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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Left's New Threats To Silence The Right

The FCC just took the so-called fairness doctrine off the books, but left in place some of their backdoor tools to silence conservative speech.

Your Immediate Help Needed!

MRC's Free Speech Alliance -- with 73 organizations now involved -- is rapidly building a massive grassroots army to fend off liberal attacks against Free Speech Rights. Already more than 485,000 Americans have taken a stand, but we need the maximum number possible to go to war when free speech is threatened.

Take quick action now to stop these insidious attacks on free speech.
The Petition States:
I am signing this petition to urge members of Obama's Federal Communications Commission (the FCC) and everyone in Washington to reject any and all efforts to censor, limit, or restrain free speech – on conservative or Christian talk radio, on the internet or anywhere else.

While the FCC recently removed the misnamed "Fairness Doctrine" from their books, I am aware that they are still pursuing backdoor attempts at censoring conservative speech under the guise of "localism" and "media diversity."

This also includes any attempt to regulate content of the internet or any other journalistic outlet.

Additionally, I am joining with other American citizens who want their individual free speech rights defended and protected from government intrusion! Our great nation was built upon free and open discourse, and to remain a great nation this ideal must be protected and preserved at all costs.

Please note that I will be watching closely and taking action when necessary to directly combat any censorship efforts as well as the liberal bias of the media.

Please take a moment and add your name. It costs nothing, your e-mail address will not be sold or given to anyone else without your permission, and it takes less than five minutes of your time. You must be 18 years of age or older to sign this petition.


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