I know Holt Road is now closed. Spring Hill Road on the Maryland side was closed. Let's get a list of roads that YOU know are closed and help everyone out.
UPDATE: To those asking what was up with Spring Hill Lane, I just added the top photo to give you a better idea of what's up. If you click on the image you can see the serious snow drifting across the road. Now, here's the deal. I'm told somewhere in the middle of it is a pickup truck, (you cannot see) buried underneath it and the plows cannot plow it because it's right in the middle of the road. That's why the road is closed.
Good Luck getting in or out of Calvary Circle off Waller road. They haven't seen a plow since Saturday Morning Feb. 6th. But wallers road is clear. Why can't these guys swing in there. The entire cicle is on a 1/4 mile. Give thoes people a hand in there so they can get to work.
Rockawalkin Rd. near Hebron is closed. White Lowe Rd. next to the Royal Farms on Rt. 50 near Hebron is open, but very dangerous. Parts of Log Cabin Rd. are tough to pass through, and N. West. Rd. isn't the greatest, but it's passable.
Rockawalkin Rd- Hebron/Salisbury
Looks like a border crossing guard between the State of Delaware and Maryland.
Joe, I wouldn't give our Maryland Delegation politicos any ideas as they might try and institute the measure to nail incoming Marylanders for buying Delaware goods.
It is not the responsibility of the State nor the County to plow roads in developments. If you wanted your road in front of your house plowed then maybe you should have bought/built one on the main road.
I'm so tired of people in developments complaining about the State or the County not taking care of them!
portions of Hickory Mill Road
I heard from a reliable source
that Al Gore is on his way to
Hickory Mill Road with shovel in
hand! Rumor is he is to do 20
snow angels for the media before
he pretends to shovel
Gotta like Big Al!
Old Railroad Road (aka Ghost Light Road) in Hebron is open but don't try to drive down it -- you will get stuck. Last I heard Rockawalkin is still closed from Levin Dashiell to Rt. 50. Levin Dashiell is open but horrible, I wouldn't go down there without a 4 wheel drive. Best bet stick to main roads.
I have to praise Worcester County for plowing our streets in our development promptly after every snow storm. Thank you!
It's nice to see that the road that's closed in the picture is at least plowed. The city STILL hasn't plowed.
On the Maryland side its Spring Hill La. The Delaware side of the same road is N Spring Hill Road and is in very good condition. I think barricades should be put at each end of Srping Hill La to keep traffic out of there until it is cleaned up.
does anyone know why spring hill lane isn't cleared? it looks like they tried to get through there and then had to stop? i'm just curious.
We know these guys are working very diligently!!! People that live in developments are still in the county!!!
im sorry but 11:41....BITE ME we are a road also. Not only do we need to get to work, but also need mail delivery and god forbid someone needs medical attention. Think before you speak Jerk!
11:41 I know that these big developments have been plowed because you keep hearing the county guys saying they are stuck or need help in them but the little ones get forgotten about. Nithsdale and other larget development have been plowed and more than once between the last 2 storms. Other smaller develpoments can't even get plowed once.
i hear that spring hill and white lowe are blocked off right now.
11:41 -- People in the developments pay taxes too!!
Hey 11:41 - Who is responsible for roads in developments? I am pretty sure they are still in the county. Give me a break.
People who live in developments pay county and state taxes the same as people who live on main roads. Take care of the main roads first then the side roads and communities.
Excuse me....just because we live in a development does not mean we do not need to be plowed. I pay City of Delmar taxes AND Wicomico County taxes...I expect to see somebody plow our development!
To 11:41... actually we in small developements, ie Calvary Cir., are on the county's list to get plowed. Just an FYI. And I don't think it was a complaint... If I read this correctly, it told us to list roads that are closed.
If it is a development and not a county road, it should not be plowed by county employees until every county road has been plowed, and rest assured I live on a county road that the county has not found yet.
