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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Tonight's Debate

So far, (IMO) McCain is kicking Obama's A$$. However, I will say, I enjoyed the Palin/Biden Debate better.


Anonymous said...

Kicking his A$$? Are you watching the same debate?

Anonymous said...

I just think they should have selected a Vietnamese moderator to ask the questions. In lieu of inevitable hate responses-please send pizza!!

SunnyInOC said...

and still kicking ass....
btw, tonight's debate is much more interesting because we are getting everyday middle class questions.
and, tonight we are getting better answers, not skirting around the questions.

Anonymous said...

Obama is just babbling and a bunch of hot air. He KNOWS nothing about foreign policy and cannot even pronouce Pakistan correctly. (He calls is POKISTON)
McCain is coming out shining and a winner this evening. I know where my vote is going - and its not NO BAMA!

Bob said...

You'll never get people one opposite sides of the isle to agree on this one. I think they are both presenting their positions well, but I like McCains positions on the issues better.

Obama just doesn't have the experience to deal effectively with issues that are so complicated in todays world. Our economy, our security, and energy (which affects our economy AND security) are complex issues that will require a more well rounded experience than has Obama.

I believe we can achieve these goals without growing the size of the govt. Obama is about big govt.

Bob said...

Oh yea! ....and healthcare a right? That means Obama wants to make it an entitlement. He hasn't even been elected and he wants to impose another entitlement.

Anonymous said...

After tonight's debate, I am not much closer to making a decision between these two candidates.

I feel they both have weak points and both have strong points.

I still feel I will be voting once again for the lesser of two evils.

I will say that McCain continues to say things that really freeze my brain. He knows how to get Bin Laden? Puleeze!

Anonymous said...

I really don't think this was a debate at all.
They continuously went over time, kept wanting to have the last word.
Aren't these debates really a waste of time?
We didn't hear anything tonight that we haven't already heard.
It's not a boxing match. It's not supposed to be which candidate can get in the most jabs at the other one.
There were some comparisons made between them on their plans on healthcare, energy and the economy but in the debate forum you really don't get all of the points of either's what good is it really?

Anonymous said...

Obama owned the little old man on every level.

Anonymous said...

Cassandra Kramer looks like a Cabbage Patch doll. It had to be said.

Anonymous said...

39% Obama won
27% McCain won
34% Tie
Among uncommitted voters.

I'm not sure your "McCain kicking A$$" theory holds any water.

Anonymous said...

There isn't a dimes worth of difference between either of those F#@!$ .

When are you people that are so consumed with right vs. left / lib vs. cons going to wake up? It is in this manner that we are kept divided and in so doing, a basis is formed to control us. If all of us could see through wanting to push our own pet issues through, we might realize that both candidates are owned by the banks and wall street.

From McCain to Obama, from Kratovil to Harris, all are whores. They take money from special interests to get elected and then they sell the common man down the river.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you guys are watching the same debate. John Mccain has been dodging answers all night, and on top of that repeating scripted attacks on Obama. Now I'm not saying Obama is perfect, but if you want to question character lets talk about Mccain cheating on his sick wife shortly after he was released as a POW, then marrying the RICH woman he was cheating with. If that isn't a character flaw I don't know what is. Obama is addressing the issues that much I will give him, while Mccain is spending alot of time blow smoke up americans A$$es.

Mardela said...

Let's all be very honest here. As an American, I am disappointed in our political system as a whole. The way we get to the two poster children who are propped up for us to think we are deciding our next President is a farse.

Every election that there has ever been for any person running for office has been about change.

Our Congress has a worse rating than Bush, who most people try to put down as the worst. I for one think he has done a wonderful job. I'm going to list those reasons in a later post.

Congress and every other politician is responsible for things not being better than they are. What they really try to do is make things the best they can for themselves and their friends. The rest of us? They feed us scraps!

Anonymous said...


Since Andy Harris did not like the first bailout bill how can he possibly support the newly announced (tonight) McCain mortgage buy out proposal -- and how much more would that cost taxpayers???

Anonymous said...

Wow Joe. Are you serious? Palin is digging herself a deeper hole every time she speaks! She has yet to actually tackle a real topic on tv and would rather attempt to bash the opposing presidential candidate or talk about something completely off the subject.

McCain... he is simply a puppet! He agrees with the Bush thoughts, and also actually looks like a puppet when he speaks/walks. His arms are on a different schedule than his body.

Bottom line is that Obama and Biden are both digging A LOT deeper on topics that have been discussed, and doesn't spin a topic into a different direction.

Time will tell soon enough!

hobie88 said...

I, for one, am ready to hear JA's and GAH's take on McCain's new "bailout" program that he just revealed.

Buying out individuals' mortgages? What'll that cost? I guess what's $300,000,000,000 between friends.

Can you say "moral hazard?" Don't worry about paying your mortgage...John McCain will pay it for you.

Again, fiscal conservatives might want to reconsider which is the "right choice" come November.


Anonymous said...

Boooooo its the ghost of economy past Booooo.

Anonymous said...

No one kicked anyone's ass in this debate. They both did exactly what they needed to do and kept themselves from making any stupid remarks.

Anonymous said...

senator Obama has th best economic plan for the country. It has been reviewed and proven.

Look it up.

As for our energy policy. We are in a war becuase of our "energy" policy.

Anonymous said...

Gonna buy up all of those homes huh? Smaller government?

Anonymous said...

