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Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Another Good Deed on Delmarva

Among all the unthinkable crimes going on here locally on Delmarva, we are all WELL AWARE that they're are still locals out there willing to go the extra mile to make a difference in our community. . . Miss Sarah "Haleybug" Foxwell comes to mind right away.

My best friend, Sally, has been battling brain cancer for over 1 1/2 years now. She has been through 3 brain surgeries so far and still has a very long road ahead of her. Her last surgery (just weeks ago) found a different brain cancer and is even more progressive than the other. My heart breaks for her everyday for there is no cure for her condition. Her cancer location in her brain affected her entire right side. She went from working 3 jobs to nothing in the blink of an eye. She has a housefull with husband, 3 children, 1 stepchild and 3 cats. Her husband cannot keep up with the bills. They struggle from day to day with everyday bills.


I was talking to Sally Monday night. She had said that her heat has been broken all winter and now that it's gotten extremely cold out, the portable ceramic heaters they have been using is not keeping the house warm. They didn't know anyone (friends) that had any expertise in HVAC, so they just went without heat since they have no money to call a repairman for repairs. My heart broke for her and the family.

So yesterday, Sally calls me practically in tears. . . asking me if I had sent over someone to fix the heat. I looked at my husband with tears in my eyes, knowing he had once again, helped out my best friend. My hubby had called our good friend, Jeff Bradford with OC Comfort Services yesterday morning and told him about the situation. Within hours, he was knocking on their door to look at their heat (or lack thereof). Not only did Jeff come over within hours, he also had diagnosed the problem, called his Rheem representative in Seaford for the part needed, and had the sales rep meet him in Berlin with the part. By sundown yesterday, my best friend and her family had heat!!!!

Mr. Bradford did this for FREE. He understood their situation. He has a wife and kids and mortgage of his own, but knew our cry for help for my best friend. Words cannot express the gratitude I feel for such a gesture of good faith. Thank you, thank you, thank you !!!

For such a good deed, I ask everyone of SBYNEWS, please, if you ever need a technician for heating, air conditioning, Jeff Bradford with OC Comfort Services is the man to call. He also works on refrigeration equipment for businesses, as he has several restaurant accounts in Ocean City. His business is newer than others out there locally, but his experience is well over 15 years. My house was built last spring, and he installed our heatpumps and all ductwork, start to finish with an awesome untouchable price.

Jeff Bradford
OC Comfort Services
Serving the lower eastern shore of MD & DE


Anonymous said...

There are still good people out there folks....this crime and crap can't be overlooked and forgotten but can be defeated. Everyone is struggling these days and with a new business Mr . Bradford is most likely as well, but he pulled through, lended a hand and will be the recipient of good to come because of it. Myself as a local business owner understands oh so well.I don't know Mr. Bradford (or whoever wrote this post) but commend him greatly and am glad to hear something positive for once.

Anonymous said...

AWESOME Mr Bradley!! Sally and her family will be in my prayers. Please let us know if they need any help with anything else. Lots of good people here.

Anonymous said...

Last spring means it was still under warranty to begin with.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I always try to support the local business owners...they are good people! Thank you OC Comfort for being just another example of the good in the community!

Great story!

Anonymous said...

Jeff and Mary are wonderful people.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wow, unheard of in these times. I will be calling for a service contract for my homes.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Bradford, You have a heart of gold!! Thank you sooo much for being such a decent human being. I know a lot of people in the heating & A/C business and I can assure you that they would have charged a fortune to have that fixed. So thank you, thank you, thank you. You will be my heating & a/c person from this point forward. God smiled on you yesterday and you will be rewarded greatly. It's nice to know that there are people out there who still do good deeds for one another.

Reconciled1 said...

Do unto others as you would have done unto you.......
There's a biblical law of sowing and reaping, May he reap the blessings of the seeds he has sown.

Anonymous said...

I know many business that wouldn't dream of doing anything for free. Thank you Mr. Bradford for your kindness.

Anonymous said...

Good deeds don't go unappreciated!! One day he will need a helping hand, and hopefully he gets it. Something so simple can really brighten someones day!

JB said...

That's a beautiful story. Wonderful people are all around us, they just need to be given a chance to step up to the plate. The more we read about these acts of kindness, the more we're inspired to do more to help each other.

Anonymous said...

Commenter @ 10:42 - you are an ass. Read the posting - it was the poster's house that was built last spring - not Sally's. Keep your ignorant comments to yourself.

Kudos to Mr Bradford - that is a great reflection on him and his parents. We were raised to help others and I try to instill that in my children. Mr. Bradford is a wonderful example for us all.

Anonymous said...

That is just wonderful. God bless.

Anonymous said...

Agreed! God Bless!

John said...

There is still some good people left in this country! God bless you Jeff Braford!

SunnyInOC said...

Yes 10:47 . . . Yes, Mary and Jeff are absolutely wonderfully nice people. But, I wouldn't have hesitated footing the bill for his services.

10:42 - As you were corrected a little later in the comments. MY HOME was built last spring. Sally's house is about 15 years old, and so is the heatpump.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Joe for posting a great story. It's so nice to see there is positive still willing to push through all the negative. May that man be blessed more than he can handle for his kindness to that family.

Anonymous said...

They are nice people and Jeff does great work.
I thought I would mention that he does a great job of fine tuning an oil furnace to get the most out of it; and reduce its fuel usage.

Anonymous said...

A fine example of how folks used to be !! You are to be commended for your kindness. My mother always told me that doing a good deed would put a star in your crown. Yours , Im sure has many !

Anonymous said...

Mr. Bradford's kindess will forever be remembered by many.

Anonymous said...

This story brought tears to my eyes! It is so heart-warming to know that there are still good people out there in our world. We must all stick together and help one another. God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Hi Joe,

It is so wonderful to hear of the generosity of our fellow citizens of Delmarva.

What would you think of making "Another Good Deed on Delmarva" a regular column on your blog?

I feel that when stories like these are shared, it inspires others to do the same. Besides it would be nice to be able to go directly to read about good deeds when we need to smile.

What do you say Joe? Don't you think it would be a good idea?

SunnyInOC said...




Anonymous said...

So wonderful that there are people like this left in this community!