard by President Bush until his last days in office. People could have made a difference on these things but it wasn't as important to them to call DC and get a Congressman to act. When McCain & Bush tried to push that massive amnesty program, people were calling, faxing, emailing, and using every means possible to let their DC representative know where they stood.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe what I am reading.Why are our congressional elected people allowing the president to do some of these things. Doesn't the senate and House have to approve things? I hope we don't have a dictator in the white house.There is no way President Obama is going to send illegal immigrants back home. Sending all these troops overseas will create jobs I guess but then what happens when they come home.Where is their job then? I just don't know what is before us .Frustrating.

Anonymous said...

Our Government has changed agendas to meet the needs of everyone except our own citizens. We spend our hard earned money setting up democracies in countries that don't want us there, meanwhile if our own country hits hard times, there is no one looking out for our citizens, like with Katrina. Then they sent billions overseas for the tsunamis. If Obama is as smart as he tries to act, he will deport illegals, let NATO take care of the world for a while, and FIX the USA with our money and people. Let the National Guard help problems in our country FIRST. Like the icestorm in Kentucky, bring some troops home to help people HERE - FIRST.

Also, can we hire Charles Bronson in Salisbury to take care of some gang activity.

Anonymous said...

Joe, reading some of these blogs actually makes me prejudice. I am glad this Reverend Bailey is living up the road or I might have to pay him a visit. It seems that people like him are trying to stir things up to where we have a racial war or another type of civil war. What does the future look like to you Joe? I just sit here and feel my blood pressure rising.What can people like us, average Americans, do? Did we send the wrong people to Washington?

Anonymous said...

You can assemble and protest. Our strength is in our numbers.

Anonymous said...

Anouymous 3:46 - Well said. I think you hit the nail on the head.

joe albero said...

anonymous 3:49,

OMG, yes! We not only sent the wrong people to Washington, No one in the Republican Party with any quality background would have even considered running after the cluster Bush put us into. Now don't get me wrong, Clinton started the whole thing, Bush was left with quite a mess but had 8 years to turn it around and didn't. He was and still is a complete Idiot, yet he was surrounded with some of the greatest minds in the world.

Now we have Obama who walked into a LOSE/LOSE situation. Only a man like Ross Perot could have pulled us out of the mess we're in.

I told all of you long ago, put on those seat belts because the ride from here on out is going to be the worst ride America has ever seen. We're ALL losers. Osama Bin Ladens plan actually worked.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is arm yourselves because when the government cheese dries up they will roam the streets in hoards and we need to be ready.

Anonymous said...

You paint a very dismal picture. We need encouragement from Washington, not aggravation and uncertainity as to whether I will be able to eat and pay rent. Everybody I talk to has cut back and is afraid to spend any extra money. What is going to happen to my children? What do they have to look forward to? Mine are old enough to watch the news and feel the insecurity. Or maybe they feel the vibes from Jan and me.We try not to talk too much in front of them.

joe albero said...

anonymous 4:04,

Why cover it up? I'm a realist and not talking about it is kind of like a 16 year old daughter getting pregnant and thinking she can hide it for 9 months.

The sky hasn't fallen yet but our day is coming. Only the fools still out using credit cards and abusing the system will feel the most pain.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 3:54 - You are probably right. How do we get started? We need someone like Joe with intellect to lead and guide us.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading all of this rh I don't see any way ouetoric and thinking. What you say about organizing is a good idea but what do we do when Obama sends in the National Guard to put us in our place. We are not trained soldiers. Is my neighbor in the Guard going to shoot me? See what I mean? I don't see any way out.

Anonymous said...

What happened to the mouthy Reverend James Bailey? We must have scared him off and he crawled back in his hole.He needs to be watched. I have a feeling he can be trouble.Isn't the NAACP headquarters in Baltimore now?

Anonymous said...

To All,
Please refer to the list of representatives listed yesterday with their email addresses. Write your feelings to them. THAT'S what you can do. If people spent as much time doing this as they do blogging, our representatives would at least have a better feel of how we are thinking, and may vote accordingly. These people work for US, NOT BARACK OBAMA!
The pen is mightier than the sword.

Anonymous said...

California's annual budget puts them in ninth place... in the world. That's right, there are only eight countries (that’s right, countries, not states) in the world that have a larger budget than the state of California. A big portion of California's budget is spent providing free food, housing, health care coverage, education, and welfare to the millions of illegal aliens they have living in their state. 40% of this nation's estimated 12-20 million illegals call California home.

