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Thursday, July 23, 2009


Are you as outraged about Obama’s ridiculous “press conference” – did he actually answer any of the questions? It’s time to do everything possible to prevent passage of his health care “reform.” But don’t bother to contact Maryland’s Senators, both of whom are marching in liberal lockstep.

Instead direct your effort at Congressman Kratovil, who (as a “Blue Dog” Democrat) has been opposed to the Obama-care plan. Contact him in at least one of the following ways.

Office Visit (to speak with staff or deliver a letter): in Salisbury, it’s on East Main Street, opposite the Wicomico County Courthouse, in One Plaza East (enter from Main Street). For the DC address, see below.

Telephone: Salisbury – (410) 334-3072; DC – (202) 225-5311

Fax: Salisbury – (410) 334-3075; DC – (202) 225-0254

E-mail: go here -
Snail Mail: 314 House Office Bldg., Washington, DC 20515

DON’T DELAY. Obama is pulling out all stops and Kratovil is being besieged by the Witch of the West (Nancy Pelosi) and her lackeys.


Anonymous said...

My impression of the news conference was polar opposite. I thought he did a very good job of explaining why it is essential to get this done. He was also articulate in his explanation of the projected debt under Bush. Thank god we elected this guy.

Anonymous said...

He will do whatever Obama and Pelosi tell him to do. He does not have the nads to do otherwise.

Anonymous said...

kratovil has to go, and Harris and Davis are NOT the answer! Where are the people with ideas? Where will our new leadership come from? Not either party here in Maryland, they both stink!

Anonymous said...

it is time for we the people to elect a new type of politician. Truthful ones with experience in the real word who have common sense. Kratovil does not much much of any of those things. Time for a third party, or just an intelligent independent to run and take these idiots out of office.

dogg said...

Holy Crap!!! 9:06 is still blaming Bush for things. How long will this go on??? I wish some of these sheeple will remove their blinders and stop spouting the party line just becasue they are dems. Sheeple...think for yourselves. Look at everything that Obama has said and done. No, Bush was not perfect. And yes, I was embarrassed at some of the things he did. But for God's sake, Obama is 10 times worse than Bush. Open your blasted eyes and see for yourself!!!

Orsonwells said...

I sent my 3 letters yesterday. Hope they do more good than my cap and trade letters and phone calls.

Anonymous said...

He did a marvelous job at the press conference. Wow, we are all going to get free healthcare, better quality of care, more freedom of choice and less restrictions; all to be paid for by taxing a couple of millionaires, limiting all those pesky duplicate tests and taking red pills instead of blue ones. What's not to like?

Anonymous said...


Wait til you're on Medicare and you will learn "what's not to like" about Obamacare if you live long enough.

You should attend the meeting at SU tonight (starts at 6PM).

Anonymous said...


Sounds like you have the blinders on! How long will this go on with the Bush thing? Forever! HISTORY! HIS ACTIONS HAD CONSEQUENCES and you expect all of that is wiped clean with a new administration!?!

So far I am getting my sales tax back on my new much more economical car! Not Bush. OBAMA
I am also upgrading to solar electricity at my house. It is very costly, but a 30% tax credit is great to offset the purchase price plus, I get SREC credits for my clean energy! Wow, cleaner air and tax credits. Not Bush. OBAMA
Cap and trade already exists in MD, passed 2 years ago. Kratovil put in an amendment to help the farmers, (duh, we are a rural farm district) compete with farmers in other states who do not have as stringent state regs as the new fed regs. Not Bush.
Take your blinders off.
Americans are loosing their homes,
their jobs, thier health care at an amazing rate. Bush started this ball rolling and that will be printed in History books forever.
Deal with It

Anonymous said...

I am sure Frankie will make the right choice. He thinks for himself and what is best for his constituents. Always had and always will.