Unless the subdivision is private with a private road the road has been deeded to the county/city which makes it their responsibility. End of story.
joe, you really need to link this up to facebook and put ur stories on there...my god we would have a blast!!
South Division Street in the city limits has NEVER been plowed since the 1st storm. Would it be too much trouble for someone to tell me WHY this is so? Is it because a lot of lower income people live on it, or because of the many rental units are on it? I think that the residents deserve some answers.
im sure ur right its cause its low income and they probably aint gotta job to go to anyways so there no need to worry about plowin
actually if you click on the above picture and look just to the left of the people walking you can see the top of a vehicle there.Also, why dont they go and plow up to the abanded truck so the owner of it can get it out of the way?Just seems like it would make sense.
Robins Ave is a mess!! Only one car at a time on that road...although there are little "pull off" sections...steer clear!
I wish this comment would be worthy of a post. Parents teach your stupid teens how to drive on these roads or make them stay in because I was so tempted to let this young lady rear end me, and I do hope you're prepared for all my wrath when it happens. Hope you're insured, I really do.
feel bad about complaining that certain roads are not done cause u know these poor workers are exhausted....i guess we just need to relax and know they will get then when they can...for those that are stuck..just becareful.
What's funny is the roads were taken care of by the farmers back where I live. Today was the first time I had seen a snow plow since the first storm. The roads are clear back here. He actually came by twice today. They asked the farmers to help and they came to the rescue once again. Now the county crews are just wasting gas and time back here. It is very disorganized. Good luck to everyone and stay safe.
11:41, you don't seem to mind us "Development People" paying county taxes
Our road should be plowed just like the next one
Powell and Morris Roads in Pittsville have portions that are pretty bad. Not closed though.
Does Wicomico County intend to render any snow plowing services to the Parsonsburg/Walston residential streets ?!?! There are elderly & handicapped persons who have NOT been able to get out since the FIRST snow !!!!!
And then we all bi$ch and complain that schools were not open...well duh...at this rate, they won't be open on Tuesday either.
The subdivisions were started today, and will be in full swing tomorrow. The priority was the main roads. Many roads were drifted 3 to 4 feet high for long distances. Countless vehicles were stuck and abandoned that halted progress on roads until the vehicles could be towed. The snow banks along many roads are, like Levin Dashiel, are about 6 feet tall. The whole problem is the drifting in open fields. Be patient, the subdivisions will be gotten to. We are working as hard as we can with the number of employees we have, and the amount of equipment. We do not have the luxury like the state to have countless contractors, and the workforce that they have, and we have 3 times as many roads. We have half as many people working as we did 20 years ago. BTW, at a recent public hearing, a gentleman was complaining because we have road graders. Right now, the graders are the only thing able to break through some of our roads with their large V plows. Our truck are constantly getting stuck. The people on the roads are not helping us much either. Please give us space to do what we need to do. If you see us working on one of these drifted roads, please go another way. We are spending half our time trying to get cars out of the way that shouldn't have tried to get through anyway. I spent 5 minutes today on Beaglin Park Dr. today waiting for a line of cars to let me in while trying to push back the high drift blocking one of the lanes. Everybody is in a big hurry. But they will be the first ones to complain when the roads aren't clear. Many roads, the snow banks are so high that the plows are unable to even push them back any further. They call these storms a blizzard for a reason. This is basically the second day after the storm. It is not realistic to expect the roads to be clear this soon. For all the people that moved here from somewhere else that clears snow better, you can always move back if you don't like the way we do it here. We are an understaffed and underfunded department and it is only going to get worse. If you want better service, call the Governor and tell him to start giving the funding back to the counties that he took away. It is taxes that you and I paid for road maintenance, and is being used for everything but that. Just wait till the roads thaw and we have holes the size of a Volkswagon in them, and no money to fix them. Hopefully this is a wake up call.
I say just give up on plowing and let the sun melt it all.
How long do you think it will take to melt 2 feet of snow?
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