Now it's nice to have a generous spirit, but California has a major league budget deficit staring them right in the face. To help solve their money woes, tens of thousands of California state employees, American citizens, are going to lose their jobs. We're talking police officers, firefighters, teachers etc. In other words, those that have carried the water for years will be turned away from the well, and those that have been sitting in the shade drinking that water will continue to do so.

An analogy I recently heard regarding this situation is a good one. California, hell, this country, is like the Titanic. It has taken a hit and is sinking. The lifeboats are in the water. Naturally everyone wants to hop aboard one of the lifeboats, but everyone hopped on, the lifeboats would roll and sink and everyone would die. Sorry, there are simply some people that can't be saved. Should those taking a place on the lifeboats be Americans, those that have worked and paid their taxes, or should it be the people that have sneaked into the country, haven’t paid their fair share in taxes, and are a serious drain on the budget of not only California, but on every state in America as well? Sorry, there comes a time when you would like to continue helping your neighbor, but your family must always come first.

Capitalism made this country grow into an envied super power in a little over 200 years. Socialism is coming. Nationalized health care. They’re talking about nationalizing the banks. The White House has already taken control of the census so voting districts can be realigned, guaranteeing the Democrats remain in control. The state of Illinois currently has a bill in its legislature, which, if passed, will require every owner of a gun to obtain $1 million in liability insurance. If a gun owner doesn’t obtain the insurance but retains the gun and is caught and found guilty, it would be a felony. If there’s no longer an incentive to work, who will work? The stimulus plan and the pending mortgage bailout rewards bad behavior and failure. Don’t you think there’s enough of that going on in our society already?

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter what we think.
The rich, whether democrat or republican, want cheep labor. Even the banking industry is involved in making it easy for illegals to remain and work here on the eastern shore. I have been told by 3 differant bank employees from 3 differant banks that they have local companies that have contractual agreements NOT the check ID'S when they come in to cash their paychecks. If in fact a check is cashed by someone who had stolen the check, the company would cover it and not to notify LAW ENFORCEMENT.
This only makes sence if the person cashing the check doesnt have an ID, which makes them Illegal.
This would be a nice stoty to follow up on Joe.

Tidewaterbound said...

BackinBerlin said...
Rev Bailey---- MY Bible warns against idols. Seems to me you have lost your way. Teach your people to fish, Rev. Bailey, so they can eat. Too many have been taught to wait by the mailbox for the next handout. Your false prophet Obama will only further divide the positive contributors of society and those who eat the free cheese.
Your comment has nothing to do with the post. You sound like a race baiter to me, and for that you will answer when the THE MAN.

2:21 PM

To the Rev. Bailey, don't ya know all the Free Cheese will bind you up somethin' AWFUL! (sorry for the giggles, but that's true)


However ALL humor aside, illegals are ILLEGAL -- round them up and deport them. PERIOD! Hey, doing that alone would create an AMAZING number of jobs. I wouldn't mind my tax dollars spent evicting them.

And as for the continual flagellation over racism, the continual cry from some in the black community, it is very difficult to stomach. I have no trouble treating all Americans equally. If you are an IDIOT, your race, color, or creed doesn't matter, you are STILL an IDIOT. Don't pull the race card in defense of idiocy, it makes ALL Americans look bad.

Anonymous said...

anony 12:20 and for the prior 200 years u fat white cats have shut minorities out economicaly,unfairly held minorities back obtaining a decent job and education and u expect all this to be erased in 55 years. u reap what u sow. Whites in this country have had an unfair advantage and a big head start (200) years of jim crow laws ect. Sure the playing field is just about level now but its not going to happen overnight.

Anonymous said...

Family-Sponsored Preference Categories

F1: 228,787
F2A: 322,212
F2B: 481,726
F3: 484,230
F4: 1,206,397
Total: 2,723,352

Per country waiting list
Mexico 961,744
Philippines 401,849
Dominican Republic 136,070
China 132,325
India 115,394
Vietnam 109,910
Bangladesh 50,275

Haiti 50,029
El Salvador 48,776
Pakistan 45,905
All Others 671,075
Worldwide Total: 2,723,352

So thre is no huge number okeeeeeee...Obama goahead...YES WE CAN..

Anonymous said...

404 and should have been watching the Glenn Beck show Fri 5pm 2-20-9, Fox news at 5pm

you might be able to catch a re-run this wkend or visit the Fox news web was about "what if" and how to prepare you and your family, in a similar fashion as we would to prepare for a hurricane or tornado...the ultimate storm is upon us....dont ignore your gut feelings

Anonymous said...

4:17 Once the federal troops have equipment and boots on state land I will consider that a "STATE of WAR", Now the rules have changed.