John's fundraiser this past weekend did in fact bring in just under $10,000.00. Page Elmore never raised more than $5,000.00 at any one given fundraiser and Phoebus is setting the bar for others to look up to.
John is proving to be the front runner and may just be impossible to catch.
I have a problem with people spending way more than the job pays just to get elected. It illustrates the corruption of power.
He's lucky that the Canton Inn is closed or Julie may be able top that.
2:20p Oh, please take that somewhere else. These people donated to his event--they received in turn a good time and good food--and they support this guy. Nothing corrupt about that. Plus you don't know if he is going to spend all the money he raised.
So please stop with the drama already.
Good, its about time we need someone young and not a part of the Annapolis political machine. John will represent Somerset and Wicomico Counties well.
4:08 - so you get to dictate what people find disturbing now do you? How much did you donate? Is that what gives you the right to tell us how to feel?
See what I mean? You guys think you get to buy the right to tell us how to think or what to say. And you wonder why we're fed up with the current politicians?
What makes a job that pays <$40K worth more than $100K? Power, that's what.
4:31 well said
Now you know that Phoebus is being supported by a convicted felon who is also a lobbist in Annapolis!
John Phoebus has brains, common sense, and good ole Somerset County BS. It has been obvious for years that he is good at organizing events and meetings. He and his supporters obviously had great Auction items.
John understands the whole picture of the Eastern Shore and has learned how to work with people in Annapolis, reguardless of party. He has proven that will all the work he has done with the Crisfield events. Grants he has helped the area receive.
I think we should give him the chance. I believe he will be the most suscessful Republican in Annapolis since Lew Riley.
He is by far the wisest choice of all the Republican candidates.
Government should live within it's means 6:49. Getting grants (tax payer money) doesn't impress me. Getting grant money only means more wastefull spending on things we don't really need. Let's live within our means and have lower taxes and forget the grants. John is also a 3rd generation politician so I wouldn't exactly call him an outsider to Annapolis.
John has my vote. I'd never throw away a vote on Julie.
John is one of the most capable people I have ever known, and when he is fighting for you, its all the way, heart and soul. You could not find a better person for the job.
Don't count John Cannon out just yet
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