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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Nazareth Dies Four Days After Fight

MEXICO CITY (July 22) - Mexican boxer Marco Antonio Nazareth has died at a hospital in Puerto Vallarta, four days after suffering a brain hemorrhage in a fight against Omar Chavez.

GO HERE to see more.


Anonymous said...

Boxing is a ridiculous sport. It should be banned. It is barbaric and should not be classified as a sport.

tracy said...

I know every fighter thinks they are too good and this won't happen to them, I just wish that they would make it a regulation to wear head gear. Look to this fighter (and Ali) for a reason.

Anyway--in the meantime, let's hope Fernando blocks whatever comes his way.

Anonymous said...

This is the exact reason Fernando really ought to think about what he is doing.

Anonymous said...

To 9:24 -- you don't really know much about boxing if you think headgear will protect fighters from dying. Headgear protects fighters from being cut, not from a concussion or a subdural hematoma, which is what killed Nazareth. In fact, headgear may make it more likely for fighters to suffer head injuries because it makes the head heavier, which means when a fighter gets hit the head will sway more.

Boxing is a dangerous sport, but it's a sport where the boxers know the risk. They choose to fight knowing what could happen to them. They are adults. If you don't like it, don't watch. But if two people choose to engage in a boxing match, then you (or the government) have no business telling them they cannot do it.

Anonymous said...

Nasty "sport", should be illegal

Anonymous said...

More kids get killed a year playing little league baseball.

Anonymous said...

From 10:23:
"But if two people choose to engage in a boxing match, then you (or the government) have no business telling them they cannot do it."

Just because two people choose to do something doesn't mean should be allowed to. The government should protect those who can't make rational decisions. Risking your life for $$$$$$$ and fame.

I think deep down it's an animal instinct for males to want to SHOW OFF to attract a female. "I'm a CHAMPION!"

West Side Wisdom said...

Perhaps you folks should devote your anti boxing energy to the "sport abortions" that kill 10's of thousands of innocent babies every year who would, I'm sure, chose not to participate in the life or death struggle against an industrial shop-vac sucking them from the womb. Graphic you say? Not really it's just true and we all know these types of people like to discuss anything but, THE TRUTH! Mr. Nazareth at least had a choice to enter the fight!

Anonymous said...

To 11:51 -- so anyone who engages in a boxing match is incapable of making a rational decision? Wow. Maybe you should stop being anonymous and tell Fernando Guerrero, Eddie Otts, Alex Guerrero, or the other local boxers that they are too ignorant to run their own lives and make their own decisions. I'm sure they'll be impressed by your views.

Many occupations are hazardous. Logging is one of the most dangerous jobs out there, so do you also say loggers can't make rational decisions? Being a waterman is also pretty unsafe. Are they, too, a bunch of ignorant morons in your book?

Your paternalism is astounding. Your arrogance is amazing. You think you're so much smarter than boxers. You think you know better than someone else how that person should run his life. That sort of mindset is exactly what slave owners used to have.

How about this? You live your life and I won't tell you how to do it. You leave me free to do the same. Fernando Guerrero and all the other boxers can also be free to make a living as they see fit. It's a pretty good system, I think. But then again, I believe in something called "liberty." You may want to look into it.

10001110101 said...

TESTOSTERONE. What a waste. The dude was a hottie!

Anonymous said...

Oh, good god. Just a risk one takes when they enter the ring. Every fighter knows this and they choose to do it.