Pictures don't lie Ladies & Gentlemen. This is the former home of Councilwoman Shanie Shields after she foreclosed on her property and was evicted from the premises.
Gary Comegys also declared Bankruptcy in the past and these are two out of five Salisbury City Council Members who are running your finances on a multi million dollar budget. Mind you, Comegys will announce he is running for Mayor on November 12th and you Idiots keep voting for these people and then wonder why things are so bad in Salisbury.
Have you no shame Shanie Shields? I guess Code and Compliance will have to come in and clean up your mess. It's all about who you know. Remember Folks, we're going to be watching very closely to see who you vote for in the next election because this City has become a complete joke!
Are you proud Mayor Tilghman? Of course she is. She wanted yes men and puppets and that's exactly what she got. The fools are the Citizens.
Please send these pics to the City's chief inspector -- Tom Stevenson -- ASAP. That pig needs to be sent to market before next years's city election.
Street Talk:
With the economy heading south, Bubba Comegys will soon be giving lectures on the joy of bankruptcy.
I cannot believe a council person could live that way. She is a disgrace to her race and MacDs.What do you think her new residence looks like?
Salisbury Voters, don't make a mistake (again). Think about everything thats been said over the past year about how they've spent your taxes. In times like we're living right now we're all watching every dime we're spending. This council and mayor sure don't watch how they spend your money.
Vote smart!
Please look thru that junk for some items that identify them as Shanie's stuff, so she can't claim that it's not hers. Be sure to wear good quality rubber gloves -- thick enough to avaid any hypo needle pricks..
I'm not sure I understand. This was Shanie's actually primary residence, and she was evicted after going through foreclosure? AND if that wasn't bad enough, she left the OUTSIDE looking like this, for all to see? Including you, Joe, so you could post the disturbing images on sbynews? What kind of low life sleezebag would be this stupid? (rhetorical question, doesn't require an answer)
This is an elected official, who supposedly has the level of integrity to make decisions regarding a large municipal budget. Clearly, CLEARLY this is representative of what kind of scum the voters, hopefully, mistakenly elected and placed in a position of responsibility.
Do better next time, voters. PLEASE?
There is no crime in Salisbury!!!!!
You guys have obviously never seen an eviction or foreclosure before. That's what most of them look like after the Sheriff's Deputies comes and put all your possessions in the front yard.
You should all be ashamed of yourselves for not seeing the much larger picture. These foreclosures are impacting all people across class and racial lines.
I pray that you and your families never have to go through such an ordeal.
Anonymous said...
Salisbury Voters, don't make a mistake (again).....
8:04 AM
You neglect to remember that the fools that elected her live the same way. This way of life is the norm for those criminals.
uh huh, dats rite, uh huh!
day aint no crime in my nayborhood!
By the way Shanie, where is your neighborhood?
Anonymous said...
8:35 AM
Wah, Wah, Wah. Pay your F#%king bills. That is the reason for foreclosures in this case. It is liberal @sswipes like yourself that is causing the government bailouts. All you want to do is vote for some liberal democrat to give you something for free. Something of the sweat off the backs of good hard working Republicans.
By the way, I doubt very seriously the sheriff's office is in the moving business.
Check the Maryland Judiciary Case Search and you will see that Shanie hasn't paid her bills in years. That is reason for foreclosure, not today's economy.
anon 8:35 she obviously was living outside her means and if she can't manage her own finances...DON'T PUT HER IN CHARGE OF THE CITY'S! That's why city employees are living at the poverty level as well.
This is pretty sad for a council person to live like this. If this is how she still lives , just think how her "mind" must be cluttered also. They always say you can tell a lot about a person when you see how they live. This sure tells me a lot! Even after being evicted, I think I would be a little more "organized" out in the front lawn if everyone was going to see all my stuff. She obviously has no pride!
Suze Orman (financial goo-ru) says you can tell how a person respects their money based on how organized they keep their wallet. Based on these pictures, I would say Shanie
has not only money problems, but mental problems and should find a job elsewhere.
Notice on the front porch roof there is a Direct TV Disk. How amazing that the likes of Shanie Shields forces Comcast down our throats with a Franchise Agreement and she doesn't even subscribe to Comcast herself.
We need competition in this city/county for digital cable, NOW!!!
Shanie has no pride or shame.
Shanie can state with confidence that crime is under control in Salisbury yet her own son was murdered. SAPOA owns Shanie body and soul.
The first time they were foreclosing on Shanie she stated it was her dead husbands fault, somehow she was bailed out now she's let it go into foreclosure again. SHE did this to herself and has no one but herself to blame.
8:51 -
Thanks for the courteous and thoughtful reply.
The sheriff's office is not in the moving business. Except to remove any remaining personal property from the home and see that the locks are changed.
Please find out where exactly does
Shanie Shields live now and if it's not in the City, go public, ASAP.
Maybe we won't have to wait til next year to dump her off the City Council unless the slumlords are subsidizing her to have a safe vote and council majority (with Bubba and the Weasel) until she's voted out!
PS -- with the Daily Times and its parent, Gannett, tanking & "downsizing," does she still have a job (read handout). If not, Lore need be on the lookout cause she could be replaced!
10:04, is that you JR?
