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Thursday, January 05, 2012

A Letter To The Editor 1-5-12


I've copy and pasted an article from the DT about OC naming a new Police Captain. The reason I am sending it to you isn't because of that, it is because when the city voted on it two Council members opposed the promotion. They are Council Secretary Lloyd Martin and Councilmember Doug Cymek. Both of those councilman serve on the town's Police Commission. So I am wondering why they voted no?

Curious OC Citizen...


Anonymous said...

They are capable of observing an issue ver batum,without the clutter of drama or media coverage.Such positions are given to those capable of grasping the totality of any matter at hand,vs the superficial clutter.Everything we've seen and heard to this point regarding the current chief is superficial clutter and heresay.In this particular matter,the court of public opinion has lost it's momentum.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah? Do you really think it is a good idea for a Police Chief to go to the media and talk about her opinion that the surgery never happened on the retired K-9? Shouldn't she have lived up to her own gag order and kept quiet? To me what she did was very unprofessional.

Anonymous said...

And that's a good thing! (that the "court of public opinion has lost it's momentum")The trash thats been out there against the Chief was without merit, and the council supports her, minus the two nitwits that listen to the few cry babies!

Anonymous said...

11:57 If you were hung out to dry, based on the word of an ex employee, that kept touting his "integrety", wouldn't you have done the same thing? Bottom line is when someone questions anothers ethics and performance, be ready for at least a rebutal, which she did in style.

Anonymous said...

12:14 right on!

Anonymous said...

Doug Symeck votes for EVERTHING Martin does, check the record. No secret Martin has always disliked her. Symeck, everyone alson knows he's the unions puppet. 1+1, stupid is as stupid does.

Anonymous said...

The OCPD had a run in with Cymeck, (he's a privite investigator) and after looking like a complete fool, he has never liked then since. Although I agree, he supports the union, he thinks they carry a block of votes he needs, behind thier back he stabs them. Everyone on the in calls him "Cymy short for slimey"

Anonymous said...

Here we go again, another "man" in blue pretending to be a citizen. Yeah right.......... try again. Just do your job, and do as instructed loser. This bashing the command staff and chief is over, the "citizens" are confident with OUR police department, and OUR chief. You on the other hand, WE hope decide to go elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

How could a Captain get promoted that fast without due process?

Anonymous said...

And why do these councilmembers dislike the chief?

Anonymous said...

Well, it's obvious people have moved on, next big scandal needed.