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Wednesday, January 06, 2010


SALISBURY, MD (January 6, 2010) – Governor Martin O’Malley announced today that Salisbury is a recipient of $156,261 in grant funds through the Maryland Safe Streets Program, making it the second site in the public safety program. Citing 25 year lows in the state homicide levels, the Governor highlighted the Safe Streets program as part of a comprehensive crime strategy aimed at reducing violent crime in Maryland.

“Salisbury demonstrates a measurable need to reduce crime as well as strong interagency commitment, collaboration, and focus,” said Governor O’Malley. “Our most solemn obligation as public servants is to preserve and protect the public’s safety. These funds go a long way in these tough economic times to provide the resources local law enforcement need, and they will help facilitate the local, state, and federal partnerships that are vital to driving down crime.”

The City of Salisbury's Safe Streets program addresses high incidences of crime in the city and surrounding areas. Utilizing a security integration model of multi-agency collaboration with federal, state, local law enforcement, public safety agencies, and community partners, the program aggressively tracks offenders to reduce drug, gun, and other major crimes. Grant funds provide salary, fringe, and overtime support for law enforcement, a Safe Streets Program Coordinator, a Community Prosecutor, and both a Project Hope Coordinator and Facilitator. Grant funds also provide computer software and equipment.

“Governor Martin O'Malley has picked the right place, at the right time, for funding the Maryland Safe Streets Grant. I am pleased to engage the City of Salisbury in the use of Governor O'Malley's Security Integration Model of multi-agency collaboration,” said Mayor James Ireton of Salisbury. “This strategy will be used to meet the goal of reducing Part 1 crimes in Salisbury by 25 percent. I am grateful to all the partnering agencies that collaborated with Salisbury, including: Salisbury Police Department, Maryland State Police, Wicomico County States Attorney Davis Ruark, the U.S. Department of Justice, the Wicomico County Board of Education, and the 10 neighborhood associations that pledged support.”

Through its Safe Streets Program, Salisbury will:

1. Develop a strategy which deploys Local, State, and Federal resources to identify repeat offenders who are engaged in gun and drug crime. This includes a commitment to sharing information in accordance with Federal and State law and pooling of resources to prioritize workloads.

2. Coordinate Local and Federal prosecution strategies so that they are focused on the most violent and repeat offenders, with an emphasis on reducing gun and drug-related violence.

3. Enhance information sharing, data analysis, and use of technology in accordance with Federal and State law to identify crime trends and to proactively address community conditions leading to crime.

4. Identify laws and regulations – such as code enforcement – that can be utilized to support public safety efforts.

5. Ensure that social services and drug treatment programs are a part of the coalition to reduce recidivism, support victims, and improve offenders' chances of successful re-entry to the community.

6. Include the community in the work of the Coalition by seeking to implement alternative dispute resolution, community-based crime prevention programs, diversion initiatives, and other appropriate community-based crime prevention initiatives.

7. Commit to share data at regular meetings, in accordance with Federal and State law, and to evaluate progress among the State and Local public safety agencies working within the coalition.

Annapolis City’s Capital City Safe Streets program has put innovative policy into action. Through a combination of improved police tactics and practices, modern and enhanced technology, and the integration of expanded community partnerships, Annapolis has benefited from a remarkable reduction in serious crime since the program’s inception in April 2008. In 2009 the City of Annapolis with assistance from the Capital City Safe Streets Coalition achieved a 35% reduction in total crime compared to 2008.


Anonymous said...

Items 1-7 are totally worthless until we get mandatory sentencing, judges like Bill Simpson, and 2 strikes and you're out laws (that's right - 2 strikes, not 3). Everything looks good on paper doens't it, people? Doesn't address the far end of the spectrum though (court/judges)and until you do, you are just fantasizing and blowing your horn for nothing - HEY, wait a minute, it is an election year, is it not? hummmmmmm. I bet we see a lot of this pat-ourselves-on-the-back, feel good programs between now and November. But like I said, none of it matters without the punishment issue being fixed.