Funny, I just heard from my sources you were in an accident on Rt. 50, jumping up and down screaming and yelling at a woman like a maniac. It's a hunk of metal, you Idiot. You thought your Suburban was the bigger vehicle and you got slammed. Oh well, sh!t happens. Have a nice day. ;-)
Ok I am sorry anyone gets tossed out there are reasons good and bad so I hope in someway that part of her is Ok but, let's look the writing isn't on the wall the wall has collapsed and is exposing everything. The puppets of the mayor (not to be capitalized) are beyond a farce. Look at the moneys found that could fund other things do we see a plan answer where they went. Don't hold a press conference mayor because your last sewer spill was bad enough.
So if Shannie no longer lives in her house, is she legally able to sit on the city council?
Where is she living now?
Joe, I agree with 10:05, find out where she is staying and make it public if it isn't in the city limits.
Especially bring it up at a taped council session so everyone can see.
omg.... This is terrible. My heart goes out to her for such a hard situation to go through, but my heart goes out even more to those who she represents. Has she no dignity???? Jesus, she could have left the trash inside to save her pride just a little!
I'll tell you what. You get off your rear ends and go find out where she lives, since you are so concerned. I do enough for you people and my pay back is what?
This just gets better and better...
Complaint Status: ACTIVE
Status Date: 09/03/2008Filing Date:08/20/2008Amount$134.8Last Activity Date:10/01/2008
It is a shame to see anyone lose their home, but other that catastrophic illness, loss of a job, or living beyond our means this is how this happens.
Shanie was probably sold a mortgage to refi her home at a much lower rate and sucked every bit of equity out of it plus all of the added equity from the hyper inflated bubble. Now her rates have probably been readjusted to thousands of dollars per month for a 65k house, and she probably owes 250k on it.
Our homes are not ATM machines.
But I tell you what, if it was me I would be so embarressed that I would be out their cleaning up every bit of trash myself, so that no one could make these claims against me.
Mrs Wymzie alot of us are in bad ways with our homes and not all of it is because of the bubble. As im sure you and yours well understand, work disappeared over the last couple of years. Now what little work there is has to be done for half of what we once got for the same job. Alot of factors contributed to this. Some people with loans that they were and have handled for a decade or more simply dont have the work they once did. That is really no fault of theirs, the economy just went sour. But on the other hand alot of the work that we did have was being paid for by re-financing homes, and now thats gone. I like you dont want to see anyone get put out of their home, i dont care if i like them personaly or not.
response to JOE 10:20
Nobody asked you to! That being said, lots of people appreciate what you do. But no one has forced you to spend the hours upon hours doing what you do.
anonymous 11:34,
Go back to the comment at 10:04 where they said,
Please find out where exactly does
Shanie Shields live now and if it's not in the City, go public, ASAP."
I do enough for you people and my pay back is what?
10:20 AM
That is the statement I was referring to.
It looks to me like she left what ever she no longer wanted for it to be someone elses problem. Typical of her nature.
Get a job Sparkling Wiggles!
dahlia said...
...but my heart goes out even more to those who she represents. Has she no dignity...
10:17 AM
Duh! The people she represents has no dignity either.
annon 12:14
hahaha, i dont think anyone else got that.
Frigging good one. From the mouths of
If that place looks like that today, I can think of at least 7 SU students who could do some pro-active damage control/community service before they go to court. They don't have to worry about practice for awhile....
Does anyone know where Shanie lives now -- if so, please let Joe know so he can get pics of her there if it is not in the City.
Info to contact Joe -- from the blog heading, just below the SBYnews logo --
what is sparkling wiggles
Shanie is renting a house over by the Perdue Plant from Hebrew St Fleur owner of Hebrew Insulation huge violator of immigration laws.
I have done many evictions in Worcester County, where I managed 47 retals. Many were low income houses. The sherif comes and stands by while the landlord removes all personal property from the home. The landlord then changes the locks. When the landlord and the Sherif leave, the "vultures" (friends and neighbors) come and steal anything worth taking, leaving only the trash. The personal property must be left at "curbside" for 72 hours before the landlord can take it to the dump. In 48 hours, I would get cited by the city for trash violations. I don't know if a foreclosure is any different.
How is she sitting on the Council with such a bad credit history?I ask because every job I ever applied for does a credit check and depending on how bad it is,they may not hire you.Makes no sense to me because someone in debt HAS to work to pay their bills but it happens.How can she manage the city when she cannot manage her own budget?
blutojthetotmom said...
6:38 PM
Pig is appropreate because that place sure is a sty. I hear you Wymzie, however these are the idiots managing $70,000,000 of our city tax money a year. If they can't manage a household budget, WTF?
Is she still living in her district? If not she must resign. Oh what was I thinking, the mare is probably renting her a room to keep her in that puppet status and resident.
Don't blame me Shanie, it's the mare that's keeping you down. You're just kissing butt because you don't know how to do anything else to make a living except being a human sponge on the taxpayer.
this is the same council person seen at VFW #10159 on many occasions playing the slots and drinking imported expesive beer.
she's not going to get any sympathy from me, she needs the Betty Ford Clinic. alcohol and gambling addictions rehab.
Too many sparkling wiggles at the party!
Mrs. Eugenie P. Shields, should be require to post her new address on the City Council Members List just like all the others. And place a correct address as well as a HOME phone number not Work phone. Were as she is not there 24/7 to answer any calls about any problems. But then again I have never seen a person of color without a cell phone attached to their ear.
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