12:03 AM
About your "arms on a different schedule" remark:
When John McCain was shot down in Viet Name, both of his arms were broken. He was thrown in a hole and not given any medical attention. It was assumed he was going to die. As a result, his arms will never be straight and strong. Lose your contempt for how his arms look--you look like a mean-spirited, ill-informed fool.

Anonymous said...


You're right - divide and conquer. They do it every election.

Anonymous said...

I wish there would be JUST ONE DEBATE where the moderator is NOT FOR bho.

Anonymous said...

It's going to be a long long long three weeks until the election unless we accept the fact that we're never going to agree on most of these issues. There is no chance that those of us who lean towards the Democrats side will convince the McCain/Palin groupies that they're wrong. Theres even less chance that they'll convert us to their way of thinking. The only hope that we have is to agree to disagree, and that we'll do that disagreeing without taking the position that "unless you agree with me on this, you're stupid". Otherwise I'll have to go into detox to quit my sbynews addiction. Please don't make me do that!

Anonymous said...

Not to forget:
It is TRADITIONALLY the JOB of the Vice Presidential candidate to bash the Presidential nominee.
Biden is doing it also. You are hearing more about Palin, who BTW is drawing crowds comparable to and exceeding those of bho.
Do NOT forget the raging conspiratorial actions of acorn everywhere bho appears.

Anonymous said...

I have a hard time listening to the way McCain speaks. He sounds fake and forced, like he's talking to grade school kids. Too many meaningless lines, like "we can do it together", "Americans are the best blah blah blah", "I know how to get Bin Laden". He's grasping for words, which is not very inspiring. He didn't sound like he really understood the buying bad mortgages idea, so it sounded like a last gasp for injecting something new.

The "this one" statement didn't help him either.

I'm not

tedh said...

I agree that not much was said that hasn't already been said in the debate last night. BHO stumbled and bumbled early on but started to recover at the end. McCain did answer the questions and was correct about BHO's lack of experience and voting record. Did McCain give a knockout punch...No but he did well and as for the mortgage bailout plan, I have to see the plan because it wasn't well explained. I was hoping something about the ACORN connection with BHO would come out but I should have figured the moderator wouldn't allow that to happen. Overall a boring debate.

Anonymous said...

McCain came across as an old, tired man, with occasional flashes of the guy who could have led this country 10 years ago, but is too old to do so today. Here's what I want to know: if, as McCain claimed repeatedly, he knows how to get Bin Laden, then WHY HASN'T HE? WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? That really upsets me--either he is not telling the truth (which is bad), or he is telling the truth (which is awful).

Anonymous said...

-Hey Mardela if you think Bush has done a wonderful job then I think Joe has a Sarah Palin problem of his own right here on the blog... Good choice at first but then the layers keep peeling off the onion.

-Hey 10:33 are you from Pakistan? Have you ever left the Eastern Shore? Ask the people from Pakistan how to pronounce it. And not no bama is a double negative so you are for Obama?

-11:28 You are the only one who makes any sense. All of these people could give a #$@% about the middle class. It's hysterical that they want to shoot down slots and other forms of gambling while the American taxpayer just had to bail out the biggest legalized gamblers of all time.

Anonymous said...

anon11:33 If you want to talk about character (Rumors really) how about the one involving Larry Sinclair and Obama in the back of a limo with Obama doing crack and Sinclair doing cocaine and Sinclair giving Obama a B--- Job. Look it up its on you tube. This allegedly happend in 1999. Did it really happen? I dont know its a he said vs he said.

Anonymous said...

Give me a break, Anon 9:11. A rumor on You Tube? Wow, that's great. While you are there, go see the actual video of Sarah Palin getting "de-witched" at her church. It isn't a rumor, it isn't fake, it is the real Sarah Palin with a real nut-job pastor. Seriously, you think she is ready to be commander-in-chief? After McCain's stumbling old guy routine last night, I am even more convinced that Obama is the guy to lead us--Palin would have a very real chance of being our president in the next few years, and that is a terrifying thought.

Anonymous said...

Victory, Jesus loves Obama.

Moon Willow said...

10:33, 8:54 is correct. Obama pronounces "Pakistan" correctly. He also pronounces Iraq and Iran correctly. It's "e-rock" and "e-ron," not "eye-rack" and "eye-ran." I, for one, salute Obama for not insulting these countries by butchering their names.

Yeah, yeah, so what. I know. But my name, which I won't reveal here at this time (sorry, folks, it's coming soon enough when Joe starts making us log in), is one that people have butchered all my life, so mispronouncing names is a sensitive issue for me.

Bush has done a wonderful job? When did that happen? Did I miss it? I must have been asleep...

Anonymous said...

Since this has actually turned into people focusing on the pronunciation of words from last night and single comments, I would like to say this:
John McCain is not my friend. I do not know John McCain and he does not know me.
Last night during the debate, he drove me crazy with the "my friends" bit. It sounds so stupid to me when he does this.
He must have gotten cues from Sean Hannity and his "you're a great American" favorite saying.

It's like they think if they are friendly, everyone will vote for them. Friendly does not necessarily make a good leader.

Anonymous said...

anon 12:03

You stated "His arms are on a different schedule than his body."

How about if you spend some time as a POW and have your arms broken with no medical care and we will see how your arms work.

Anonymous said...

Someone send a TV repairman to Joe's house, his TV was tuned to the wrong debate!