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Friday, June 13, 2008

The Future Of The White House

The choice is up to you America.


Anonymous said...

You forgot to "color it black".

dan said...

You are better than this, Joe. This is dumb.

Anonymous said...

This is called being racist and nativist.

Anonymous said...

I can see it coming - but why dont the ones who are voting for this guy? They are blindsided by him - he can give a good talk and walk a good walk! BUT really does not have the know how to run a country. There were certainly a lot better people out there to run on the Democratic ticket - I have listened to him on TV and watched his BIG ears sway in the wind - do not get a good feeling about him!

dan said...

This comment board is going to devolve very quickly into a nasty back and forth between thos of us who think this type of posting is immature, rude, and pointess to the debate, and those (like 7:56 and 8:05) who revel in making fun of people and dislikeing them based on the color of their skin, the size of their ears, and the religion that they DO NOT actually belong to, but that the whack jobs at FOX news keep telling you about.

Dilike his policies if you want. Deebate why you think John "I don't know muh about the economy" McCain is a better choice. All of that is welcome.

So far, though, no one on this blog has been able to do that, and all debate has been centerd on how libs (and me specifically) need to drink the Kool Aid and prepare to get subjugated by the enemy and have are freedoms taken away.

Tell me: how the hell is any of that going to happen. I mean, if Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden and the entire history fo the Soviet Union could not take away any of our freedoms, how could it happen now?

Anonymous said...

We did lose some freedoms after 9/11.

Anonymous said...

Our economy is also going down the tank, exactly what the terrorist intended to do

Anonymous said...

If you dont believe in freedom of religion then you are not American and should move to another country. China perhaps?

dan said...

8:41 - any freedoms we lost after 9/11 were not becuause of the attacks, but in respose to them. bin Laden can not write laws or tyr to introduce legislation.

If you want to blame anyone for a loss of freedoms, look at the Commander in Chief and everyone who followed him blindly in our efforts to "make us safer by limiting our freedoms."

Anonymous said...

Dan, why don't you JUST TURN THE PAGE?

Anonymous said...

Dan, Since you asked, I'll tell you how that can happen now. WE as a people have become complacent. Look at the city of Salisbury, it starts in small towns and spreads like wildfire. Our children are to lazy to get out of their own way. They don't want to work, they want a paycheck and they want top dollar fresh out of high school. The american people don't even want to cut their own grass yet they buy homes where this is a required chore. If we're to lazy to cut grass why would you think the people would expend the energy required to preserve this great country? People want to believe all is well in the world, contrary to reality.

It does'nt matter if its Obama in the White House or not, this country is on a steady course for a change of flags. I hope I don't live to see that day. My family history provides veterans from WW 1on my fathers side and warriors on my mothers side as far back as the Creek wars fought for Long Knife, Andrew Jackson, I'm quite certain they fought for their country long before he took office. It's not racist to see the writing on the wall.

If it will make things a bit better I'll tell you, I am a Vietnam Vet and I am not voting for McCain, nor am I voting for Obama.

Anonymous said...

This reflects our nation going forward. For the first time in our history ownership is 51% foreign 46% American. This does not include
Budweiser and several buildings in NYC such as the Chrysler building that are in negoiations. Some said 9/11 would awake Americans but all we did is turn over and go back to sleep.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Giant Hershey's Kisses on top of the White House!

If anything, we will be waving the Chinese flag.

Anonymous said...

"...this country is on a steady course for a change of flags."

I think you underestimate the strength and collective wisdom of the American people and the American system.

The two party system is great for keeping America on a good road. Perfect road? Never, but a good road.

When one party drifts too close to fascism (as is happening now, and several times in our history), the other party wins and makes a correction. When the wealthy hold too much power (as is happening now, and several times in our history), there is an appropriate correction by an opposing party. The creation of the estate tax is a perfect example of this. It was a political move.

The political parties are not fixed. They are complex coalitions between numerous interest groups and factions. Some groups move back and forth between parties (e.g. southern white racists) to alter the balance.

Even though we have seen some difficult times, I have high confidence in America's future. Your lament "The children are too lazy" just doesn't ring true. Guess what adults were saying about our generation when we were young?? But us baby-boomers have shown our mettle. We are as strong and good and as smart and courageous as any generation that has come before us.

Anonymous said...

In God We Trust. Maybe alot of us need to get back to that. It is not the government that is supposed to save us. What will be will be. God is in charge, remember.

Anonymous said...

If you any of you think ALL Americans are willing to sit back and take whatever comes without a fight, you only have to look at Salisbury to see otherwise. Donna, you of all people know how weasel and mare fixed the last election, but I think people are finally waking up and will remedy that next year. Terry and Debbie have their detractors, true, but I think the majority are on their side. If we can find a good, responsible candidate to run in District 1, the balance of power can swing the other way.
And Joe, while I am not a fan of Obama (or Clinton or McCain; no good candidates ran), this was in poor taste. IMO, of course.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dan, From Obama book Audacity of Hope is this quote. I will stand with the Muslims should the politcal winds shift in a ugly direction. Looks like Joe picture could be right on the money! God help us.