Anonymous said...

should they be doing this already?
If not what have they been doing and why does it now take a $157,000 dollars to pay for what they should already be doing?
I guess i am the dum one.

Anonymous said...

Thats nice but I would much rather see state employees who had to take furlough days reimbursed first.

Anonymous said...

It is what Webster should have applied for, it is extra money to be used for extra patrols, or whatever they need to help.

Thankfully Barclay is on top of how to get the grants to help out. Thanks CHief, I hope you keep the job.

JW said...

Hey O'Malley, how come you and your Democrat legislators DENIED us the right and ability to protect ourselves by exercising our 2nd amendment rights.

Cops are great but cannot be in all places at all times.

You and your liberal front of Democratic legislators have controlled this state for years.

You morons are the ones responsible for the social policies that make poverty and crime the only choice for so many.

People in this town are DEAD, and a causal factor is YOUR leadership and the democrats that have run this state into the ground!

Anonymous said...

Number 5 is a waste of time and money. That's all bull$hit and should not be considered. 5% recovery rate.

Anonymous said...

Again, the negative road blocks are position themselves.

Anonymous said...

So much negativity from the right on here...

everyone cries and cries about crime on the shore, and now that the Gov takes notice and put a plan into action- you cry about that too...

If you honestly cared about your community then you would use this as a means to address a serious community-wide issue, instead you are trying to hijack this discussion to further your own selfish interests surrounding the 2nd amendment... Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:34 hit the nail on the head.

Anonymous said...

No negativity here. So happy to see state attention for our town!

With Webster out and Barclay in, we'll see real cooperation.

We might see a real reduction in violent crime like Annapolis. That is something to be happy about!

Anonymous said...

Blah blah blah. I don't wanna hear this right wing crap. I freakin' live in Salisbury just a block away from a recent shooting at Eastside Deli. How the hell is allowing more guns going to solve the problem?

First of all, I'm glad that the crime in Salisbury is getting attention finally. Second of all, $157,000 isn't SQUAT compared to what this town needs. I pay a CRAP load of taxes by living in Salisbury. All the money goes towards the schools and hospitals which is essential, however not much has been done in regards to our law enforcement and school systems. Look at East Salisbury School for example. One of the worst schools in the County.

Bring me some facts before you spout off crap about politics and your stupid right wing opinions.

Anonymous said...

Look at how many MILLIONS it takes to run these agencies now.....and you want us to believe the cost of 1 more salary {156thou} is going to bring crime down 35%???


Our 2nd Ad will not only clean the streets up it will rid us of those lie'n crooked thieving politicians too!!!

Anonymous said...

You stop crime by letting the officers do their job. If a criminal doesn't stop after 3rd command , you shoot them. Very simple , but very effective.
The store owners need to arm themselves with buckshot, sawoff shotgun. Start fighting fire with fire. We don't need a complex way to get rid of crime. This will put the lawyers out of work , but that's a good thing. Get ready Bennie Smith!

Anonymous said...

Pathetic? Many property owners AND a little girl are DEAD because people like YOU elect ignorant and inexperienced politicos that are soft on crime and soft in the head.
Is it true that liberal progtards like you are big on victim's rights and eliminating the christian concepts of right and wrong in our schools?
Do you think that maybe drugs aren't so bad?
Are you busily force feeding your child a steady diet of violence and sex on the TV you babysit him with, or perhaps the computer games you allow him or her to play?
Like so many on your side of the fence say so very often, you can have your opinion, you are entitled to it, but you aren't entitled to your own set of facts. The facts are that people are dead, and one of the causal factors is the leadership in this state, this county, and your city. Thank you for showing us how mentally weak you are. When faced with facts you do not like, you berate me for pointing them out, and say "it's political". Isn't it true that only through the examination of societal causal factors can we change course and correct for bad behavior? One of those causal factors is you. You and those like you have elected the liberal politicans that have brought us to where we are.

