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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Government's New Right To Track Your Every Move With GPS

Government agents can sneak onto your property in the middle of the night, put a GPS device on the bottom of your car and keep track of everywhere you go. This doesn't violate your Fourth Amendment rights, because you do not have any reasonable expectation of privacy in your own driveway - and no reasonable expectation that the government isn't tracking your movements.

That is the bizarre - and scary - rule that now applies in California and eight other Western states. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, which covers this vast jurisdiction, recently decided the government can monitor you in this way virtually anytime it wants - with no need for a search warrant.

It is a dangerous decision - one that, as the dissenting judges warned, could turn America into the sort of totalitarian state imagined by George Orwell. It is particularly offensive because the judges added insult to injury with some shocking class bias: the little personal privacy that still exists, the court suggested, should belong mainly to the rich.

Read more here


Anonymous said...

They may be able to sneak into my driveway in the middle of the night but I doubt that they would be leaving the same way they came....Americans need to wake up!

Anonymous said...

DWBD , Socialist society is here and to stay , thank you mr. muslim obama.

Anonymous said...

From experience, they are more likely to put it on in the government parking lot.

Anonymous said...

Like Madia says...."pleeeeaassseee....I want you to do it"

Anonymous said...

Well people who have nothing to hide shouldn't care about this

Unknown said...

Between my cell phone,EZ pass, credit cards, ATM card, they have me anyway.
The last secret is this: There are no secrets.
Pass it on.

Anonymous said...

one more step towards the mark of the beast!!

Anonymous said...

Sneak into my driveway and see how you leave. It will be laying down. I'll be waiting.

Anonymous said...

And not a peep from the left ...

Anonymous said...

Our government is evil.

lmclain said...

I agree with 4:55 --- 3:06 is an idiot..he (or she) is one of those people who are the MOST dangerous to a democracy. They are the ones who believe that if you have "nothing to hide", then it's okay for the government to search your house without a warrant, tap your phone, read your mail, stop you at these Nazi "checkpoints", take your DNA and store it forever, etc. Weak minded, shortsighted, total and complete imbeciles. No respect for the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of men and women who gave their lives for the freedoms we have...they make me sick to my stomach....Thats how these judges and police get away with the things they do now. People like them, with "nothing to hide", let them trample all over our rights guaranteed under law while they smugly and self-righteously feel good about how "perfect" they are...They are among the stupidest of the stupid. They are so sanctimonious until THEY get searched or beaten. THEN, they cry like babies. Too late.

Daddio said...

If all my vehicles are parked in a garage, do they have the right to break in and do this?

Looks like I might have to purchase some security measures ... maybe my pals Smith, ..... and Wesson ...

Anonymous said...

I have been saying I was going to get a watchdog-this tells me I have already waited too long. Maybe I'll get two or three. And dittos to 5:59.

Anonymous said...

The "Patriot Act" is responsible for all of this. You guys still so glad you gave up your freedoms after 9/11? Played for pure suckers by the government.
And know this was not Obama's doing, he is just continuing what was already done.

lmclain said...

7:47...the answer is "yes"...they do...the Patriot Act gives the police and the government practically carte blanche when it come to violating every civil right we completely and disdainfully overrides the Bill of Rights and if more Americans would actually READ it, there would be a revolution this week. But people like that IDIOT I referred to earlier, with "nothing to hide", are perfectly willing, in their ABSOLUTE ignorance of history and reality, to surrender ALL of their rights for some guarantee (by our government....LOL) of "security"....May I remind those IMBECILES of the saying "those who are willing to give up some freedom for some security deserve neither" guns and ammo and get ready....its coming soon....and from the posts I read here, that belief is NOT a minority opinion....

Anonymous said...

We can all thank Bush for this, and his little "Field Marshall" Kapitan Chenney. Sieg Heil!!!

Now, dont we all feel safer?

Anonymous said...

Whatever trips their trigger. There is always the bike.

Anonymous said...

Stalking paranoid weirdos.

Giovanni Jones said...

Whats so "Nazi" like about DUI checkpoints? If a drunk driver killed one of your family members you'd probably be screaming that the police weren't doing enough to get drunk drivers off the street. If there is a K9 working a checkpoint and they find a car loaded with drugs isn't that a good thing? Officers aren't pulling Jews out of cars and beating them. We're looking for criminals - get them off the streets and back into the jails. Checkpoints are an efficient means of screening lots of drivers and lots of cars to get intoxicated drivers and criminals off the streets. If you think that's "Nazi" like I think you may have forgotten a lot of what you learned in school, and you may need to pick up a history book or two. If you object to checkpoints because YOU ARE one of the drunk drivers or criminals then at least your objection would make would be understandable. Objecting just because we're all NAZIS? I think you may have a hidden agenda.

Anonymous said...

You are not thinking clearly.

Our government did not used to have the right to search us without cause.

If we show no cause (mind our own business) the government is not supposed to interfere with our freedom.

If I hurt another person or damage someone' property - the person should notify the government (police) and begin an ivestigation. They then have cause to investigate. If no one has been hurt yet and no property is damaged - there is no crime.

Once the government begins to attempt to PREVENT crime or PREDICT crime - it has become tyrannical.

The NAZI government was engaged in a genocide to purge the unclean bloodlines of the Jewish people of Europe. To understand that matter you will need to ignore the state sponsored history books and begin to do a little research. The truth of that event has been well hidden and disguised.

lmclain said...

Giovanni...I will go one step further than 8:37...YOU are NOT thinking at all....Firstly, I don't drink at all...however, I am STILL subjected to SEARCH by police to check if I am drinking. I'm not breaking the law in any manner whatsovever, yet the police get to detain me and check to see if I am guilty of a crime??!! And YOU don't see anything wrong with that at all?? Why don't the police just start picking out neighborhoods and going house to house to make sure there aren't any crimes being committed?? And your point about the K-9 "working the checkpoint"? Well, if the Nazi checkpoint you love so much is for catching drunk drivers (the police reasoning, not mine) then why is there a K-9 there? Because it is searching (SEARCHING!!) for other criminal activity! Which makes my point --- it is a SEARCH!! WITHOUT CAUSE. I may have 50 lbs of cocaine in my house or car, but the government DOES NOT have the right to search for it without cause. The government (under the Constitution) does not have ANY right to "screen" groups of citizens to determine possible criminal activity. It's Nazi, it's totalitarian, it's Orwellian. And trust me--- we (the people) WILL put a stop to that soon.