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Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Roughly 75 Percent Of Gulf Oil Spill Is Gone

Most of the oil from the busted Macondo well has been captured, burned off, evaporated or broken down by chemicals, scientists say.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

That's right folks - the oil is gone.

As for the deadly Corexit 9500 chemicals added to the oil? Well its gone too.

Just wave your majik hands at the media bank accounts - and poof! Its all gone.

That's all folks.

Wasn't really such a big deal after all - right?

Anonymous said...

I call BS. Gov't scientists just nailed down how many barrels per day the flow rate was last week, and now they're claiming 75% is cleaned up, broken down, evaporated....yeah sure. Just like they denied those underwater plumes found by USF and University of Southern Miss...only acknowledging them after a Cousteu also backed up the claims. Massive overuse of dispersants, so it's out of sight out of mind.

Anonymous said...

What do any of you ever know besides the conspiracy theories Rush feeds you. THen again, Rush told you that the oil would just dissapear. SOrry, just a little irratated at the bozos who spout off BS up here like they are experts or have really read the scientific reports.

Anonymous said...

342-Uh, I never(literally not once) have I ever listened to Rush. Look back at the news reports. BP and the Federal Gov't DENIED the fact that underwater oil plumes even existed. They were found by those 2 colleges who have been working their tails off in the gulf of mexico. I can backup my statements with facts, you just keeping spouting nonsense.

PS-Barack recieved more campaign donations from BP and it's employees then any other US politician has over the past 20 years. Funny, he just got onto the national scene in 2004(with the democratic national convention speech). He's in the pocket of BP, like it or not. The money trail backs me up, look it up moron.

Anonymous said...

Do you think the media is playing this any differently then they did Katrina ? BAAAAHAHAHAHA

Ron Brawl said...

Sounds like crap to me.

Orsonwells said...

five million barrels times 55 gallons. Hmmmm... 275,000,000,000 gallons. Gone. Yup! Two weeks after it's shut off is all it takes! Yup! it's all over folks! See? No oil on top! Must be gone!

Meanwhile, under the sea, where the "dispersants" are making the oil sink to, you know, where the lobsters, oysters, shrimp, scallops, crabs live, well, they can't read this or blog here.

Go get me some fresh shellfish from there and show me!

Anonymous said...

Liberal fantasy land . Just think if there was no FOX NEWS people would buy this crap .

Anonymous said...

Liars. 75% of the oil is DISPERSED, spread out, gazillions of tiny droplets awaiting carriage to the world's waters.

Oil doesn't evaporate, so thanks, experts, for treating us like idiots.

You should burn in Hades for such lies!

Anonymous said...

probly too late for anyone to see but hey 11:32, when is the last time you smelled ordorless gasoline? What do you think those oil products are doing when you get a wiff? It's called evaporation.

lmclain said...

7:02....I have yet to see where anyone has reported oil "products" gushing into the gulf...gas evaporates, true, but ever see a quart of oil "evaporate" in a few weeks...??? Look at the marshes covered in the black gunk...or the wildlife...we should have just let them be, because hey! it'll just "evaporate" off government and their lackeys have a VERY hard time with the facts and the truth...this is no exception...