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Friday, June 13, 2008

The Greatly Anticipated WCDC Outcome

You recall, I am sure, the humiliating arrest before inmates and officers in the so-called Officer's dining room of Officer G?

To refresh the memory some, she was told by persons who no longer admit to having done so to report to the Officer's Dining area without any explanation as to why, and subsequently cuffed, read her rights, stripped of her badge and dragged away in front of inmates, fellow officers and other WCDC employees by 3D, his Infernal Investigator, Sleazy, and several police officers.

3D felt this was just and right behavior toward one of his employees for reasons beyond explanation, although he treated a Mr. L far more gently when that young man also was accused of breaking the law. And you will undoubtedly remember as well the SCREAMING response, which we cannot but feel was rather clearly from either 3D or Sleazy in which it was stated that because Ms. G would NOT cooperate with authorities and do what they wanted her to do, she was obviously guilty and deserved no such respect as to arrest her in private.

Well, Ms. G has been found innocent. So much for the powers of omniscience where 3D and Sleazy are concerned. Rumor has it that Ms. G will be returning to her post. Rumor also has it that 3D, that gutless wonder, met with Ms. G in private to tender his apology instead of doing what was RIGHT and having everyone who witnessed the arrest and humiliation brought together to also witness his apology.

We would like to say, borrowing 3's accepted mode of communication on the web, FOR SHAME, DOUGLAS DEVENYNS! If 3D is so all fired up to see RIGHT done, then why this cowardly demonstration of WRONG? More to the point, why the DOUBLE STANDARD where white men and black women are concerned?

Ms. G should demand a public apology. Like General George Patton, 3D should be marched out to stand before his entire staff and every employee in that jail, his words carried over the intercom system, and apologize to that lady like a MAN. And yes, Sleazy should be right there beside him, tendering a similar apology.


Anonymous said...

There should be a personal lawsuit forcoming?? Like Mr Duval stated one time, that place is a haven for Lawsuits waiting to happen.Amen

Unknown said...

The WCDC is the most illegally operated facility in the state and even hardened criminals hate it!!! Lawsuits galore from this SCREW UP FIRE 3D's and let the sheriff run it!

Anonymous said...

3D's is a WUSS. Paul Wilber could whoop his ass in a court of law and that ain't saying much.

I hope Ms. G sues the pants off of him personally and the county for allowing it to continue with business as usual. Someone needs to contact the JUSTICE DEPT.

Anonymous said...

In all fairness to "sleezy" the WCDC Internal Affairs investigator I think he was just doing his job.He may not even like Devenyns for all you know.He may not have agreed with the handling of Mrs.G Remember Sleezy did an Internal Investigation on Devenyns the comments under "AS THE JAIL TURNS" on this blog site as it tells some of what the Devenyns internal investigation was about.

Anonymous said...

She may be innocent of those charges but that does not change the fact she married Jay Grooms after he had been an inmate, where she struck up a relationship while he was incarserated and married him after release....criminals watching criminals...