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Wednesday, August 04, 2010

The Bricks Work Session 1 & 2


Anonymous said...

Thats funny I mentioned a garden a year or so ago. Power of the blogg...

Anonymous said...

It is a waste of taxpayers money, they might do a make over of the Bricks, but I know for a fact it will be torn up while there living there, as they don't care. It is like this all of the City of Salisbury, tear it up and they will fix it for us.

a resident of Salisbury

Anonymous said...

Shanie's chair just creakin' away while she pounds the "Affordable Housing" gavel! How is 85 grand per apartment affordable in that neighborhood?!

Has anyone shown her the number of empty houses that are here? Why would we need 9 more????

I thing a fresh food market would be great there... fresh veggies and freshly shot bank robbers and thugs!

I want video of when the chair breaks...

Anonymous said...

$85 grand, nuthin! Try $200 grand per each apartment.

This is over $2 million in state funds they want to blow on 10 or less units.

My niece works in affordable housing in NM. She said that project and amount would be a terrible waste of state resources. Yes, she knows our market prices vs. theirs out there.

Whoever stands to gain from this mess ain't the people already living in Church St., so who is it?