Anonymous said...

You people still won't give up on the bizarre Obama rumors, will you? Please go here for real evidence showing that (OMG) Obama took his oath of office on a family Bible (not on the Koran as the liars would have it), that he did not go to a radical Muslim school as a kid, that he DOES say the Pledge of Allegience and has led the U.S Senate in the Pledge, that he has, in fact, worn a flag lapel pin (which apparently will soon be a Constitutional requirement for office holders):

Of course, this site is sponsored by the Obama compaign, so some of you will think it is all fake. But for those of you who have retained your critical thinking skills, the collection of videos, pictures, news reports, a copy of his friggin' birth certificate, etc., will hopefully squash some of this nonsense. Think of it this way, skeptics: if you are going to argue that all of THIS evidence is fake and trumped up, what makes you think the so-called "evidence" against Obama is real? Have they found McCain's black baby in South Carolina yet? Same lies, same group putting them out.
Final Frontier

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:33,
Ugh. I guess I will be on a one-person crusade to actually think a little. Joe, I know you don't like all these extra links, but I'm trying to do a little education here, so I hope you will let it through. Here's the real "quote" that anon 10:33 thinks is real:

So there you go. You are wrong. Please understand, I have no problem with people who vote against Obama for his policies, there are real reasons for some people to do do. But please think critically and don't repeat the propaganda out there! I will challenge all of the nonsense that is said about McCain, by the way, it's just that the anti-Obama crowd seems most virulent and most impervious to actual facts.


dan said...


Good work. I just got back to this, and was in the process of looking up that Obama "quote" when I got to your response.

I always find it interesing that all of these "experts" (like 10:33) are ALWAYS anonymous. In this case, I am sure it is not because they are worried about retribution from Barrie Tilghman this time. Maybe it is because they do not want their friends to know how fantastically dumb they are.

Anonymous said...

Many here should save this in their favorites. Then before spouting off about something they HEARD, they can check to see if it's real or a hoax. If that had happened here, the picture might not have made the blog, and the misquotes from "Audacity of Hope" would have never been written.

In the phrase, the word Muslin is NEVER mentioned, and he was saying he would not stand for people to be treated as we did the Japanese Americans during the war.

BTW..... He was sworn in on a Bible.

I don't know that Obama is truly prepared for the job, but I have been extremely impressed with his Character and honesty. McCain doesn't impress me, and Hillery wouldn't know what the truth really was if she heard it. We are in need of some serious change, on that I think we all will agree.

Just as Dan had said earlier, I thought Joe would have passed on a picture like this one.

Anonymous said...

"This is called being racist and nativist."

Oh, I get it. Any attempt to raise this issue will be labeled "" and dismissed.

We are losing our country, if we haven't already.

Anonymous said...

Saturday Jan 2,2009
White House lawn,Washington DC.
GOAT ROAST - free admission to all who voted for obama - $5,000 dollar per plate for those who supported Clinton or Mc Cain.

Anonymous said...

To: 8:15 The answer is simple.

Anonymous said...

Joe, since you will not post my question maybe you will post this!! I think that if you really asked why the people will not vote for Obama it is because they are "ist". The whole truth is that no matter how many times you show people that all this bs that they come up with about Obama is untrue the real truth is, it is those things they hide behind because they don't like his color.

Anonymous said...

Look at all the people who were against Jesus. They even crucified him because they were afraid of who he was. Obama may be our chance to really make a change in this country. To come together and make an honest washington, to reunite our country to come together as a people, to not live in fear of crime, to feel better as a nation, if we don't crucify him first. God may be handing us someone who will really make a difference for all of us, but instead some people can't see that for his color. By the way he is white and black. What does that make him?

Anonymous said...

He does talk a good talk, but I doubt he can walk the good walk!
The picture though is a bit over the top, even though I tend to believe in the thought it conveys.

A. Goetz

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Colin Powell supports Obama? That is a man I would vote for without question. To bad he and his family received so many death threats when he was considering a run for President. People in power fear a man of integrity such as Gen. Colin Powell

Anonymous said...

Here's an almost answer for you:

Powell tells B.C. crowd he might vote for Obama

June 13, 2008

VANCOUVER -- Colin Powell, the former Republican secretary of state, says he is not ruling out a vote for Barack Obama, the presumed Democratic nominee for president.

While Mr. Powell served in the administrations of two Republican presidents, he suggested yesterday his support for presumed Republican nominee John McCain is not a forgone conclusion.

