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Wednesday, January 06, 2010

We Need Your Help

I know I am not supposed to send out emails to everyone like this but due to the circumstances I hope you understand.

Last night my aunt and uncle and cousins lost their house (the video is on it is totally gone and they have lost everything. My aunt came home and saw flames and not knowing she opened the door which the fire department has told her that just added fuel to the fire and made it worse. She panicked also when she saw the flames at the front door and dropped her purse to get her cell phone so has also lost everything in her purse as well. I know the items in your house are materialistic but they have lost their birth certificates, savings bonds, money from Christmas, the list goes on and on.

Luckily the principle where my aunt teaches has offered them a place to stay but that is all they have. I know at Christmas everyone was there to help others and hopefully there are still people out there that can help this family. Please forward this on to anyone you know that may be wanting to help.

We will provide contact information tomorrow.

The sizes of clothes that they desperately need are:

Alex, 19 years - 32-34 pants, XL shirt and 13 shoe

Alan – 38-34 pants, 2XL shirt and 11-11 ½ shoes

Judy – 14-16 pants, L or XL shirts

(My other two cousins are currently not living there so they have clothes with them)

Thanks for whatever you can do, it will be greatly appreciated.

Michelle Humphress


Anonymous said...

They should have an insurance to claim all damages right?

Anonymous said...

Do you know if they have a bank acct. yet for donations? It couldn't hurt. Plus I would get in touch with WBOC, WMDT and The Daily Slime (Times, lol) and provide that information to them. That way people can donate money. Also have them ck with the Red Cross too. They have wonderful programs for people who are in need and they are in need. I'm so sorry that this has happened to them. I wish them the best. God Bless. Thankfully she was not hurt. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Alan and Judy are great people. Please try to help them out as much as you can.

Anonymous said...

I know Cakes By David in Salisbury used to have a charity that provides clothes in cases like this. They probably still do.

Anonymous said...

Where do we donate clothes? I have some pants and some shirts that will fit her.


Anonymous said...

3:33 I'm sure home owners insurance will cover this...but until that claim goes through can you imagine only wearing the clothes that were on your back at the time of the fire?

Anonymous said...

Have them contact the American Red Cross Lower Shore Chapter 410-749-5331. We can provide assistance to the family.

Anonymous said...

This lady is a fantastic school teacher for over 25 years, and is just an awesome person. The WCBOE is accepting donations for them as well.

Anonymous said...

What size pants for Alan, is that 32-34 or 38-40?

Anonymous said...

Never mind I understand the size needed, was a little confused, I may be able to help.

Anonymous said...

3:33 - clearly you have not had the misfortune of knowing what it is like to lose everything from your tooth brush to your vital personal documents, along with much loved family pets. My heart and prayers go out to this family as someone who has experienced a fire. While I don't have clothes in the sizes mentioned, I do have other houselhold items that I would gladly contribute as they rebuild their home and their sense of loss. This is a helpless feeling. You reach for your hairbrush...gone, your medications...gone, it is very hard to adjust and move forward, but with time it makes you appreciate what you are left with...your family. Also, the family may want to try to retrieve photo albums. they are often very compact and while they may have some water damage, often don;t provide enough air space to ignight. We still have tree ornaments that were packed away. they have some pretty serious scorch marks, but are part of our family history, and are hung gratefully on our tree every year. Godspeed to this family, and folks be caring and help as you can. This could happen to any of us. It was the uplifting spirit of the community that helped us to heal emotionally from the loss. I still remember the people who gave us clothes for my children and things like bed sheets as we reestablished ourselves. This is an opportunity to say thank you to all of those who have assisted fire victims in the past and to encourage others to start today. It means more than you may know.

Anonymous said...

The family is in the process of having a drop off site set up and Trinity church is setting up a fund that people can make donations that they will be tax detuctible (made to church) and then the funds will be given to the family. More to be posted at a later date.

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to the entire family. I have known Judy and the family my whole life, she is one of my mom's closest friends. My mom is really upset by this and we will do anything we can to help you guys! The entire family are some of the nicest people you will ever meet. I have some clothes and items I am going to try and donate, it's not alot and it will never replace what they had, but it's something.

Anonymous said...

I have a television if they need it.

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to this family. Please provide info on where clothing or other items can be dropped off when it becomes available. Thanks for posting.