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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hurricane Irene,National Guard Almost Drown Manville, NJ


Anonymous said...

We could have just as easily had the same type of flooding here. This is why there needs to be the type of planning that our local leaders were doing. Just because it didn't turn out so bad, doesn't mean that there actions were overkill.

Anonymous said...

7:59 You are correct except for the mayors curfew. That curfew got five employees fired from Burger King due to not showing up to work Sunday morning.

Anonymous said...

836, sounds like a crappy inconsiderate manager to me.

As for the video.. What the heck?

Anonymous said...

Now what the heck was the purpose of and for that? Aren't you taxpayers gonna whine and moan about government equipment being abused?

I have to agree with the man recording this. They are just stupid.