He noted that although both he and Mr. Obama are black, he would not cast a vote for the Illinois senator on the basis of race. "I will vote for the individual I think that brings the best set of tools to the problems of 21st-century America and the 21st-century world regardless of party, regardless of anything else other than the most qualified candidate," Mr. Powell said at a news conference before delivering a speech to about 800 people attending a leadership forum at the Vancouver Convention Centre.

"Both of them certainly have the qualifications to be the president of the United States, but both of them cannot be," he said.

Mr. Powell has been supportive of Mr. Obama's successes, but was commenting after the senator recently clinched the Democratic nomination.

A 35-year veteran of the U.S. Army, Mr. Powell also noted he would not necessarily support Mr. McCain because of his extensive military service.

Asked whether he thought it was a difficult choice, he said: "I think so. Yes."

Anonymous said...

I will tell you how that will happen Dan. We have unfettered abortion, they are multiplied at a rate of 4 to 1. Do the math. Majority rules and we now live in a global society.

Obama is dangerous.

Anonymous said...

"...they are multiplied at a rate of 4 to 1."

That's going to happen whether Obama is elected or not. America is becoming less and less white. We're the melting pot of the world. Get used to it.

Can it be a reason to not vote for Obama??? I don't see how that logic works...

Anonymous said...

yep, that is what the White House is going to look like after the idiots elect Obama as their president. Oops, gotta change that name.

Anonymous said...

I think a rerun of the "Great Depression" is just what is in order to make a change in priorities.

During the toughest times our families before us sacrificed to help relatives, friends and family when they had very little themselves.

The new American Dream is money. So sad, greedy self serving people that suck the blood from us usually wind up suffering a prolonged and miserable suffering to their own ending. You get out of something what you put into it.

Anonymous said...

Could there be anyone with less qualifications than Obama? Or anyone less american? Why would anyone consider someone with only 153 days of senate experience?{check he's voting record} Why does the MSM push for him so hard? The real crooks in congress want Obama because they can easily control someone with no experience, backbone or constitutional commitment! This also explains why they try to squash and hide Ron Paul. CHANGE???
Obama couldnt stand his own ground....what the hell makes you think he could fight for needed change? Most voting for this clown are only doing it because they think its a novel idea to vote for someone of color, just like hilary...novel to have a woman's the WORST time in history to have a poster child.

Anonymous said...

"Could there be anyone with less qualifications than Obama? Or anyone less american? "

Well, he crushed Hillary. That was quite a feat. A year ago, no one thought he had a chance (I didn't think he did). The man from Harvard has done his homework and he's made rather few mistakes. It's clear that he's very smart, and that he's a gifted orator. These are good traits for a president.
We're all tired of presidents who cannot speak unless they're wearing a wire.

Put Obama next to McCain, and the contrast is striking. The frumpy old hot head has no chance.

As for being un-American, that all depends on what you see as being American. You view of "American" as some sort of tribalism is surely not mine. To me, you're the one who espouses un-American concepts.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a problem voting for a black person man or woman. If Colin Powell was on the ballot for President this democrat would vote for him.

Anonymous said...

I can see sometihng like this being racist or labeled as hate. I mean if his name was Joe John Smith but was of African or Midle eastern heritage would anyone care? And isn't he part White as well??? I didn't know Kenya had temples or places like those in this picture (the domes). You can dislike a man for his policy or other choices, but do not hate or dislike him because of his blood. There some people out there who might be part whatever (say Middle Eastern) and you wouldn't even knowit by looking at them. If that is all you can pick on him for, grow up. And to be clear, I support neither of the folks in the election thus far. doesn' this blog have a mayor to hate or something?

Anonymous said... you think its most important for a president to be a good BS artist? You sound like your one that cheers for which ever football team "might" win the game. If you think Obama done anything to beat hilary then you not paying close enough attention. Obama HAS NO EXPERIENCE! Show us anything he voted for as a senator, easier many days has he been present, pretending to be a senator. Voting in a muslim for president is certainly un-american, especially in this day and age. Yeah, he's a smooth talker was Ted Bundy, just look at how many people he sweet talked to their grave.

Anonymous said...

"If you think Obama done anything to beat hilary then you not paying close enough attention."

Oh really now? So those $$$millions he raised was nothing. And that he leverage those $$$millions to bankrupt Hillary's campaign was nothing. And her apparent defeat at several debates was nothing. And his organization efforts for the caucuses was nothing. And his clever advertising was nothing.

Hillary was waiting to be crowned, and Obama went and studied the rule book. Hillary was utterly shocked at how Obama bested her. She was unready, he was ready.

Simply put, he ran a much better campaign. There's every indication he'll roll McCain as well.

As for your "muslim" comment, that's been debunked rather well. Why don't you find something else to complain about. This one will get you zero points.