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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Obama's Campaign Stratagy???


In a recent discussing with some friends the notion was brought forth that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac planned when they were going to fold to indeed control the election and force the bailout. If all this happened after the election it is possible the bailout would never have occurred. This also sides with the democrat cause to win the election. With Franklin Raines of Fannie Mae and Jim Johnson of Freddie Mac being economic advisors of Barack Obama’s and possibly in his future cabinet, could this have been a systematic plan to aid the Obama campaign? What do you all think? Intriguing if nothing else."

Well, let's find out. Have at it Folks.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What the hell, Joe. It has been proven that neither Raines nor Johnson were ever economic advisers to Barack Obama. Why do you keep posting lies?

Anonymous said...

Pure Bullshit. Have you also heard that Obama kidknapped the Lindberg baby? We will no doubt hear alot of this type of bullshit in the next few weeks leading up to the election. It's called "The Kitchen Sink" strategy. The last hope of a defeated candidate. The fat lady is singing.

Anonymous said...

It has been proven that Fannie and Freddie have given heaps of money to the Obama campaign. Answer the whole question even if you don't believe Obama has anything to do with it. Was it a ploy from the lending institutions to get federal money? Also here is an article from the liberal Washington Post connecting Raines with Obama.

Mardela said...

I've been a town crier for this since it happened. Obama knew that the only way to get the shift back to him, was to tank the economy.
The facts are clear and anyone who wants to try and blow smoke up our a$$e$ should be far warned. We will not put up with this bullying, we will not let Obama put our lives and livelyhood in jeapardy just to win an election

Anonymous said...

Gee, I'm shocked that Mardela is the only one to fall for this silly conspiracy theory.

Anonymous said...

Wow.... Obama has certainly become the teflon candidate, just like Ronald Reagan. The more that's thrown at him, the less that sticks... and he's got enough campaign money to make sure it doesn't.

The problem with throwing wild accusations at Obama, is that real accusations are also not believed.

Go ahead, call him a terrorist... and then watch his poll numbers rise.

Anonymous said...

As sure as Joseph is my son, this is a plot organized by Boutros Boutros Ghali Ghali and the UN to take away our guns and cigarettes. Boil up some Mountain Dew, it is going to be a long night!!

Anonymous said...

If you checked the polls (which are at best bogus to begin with) today things have leveled off and Obama's lead has diminished. Now get back to the subject. Did Fannie and Freddie tank their companies at a time where they would benefit most from government and or help Obama's campaign? Typical liberal trying to change the subject!

Anonymous said...

The latest Dittohead newsflash.."the polls are bogus". Yea right and on election day Obama will be elected by voter fraud. Get a life. It's over for McSame. Hannity was practically in tears last night when Rasmussen told him it's over.

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that Obama's administration would include William Ayres as director of homeland security, and Rev. Wright as minister of "God Damning America!"
Come on patriotic Americans, real Americans, do you really want to go in that direction? Obama, Ayres and Wright, now that's a trinity only traitor could love.

tedh said...

Sweep under the carpet principles again! Please answer the question! Your walking through this blog is like walking through a cow pasture trying not to step in a pie! DID FANNIE AND FREDDIE TANK AT THIS TIME FOR AN ADVANTAGE TO GET BAILOUT MONEY AND OR POLITICAL REASONS?

Anonymous said...


That article has been debunked and both Raines and the Obama campaign have said it wasn't true. You knew already though, and decided to post it anyway.

And Fannie and Freddie haven't given "heaps of money" to Obama. Individuals who WORK for those institutions have given money to Obama. When I donated to his campaign, I had to declare my employer. Using your logic, my employer donated to Obama.


Anonymous said...

To everyone who brings up Bill Ayers:

Talk to me about your Secessionist Sweetheart, Sarah Palin, please.

"The fires of hell are icebergs compared to my hatred of America"
-founder of the AIP (Todd Palin's political party)

I'll NEVER vote for a secessionist.

Anonymous said...

The Dow dropped 500 points today. The Presidential debates are tonight. Is it just a coincidence, or is Obama orchestrating the Dow's free-fall too?

You guys really crack me up.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin's husband belongs to a party that wants Alaska to separate from America. That is a lot closer conection to someone who is radical than Obama's alleged connections with Ayres, who was active in the Weather Underground when Obama was 8.

joe albero said...

GROW UP! Yeah and Joe Albero is looking into another Country to relocate and live in, SO WHAT? You guys need to give it a rest with these immature responses and comments.

Anonymous said...

I not so sure of that, but I would say that LIBERAL philosophy is the root cause of the financial crisis. The notion that money should be lent, in the name of social justice, without the ability to repay, is decidedly LIBERAL. Those that tried to warn Congress of the danger of this were roundly dismissed as alarmists, anti poor, or against minorities by liberals in both houses. As usual, liberal policy has been shown to fail. Unfortunately, this time all of us have suffered. Old timers knew the danger of easy credit. Nothing discriminatory about it, just good business. Also note, there was a lot of greed in the financial institutions that took advantage of the situation.



Chimera said...

There is one reason and one reason only I am not voting for Obama and it has nothing to do with Fannie Mae,race,Rev.Wright,or any of the other things coming out.I will not vote for him because like so many in his party,his solution to tough economic times is to create more "entitlement programs" that only benefit people who already have it easy enough.I am currently paying off thousands of dollars in medical bills,and I HAVE health insurance.Until I pay those bills off,my credit is screwed.If I paid less taxes,I would have more disposable income to pay my bills but the liberals want to keep taking MORE of my tax money to provide "benefits" to people who will not work,and they have medical cards to pay for their healthcare so they do not run up ginormous hospital bills that ruin their credit.The non-working masses also get huge tax returns every year while I might get a $1000 if I am lucky.If I sound bitter,it is because I am.There is something wrong in this country when a family of three making 40k a year working their butts off cannot afford to get sick and our tax dollars are furnishing medical treatment for people who do not the meaning of "work ethic".
When and if Obama is elected,my advice is to the working class is "hold on tight" because more of your gross pay is going to be chiseled away to pay for the Dems entitlements.

Anonymous said...

If more of my gross income is taken, I might as well go bankrupt and join the masses! Of a $36,000 year to dat pay check, after taxes, 401k, and health insurance my net comes outs to a whopping 11k...has anyone else checked theirs? Can you seriously afford to float the lazy any longer?! I sure can not! Ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

i'm with you. I'm personally sick of it. I work my azz off trying to make it and those that dont want to work take money out of my pockets and food off of my table. I dont have a problem helping those that cant help themselves but that is not the case the majority of the time. They keep having more kids just to get that check raised up. Is sickening. I go into the grocery store and see them buying stuff that i cant afford and the children look like litte ragbags, while they drive new cars and are dressed to kill. I need my money in my own pocket so that i can take care of me and mine.

Anonymous said...

You have a 401K and health insurance? Consider yourself blessed.