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Wednesday, August 04, 2010

The Tea Party's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Night

Moderates rule a series of high-profile primaries

Another Tuesday, another round of Republican primaries pitting self-proclaimed tea-party candidates against their (sometimes slightly, sometimes considerably) more moderate opponents--and yet another sign that the Glenn Beck brigade is a long way from "taking back the country," despite all the hype.

So far, the tea party has been the major political story of the 2010 election cycle, and in many ways it's a fascinating, vibrant reflection of the America's current fixations and frustrations. But given that the vast majority of the movement's favored candidates have lost their Republican primary battles--and given that the few candidates who've won, like Rand Paul and Sharron Angle, seem to be underperforming against vulnerable Democratic opponents--there's little reason to think that it will be a major electoral force anytime soon.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

With the moderates they (Republicans) might actually win an election. With a tea party candidate they lose the general election.

Anonymous said...

I watched Jesse Ventura, the Governor of Minnesota the other day on the Bonnie Hunt Show and he said something that changed how I had felt about him, being in showbiz as a wrestler for so many years turned politician. He said that there were only two things wrong with the policial system in the United States of America and they were the Republicans and the Democrates, neither of which really represent the working class people that they are elected to represent. At 61 years of age, I'm beginning to really agree. Collectively they represent big business, liberal voter groups and take payoff after payoff under the guise of campaign contributions, speaking engagements and other perks. They continually change laws futher and futher restricing our freedoms and turn those freedoms over to foreigners. They working class American is at his breaking point or well past it. We need a new political party that will represent our values and concerns. Wholesome family values, thriving industries that are now all overseas and unlimited jobs for our children's future. I see none of that now and I believe it stems from payoffs from lobbies to corrupt politicians. We need a party that has NOT a single lawyer, judge or anyone who has the wealth of a million dollars or more, because none of them really care about the little guy who is lost in all of this charade of political bullshit we're forced to stomach. A party comprised of every race both men and women and the first order of business is to abolish all lobbies, abolish any contributition of any kind in excess of $1,000 from anyone. And if we can't balance our budget then live without. Fiscal responsibility is what we do in our private lives and should be mandated by law with the political system of spending. End pork barrel all together. Jail for long periods all offenders private, professional or politician. Then change punishments for sexual offenders, especially rapests and pedofiles. First offense, very long jail term, secound, only the DEATH sentence! Mandate from time of guity verdict till DEATH date, 30 days or less. Any appeal to be heard in only that length of time, no extensions. We 9the working class) are really getting the shaft by our elected officials in my opinion. God bless our country. FredG

Anonymous said...

Liberal spin .

Anonymous said...

Ventura also said, that dissent (speaking out) was one of the truest forms of patriotism and is constantly being mischaracterized and touted as being unpatriotic. I agree with him on that point, too. There's really NO free speech anymore. Say the wrong thing today, and your name is mud and you'll probably be sued. (It's always about the money, otherwise lawyers wouldn't bother) Nothing seems to be changing for the better anymore, and the kids that are coming up in this world will never know the freedoms that we had only a just few decades ago, because they will not know their lose of their individual rights or the difference, but the old know. The old like myself will soon be gone and anyones chances of turning the country back around will be nill, at best. It's sad to think, that so many have fought and died for their country, only to have big business and special interests (power & money) through government bodies, systematically remove their rights and liberties from beyond their control. God bless all American veterans and God bless our country. FredG