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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

A Child's Instincts Are Far Better Than Most Adults


Anonymous said...

I don't care who wins on Sunday, November 2nd. It's Tuesday, November 4th I care about.

Obama/Biden '08.

Anonymous said...

I love that shirt. Where can I get one for my little boy?

Anonymous said...


There'll be a lot of them on Nov 5.

Anonymous said...

That's child abuse. Plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

That's right republicans the election is November 2nd. Please do your duty and go to the voting booth on Nov. 2nd. Don't forget Nov. 2nd.

Anonymous said...

Somebody needs a fact-checker. But, on the bright side, I hope a lot of NeoCons do come out to vote on 11/2...and stay the hell home and pout on 11/4.

Anonymous said...

Why do you people still choose to live in denial? The elections are a joke and the candidates no matter who wins wont do shit. We are about to enter full blown ECONOMIC ARMAGEDEN and these two twits helped us get there. They both sold us out by voting for the SELL-OUT bill. The DOW will have a heart attack today.

Anonymous said...

The irony, of course, is that the idiot parents of that poor child, probably think there isn't a 'mess' right now, after 8 years of Bush and 12 years of a Republican Congress.

They're probably like the other Rethuglican morons on this site that DISREGARD all of that, and just keep saying that the last YEAR AND A HALF of a thin Dem majority in Congress is what caused these problems.

By all means, Rethugs: Go vote on Nov. SECOND. Don't forget that date again: NOVEMBER 2ND.


Anonymous said...

I would encourage all Republicans to go out and vote November 2!

tedh said...

Anon 10:09 We all know it wasn't one party or another that caused this mess, it was Wall Street. Now the fact is that Freddie and Fanny lowered there standards for loans so minorities could be home owners started in the Clinton administration which is why we are in trouble now. On the other side not much was done to fix this situation over the past eight years either because the markets appeared stable. It is Wall Streets fault plain and simple started by one administration and ignored by another. Stop pointing backwards and look forwards to what will fix this mess.

Anonymous said...

Old picture ?
That t-shirt is obviously from the 2004 elections which were held on
Tuesday November 2.

Anonymous said...


It wasn't Fannie and Freddie that caused this mess. They were just part of the overall mess caused by deregulation by the Republicans and, yes, the Clinton Administration. There is an estimate 42 Trillion in the credit swap market, and that is why this economy is tanking. No way in HELL that low-income borrowers could generate that much credit. No way in hell that all of the borrowers COMBINED could generate that much credit.

It's a lie to say that this is all because of FNMA, Freddie, and CRA. THis is because of deregulation and a lack of oversight, plain and simple. The Republican economic platform. So, you're right, looking AHEAD, we shouldn't be putting these same people back in office whose guiding economic philosophy is why we're in this mess to begin with.

Anonymous said...

anon 9;35 let me get this straight, having ayour child wear a t-shirt supporting your candidate is child abuse, but having your two daughters baptised in and attend a racist church is not.

tedh said...

Anon 11:22 There is more complexity to the failure but the catalyst was the writing of bad mortgages. I blame everybody which is the correct thing to do. As a typical liberal you point and blame. Here is an article written by the New York Time back in 1999. The truth is there if you care to accept it.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't the poor kid wear a shirt that says "Greedy Soul-less Speculators Crushed My College Fund And All I Got Was This Stinking T-Shirt?"

Anonymous said...

9:35 HAHAHA child abuse, come on now, get real. That child is blessed to be raised by parents with a good head on their shoulders, but you wouldn't understand that.

10:09 ReTHUGlicans??? Last time i checked all the thugs voted democrat, right????

Anonymous said...


You just played into another sterotype. All republicans are racist.

Anonymous said...


Chimera said...

Oh boy now ALL Republicans are racist too.Somebody better pick up the phone and call Alan Keyes.(who would have made a damn fine President)

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I can't look at Alan Keyes without watering myself after Borat got a hold of him. And by the way BTTM, I got quite a laugh last night thinking of your comments the other day while watching The Blues Bothers when I saw Elwood disable the elevator in Daley Center with a zippo and aeresol can. And yes, due to the economy I am so poor I must watch a lot of movies!!

Moon Willow said...

I don't think people who resort to name-calling, such as Dumbocrats, Democraps, Rethuglicans and Republicants really bring much to the table except immaturity. If you can't discuss an issue without deliberately insulting and ridiculing the other party, I question whether you have the judgement to vote. Apparently, we're NOT all adults here.

Chimera said...

LOL Reese.Never saw Borat.Sascha Baron Cohens character in "Talladega Nights" was so irritating it turned me off of him.
And who needs a gun if you can do a "MacGyver" with household products?