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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

I Didn't Know That John Kerry Was Running in Maryland

I had to "opportunity" to attend the Frank Kratovil dog and pony show in Salisbury yesterday.  As Yogi Bera said - it was deja vu all over again.  I thought that I was having a flashback from the John Kerry for President campaign.  We were treated to Kratovil's having opposed the federal bailout before he supported it and Kratovil again stated his support for amnesty for illegal aliens.

For purposes of disclosure, yesterday's show was a Young Dem event.  This was NOT mentioned in the press release I received regarding the event.  Had Kratovil's campaign been honest about the event I wouldn't have raised a stink about it yesterday.  Of course, I doubt any media would have showed up either.  Kratovil's release made the event appear as if it was an SU event.

But I digress.  Sen. Barbara Mikulski got up and did her duty for party and the liberal cause.  She explained to the group of students that they all needed to get out and work for Barack Obama and Frank Kratovil.  As usual, she was pretty impressive.  I don't agree with Sen. Mikulski on much, but I have always admired her constituent service and her willingness to take a stand.  Read More ...


Anonymous said...

Great reporting. NOT.

I guess we should expect the Harris shills to do whatever lying is necessary in order to make up for the fact that Andy is losing this race faster than Sarah Palin can say Maverick.

You've completely and 100% stated the opposite of Frank's position numerous times in this story, and I was at the SU event last night.

If you were actually listening carefully, instead of listening for what you WANT to hear, you would have heard that Frank did not support the original bailout plan. The ORIGINAL BAILOUT PLAN was the one proposed by the Bush Administration and Paulson. That had no oversight, no accountability, and no limits on executive compensation. He went on to state that as those provisions were inserted into the revised bills, he would likely have supported the bill. You got that one wrong.

Second, on the timetable for Iraq, he has repeatedly stated that he was against a strict timetable for withdrawal. He was chastised for doing so during the Democratic Primary. He stated unequivocally yesterday that he believes the best way to withdrawal is to listen to our commanders on the ground, the Iraqi Administration, and the Bush Administration, who have all coalesced around a rough 15 month timetable. That's called winning the war. Are you against that? He's repeatedly stated that the Iraq Focus Group, an unbiased source of information, was against a timetable. You got that wrong. Or more accurately you chose to misrepresent his position to benefit your candidate.

Finally, on illegal immigration. Frank Kratovil got into this race because of illegal immigration. He is constantly having to deal with illegal immigrants as defendants, victims, or both. It clogs up the judicial system and he wants to put a stop to that. And he favors deporting illegals SO MUCH that he went to Annapolis and testified in support of a law that would make driving without a license an arrestable offense, SO THAT HE COULD DEPORT ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS instead of sending them home with a citation.

Again, you can try to mischaracterize and misrepresent Frank's position on these issues, but he's stated the complete opposite of the BS you just posted nearly every time he speaks, so I don't think unbiased, undecided voters will be swayed by your lies.

And bashing Frank will do nothing to improve your candidates HORRID record on healthcare, environment, and energy. Not to mention that everyone that ever hears Harris speaks thinks that he's a total ass. Way to pick a winner (read: loser).

G. A. Harrison said...

Keep putting up the same comments as on DD and Red Maryland. It doesn't change the facts.

Anonymous said...

So Andrew what your saying is Frank Kratovil is a tow the party line, liberal that will give away the farm in programs hoping the Fed will bail him out as opposed to Harris who has the intestinal fortitude to say NO to handouts. God forbid anyone should have to earn their keep in this day and age.

Anonymous said...

Kratovil reminds me of watching paint dry. Not much to it.

Anonymous said...

She may take a stand on things, but you can't tell from the pictures in the earlier post. She'd get lost in a crowd