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Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Frank Kratovil – Sign the Discharge Petition

Rep. Frank Kratovil (D-MD) loves to tell his conservative leaning constituents that he’s “independent”.  While voting for the Obama PORKULUS and “Cap and Tax”, Kratovil got scared and voted against ObamaCare.

Well Frank, was it a bad bill or not?  If it was worth voting against, why haven’t you signed the discharge petition to repeal it?  Could it be that your lords and masters in the House Dem leadership gave you a pass on ObamaCare but would punish you if you signed the discharge petition?

No, that couldn’t be it.  Frank’s “INDEPENDENT”.  Frank’s a “Blue Dog”.

Wait!  Could it be that Frank’s blowing smoke up our collective backsides?

from Delmarva Dealings


lmclain said...

Come on...come to your senses...he is a politician (spit the taste out of your mouth now)...keep his word? Honor his promises? Act with integrity? Why do you think Congress's approval ratings are in the teens? BECAUSE EVERYONE KNOWS THEY ARE THEIVES, CHEATS, AND SCOUNDRELS. Just about ALL votes in congress (the important ones) are being "postponed" until AFTER the elections. Why? Because instead of actually doing what they are paid to do by the taxpayers, they are all busy trying to get RE-ELECTED!! And they don't want their votes (which they KNOW will anger the peasants in their districts) to be used in the campaign.

Anonymous said...

If he signs the petition I will hold my nose and vote for Harris. It is embarrassing enough that he will go down in history as voting against health care reform.

Anonymous said...

The New American Revolution must come through the ballot box. Vote him out and lets get some real fiscal conservatives in office. The government needs to stop taking over everything from banks, cars, to health care and start acting fiscally responsible. Real jobs, border control and the deficit are the issues that Americans want solved.

Anonymous said...

cameleon..... but not a good one.

Anonymous said...

Most do not understand but Kratovil voted "no" to recommit the bill on the night of the vote on the health care bill. If he had truly been against the health care bill he would have voted "yes" because that would have sent the bill back and it would not have been voted into law at that time. He is a liberal and will do whatever Obama and Pelosi ask him to do.

Anonymous said...

You republican shills are priceless, GA. Kratovil has done exactly what he has said he's going to do. He's kept his promises to the Eastern Shore. Your Baltimore candidate is an arrogant a$$, and is wrong for the Shore.

Anonymous said...

Kratovil is a democrat and supports the democrat party. If you are happy the the democrats and their party, Frank Kratovil is your man. As for me and my family, we are fed up with most encumbents, particulary those in the "democrap party"!