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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Burning Down The House


Anonymous said...

I've already watched this tripe. While the Democrats are no saints where the mortgage crisis is concerned, trying to pin this economic disaster on Obama is like blaming gang activity on an 8-year-old who set off a firecracker in his yard.

This crisis was not caused by the evil minorities who wanted to have a home of their own before they could well afford it. (How many McMansions are in foreclosure, hmmm?)

It's due in great part to the greedy bastards who worked every loophole in a well-intended law to suck every penny out of the American public without a damn bit of oversight from a Republican-majority Congress and a Republican administration. Then, for fun, they rewarded themselves with mind-boggling salaries, bonuses and retirements.

This won't change anyone's vote to McCain. Independents see this for what it is and are increasingly going for Obama. And I'm proud to be one, after seeing the sorry state of McCain's smear campaign. I thought he was going to run a campaign with "honor."

He sure changed MY vote, from undecided to Obama.

Mardela said...

The truth falls on deaf ears. Obama could be a cocaine dealer, have 10 wives, 5 boyfriends, killed 8 people, never pay taxes, and many other things and the ignorant would still vote for him.
It simply goes against simple logic!

May God help our country and may the Lord please be with my family and my children. They most certainly need you!

Anonymous said...


That's because Obama's critics blew with with wild and outrageous assertions (e.g. He's a muslim). They've cried wolf so many times (and have been caught doing it), that the whole lot of them are thoroughly discredited.

That's why nothing sticks.

He isn't going to win... and if you really think McCain is going to win, go over to Intrade and you can get nearly 3:1 odds.