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Friday, June 24, 2011

BREAKING NEWS: N.Y. To Allow Gay Marriage

New York Senate passes bill to legalize gay marriage, paving way for state to become sixth to allow same-sex couples to wed.

From Fox News


Anonymous said...

earthquakes, floods, gay marriage. the end is near.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful!!!!!! Not!!!!!!!! People just keep ruining this Country!! Marriage is between a MAN and a WOMAN!!!!!

What a shame!!!!!

Anonymous said...

the times. . .they are a changin'

Anonymous said...

12:23- what about all the illegitimate babies being pumped out? They're not having a negative impact? At least gay people don't sponge off of society.

CR said...

I think it's wonderful.
Love is love. Congratulations New York.

Anonymous said...

sad, sad, sad

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news...don't like gay marriage? Don't get one!

Anonymous said...

Another attack on morality in this country I wonder what they will demand next...our children?

Anonymous said...

9:16 It's left wing policies that allow people to sponge off society. Your voting record is responsible for the fleecing of tax payers so don't complain now!

Anonymous said...

It's a states issue always has been. This is why 16 yr olds have always been able to marry without consent in some states not others. This is not a federal government issue, nor should it become one. If NY wants gay marriage that is their right as a state. Conservatives can't continually ding the feds for usurping states' rights and then when they disagree with the results call foul. Note that I never said I agree with what NY did.

Anonymous said...

2:20 Nobody is dinging the Federal government just the degenerate law makers in New York keep your facts together idiot.

Anonymous said...

12:58- the vast majority of pedophiles are straight.

Anonymous said...

3:05 are you able to read? Go up and see how many people said this state decision was "ruining our country". People who state such things regularly clamor for the feds to step in with a federal ban. Idiot!

Anonymous said...

4:58 Your whole argument is conjecture and speculation. I've never heard anyone call for a federal ban on gay marriage.The complaint is the state legislatures are ignoring the will of the people and if that doesn't concern you than your a fruit cake and are truly a first class IDIOT!

Anonymous said...

3:44 pedophilia is a perversion just like homosexuality.

Anonymous said...

12:23- what about all the illegitimate babies being pumped out? They're not having a negative impact? At least gay people don't sponge off of society.

June 25, 2011 9:16 AM

What the hell do bastards have to do with this?

Gay people don't sponge off society? They are all independently wealthy? The ones who contract AIDS pay for all of their treatment? There are no unemployed gays? None homeless? None that are bums?

Your argument is as empty as your head.

Anonymous said...

8:53- How many welfare mamas are out there that we're paying for? A lot more than there are AIDS victims. As for AIDS, I'm not sure what health insurance covers, but (news flash), there are straight people who have AIDS. Yeah, there are unemployed and homeless from all walks of life, so that's all about there but for the grace of God. As for my head being empty, I don't think so. I'm pretty sure that I'm a lot smarter than you are. I have an IQ of 140, two bachelor's and a master's degree. Oh, I'm also heading towards a self-funded comfortable retirement. Word!

Anonymous said...

You've never heard of DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act)? You are either lying or ignorant of the issue. Perhaps if you knew the issues you comment on beforehand you could spare yourself these embarrassing life lessons.

Anonymous said...

5:16 it's "you're" not your. Idiot.