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Friday, June 13, 2008

Grand Opening

I hear there's a Grand Opening in Salisbury this weekend?


Anonymous said...

Joe, About 2 years ago I swore off McDougals Completely.. If it has to be fats food.. I will go Taco Bell Or Hardees... I bet McDougals is poisoning society with stuff in their food,... Crazy?? Maybe.. But I never felt better since I stopped eating there. And I never ate that much anyway!

Anonymous said...

If the idiots elect Obama the Terrorist this is exactly what you will see in what used to be America!!

Tim Chaney said...

Will that be one hump or two? ; )

Anonymous said...

I recently went to the new McDonalds out on Route 50 East (near K Mart) and ordered a double cheeseburger. It took FOREVER and when it finally arrived and I opened the wrapper, the grease was dripping out. I took one bite and threw the whole thing away - it was pretty disgusting.
It basically turned me on fast food since that -

dan said...

I have been looking at this post over and over again and have yet to understand your point.

What is the joke?

Anonymous said...

dan has no sense of humor...
turn the page, dan.

Anonymous said...

Dan, you've gotta start to think "outside the box".

An American institution, under foreign control, patronized by foreigners...yuk, yuk?

Anonymous said...

dan said...
I have been looking at this post over and over again and have yet to understand your point.

What is the joke?

6:56 AM

Dan.... You are the JOKE... Move to Obama's muslim country since you are in love with him you liberal moron.

dan said...

OK. Call me dim if you wish. However, once again one of thed brave anonymous people have told me to "turn the page" in response to one of my comments.

What do you mean, ma'am?

Also Miss, in your 8:20 comment you say that this is what will happen if Obama the Terrorist is elected. Since there is an Iraqi flag in the background of the picture in question, does that mean the Terrorist in Chief will make us more like Iraq? That Iraq is full of terrorists? If that is true, why are we over there defending them? Then, if things are going so well over there, don't we want to be like Iraq?

Anonymous said...

stop letting them poison you and your children with this shit. eat right, eat fresh, eat toghther, eat to enjoy. not everything should be based on convienence.

dan said...

Furthermore, if we are discussing foreign investment in the US, and the negative affects of such, then we need to ask why our patriotic American multi-billionaires are not doing anything to help out in this regard.

Why don't our own uber-rich invest here at home and stem the flow of foreign monetary influence? Why do they invest overseas in foreign currencies? If a non-white Presidential candidate with a Middle Eastern sounding name is accused of being unpatirotic and the enemy soley because of his the very description I provided above, then what level of disgust and outrage should we show to those American who have the means to invest here and keep us secure, but choose not to for their own economic interests?

Aren't they guilty of aiding and abetting? What about those government agencies and institutions that not only created this economic imbalence, but encorages it? Is that a definition of treason in the new America? What about our stalwart Commander in Chief who courageously leads the GOP to new and better ways of turning a profit, and dines with the very foreigners who threaten our freedom and way of life in pursuit of their own riches? Impeacable offense?

The GOP's mantra is always: let the market take care of itself. Well, it has and is continuing to do so. Why do the American super-rich stay super-rich, because they invest elsewhere and we cheer them on with each Euro they make.

To blame Obama for any of this is foolish, and to put the weight of this soley on the Democratic side of the aisle is narrow and petty.

Anonymous said...

As long as we run a massive trade deficit, that money will be coming back as foreign "investment". By not exporting enough stuff, we just sell off bits and pieces of America, and it's the good bits (the ones the foreigners want to own).

Anyway, this is what the policies of the Bush administration has brought us with borrow and spend, followed by more borrow and spend.

And this is what our lack of conservation and lack of energy independence has brought us.

Our #1 export (by weight) is trash (material for recycling). That what's in the ships that sail from our ports!! If we cannot export better stuff than that, then we're all screwed!

We seem to be a larger version of Argentina waiting to happen...

Anonymous said...

"Why do they invest overseas in foreign currencies? "

"...then what level of disgust and outrage should we show to those American who have the means to invest here and keep us secure, but choose not to for their own economic interests?"

I have a significant fraction of my holdings in Foreign stock (about half). Why? I do not trust the dollar. I do not trust the Bush Administration to do right by the dollar. Recent events signal a near future drop in the dollar.

I didn't mess up the dollar. I didn't buy a wastefull SUV that gets less than 20 MPG!! I didn't buy all my stuff at Walmart.

So why should I bear the brunt of the coming correction by investing more here???

Bush and you made this mess, so don't expect me to bail either of you out.

Anonymous said...

I thot it was funny.
you guys need to get a grip.