The solution?

You need to stay home this coming election day.

YOU are destroying this country, this county, and this city.

So just to recap


he's on the way out.


him too.


I'm doing my best.

We are working within the system to make many changes, we will be using the referendum process as well.

Libs/Progs take note, through your stupidity you have awakened a sleeping giant.

Anonymous said...

the constitution and the 2nd amendment are a "selfish interests" according to the progtards.

A new slogan emerges:

Become a Delmarva Progtard: Because it's not the life of a little girl or storeowner, it's a selfish interest.

paid for by the committee to reelect O'Malley and Kratovil

Mardela said...

Hey Jim, what about the WCSO?

Anonymous said...

Democrats only solution for any problem is to throw money at it. Most of this garbage doesn't cost anything. In case some of you have forgot, grant money doesn't come from grant trees, it's our tax money. If you like this kind of spending, don't complain when the democrats raise your taxes.

Anonymous said...

To the whiner saying liberals are killing off Christian values of right and wrong:

Where were these values when priests were doing little boys? Didn't hear a word from you then either.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2:29

When was the last time you heard of an armed person being robbed?

You must be a socialist/liberal.

Anonymous said...

Hey 3:24-I'll tell you how allowing more guns will cut down on crime. Imagine you are going to rob a pizza shop. You know that you are the only one with a gun so you have an easy target. Now imagine that same scenario but you look around and see six other people and you know that at least four of them are packing. Aren't you going to at least think twice before you attempt your dastardly deed? The way things are headed-everybody will soon need a gun just to walk down the street safely. I don't like it any more than you do, but what it is is what it is. That's the difference between liberals and sensible people-you see it for what you wish it was and we see it for what it really is.

Anonymous said...


I hope you are making some kind of a sick joke. Are you inferring that a so called priest molesting children is an example of Christian values?

I suggest you pick up a Bible and try to glean a few nuggets of wisdom from it.

It might help you with your "confusion".

Anonymous said...

The reason Salisbury getting this grant is based on nothing more than the fact that it has the highest crime rate in the entire STATE! So why are we giving credit to the new police chief? Wow, I am impressed with the fact that he can fill out an application and put a stamp on it....Impressive. This town is so biased and has no idea how to curve the fact that all the ASSAILANTS that are moving here are to thank for receiving this wonderful grant. So thank the bloods, crips, and baltimorons that keep coming here and providing us with plenty of crime so we can be deserving of this money.

Anonymous said...

1:54 PM

WHAT? Are you kidding or just stupid?

EarToTheStreets said...

You should thank your local criminals. They are stimulating your economy. At least the state is finally giving someone around here something.

The crime isn't going to go down with this extra money its going to give raises to those in the administrative positions of law enforcement.

Consider that crime rates are glamourized between criminals in different cities, what makes you think throwing money at the problem is going to do anything?

Throw the money at the criminals who are committing crime for cash and you'd have a stronger net effect on the crime rate.

No-one wants to sit in jail, however poverty is far worse. Its not like the city offers much to do or opportunity.

Imagine if all these "criminals" (talking non-violents here) boycotted your businesses. No drug dealers buying sneakers or fast food. Or clothes. Or electronics for house and car. The list is long.

Increase the police force! That way you get to pay a salary to someone who's job is to find people to fine as a source of revenue and pay to house non-violent criminals struggling to get out of a ghetto.

A ghetto where opportunity is minimal, city planning and design is atrocious, and hope for many is slim.

How about that Perdue factory right downtown. Conveniently located in a area that would otherwise have their property values go up as the city grows, yet stay hopelessy depressed due to the aromatic scent of chicken feces in the 90 degree summer heat.

At least Salisbury is known for something now. Bandido Territory.

Dodge City. Sheriff Lewis is our Wyatt Earp.