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Thursday, July 23, 2009

INCREDIBLE Information About Hebron

GO HERE to see the Website. Take a strong look at Chapter 6.


Anonymous said...

There's a gunfight coming betweeen the Town of Hebron and it's "leadership" on one hand and both Wicomico County and the State of Maryland on the other. The proposed growth and annexation by the town is absolutely absurd.

Hebron should change its name to Salisbury, West.

Anonymous said...

HELLO?? Pete, anybody home? I assume Peter Johnston thinks we are all idiots?! Here's a math lesson for you Pete...As of now, Waller Landing has a build out date of 2018. Soooo let's assume that we use your current average household size of 2.46 persons per unit and the proposed 1,691 units in Waller Landing-wouldn't that come up to a population increase of AT LEAST 4,159 by 2018? So why is the projected population increase for Hebron only 386 people by 2020 on your little Table 16? At least later on you contradict yourself on table 18 to try to bring out some facts, but it just makes you look more like an idiot that doesn't even read your own document before you publish it!

Lets also take that 1,691 units and extrapolate the number of school age children will be added (0.46/unit) and we will get 777 new school ages kids in a school districts that are ALREADY overcrowded! So WE (the rest of the people in the County) will be buying a new elementary school and at the least upgrading a middle school and a high school!

I won't even get into the mistakes that Pete made on his water and sewer analysis. Get ready for a fun ride Hebron residents-your comprehensive planning consultant is an idiot AND Waller Landing is pick pocketing you!

Anonymous said...

Lookout Hebron taxpayers, Johnston, Holston, Hooper and the others there are taking you down a bad road--hey, Johnston and the other consultants get paid big bucks all the way along. Hebron is outta control.

Anonymous said...

Hebron officials are idiots!!!!

Anonymous said...

Didn't this guy, Johnston, used to work with the County on planning? What happened there?

It looks like Johnston is deliberately picking a fight--at Hebron taxpayers' expense. Stand up, Hebron!
Call Town Hall and ask how much WE are paying for two attorneys, Johnston and the other consultant!
You have a right to know--you'll be shocked!

In The Know

Anonymous said...

Yikes -- now Hebron wants to annex land across Route 50 -- is this another "Pete" Johnson-"Tony" Gorski scam to get county consent for the Waller Landing fiasco?

Where are the County Exec (he's on vacation, I hear) and County Council when we need them to shoot down this stuff?

Anonymous said...

This Waller Landing guy is on the agenda tonight at Delmar's Planning and Zoning meeting to pitch his CASINO idea!!!
All of you in Delmar, if you don't show up at THIS meeting and fight against the casino, then you deserve to get whatever happens!
The ONLY way to stop him, if the elected officials want to approve it is for YOU to show up and be heard!
Delmar officials HATE it when there is a room full of people there against something!!!
Show up and YOU will win, don't show up and YOU will probably LOSE!

Anonymous said...

Hebron just got fined by MDE on its WWTP--Hebron can't manage what it has now. Hebron's consultants are laughing all the way to the bank.

Anonymous said...

Well just like the rest of the County residents, the good old boys do whatever that want and to hell with the residents and property owners! It's like the fox watching the hen house! Where is the accountability? Is there anyone in Maryland state government watching what is going on here? I and my neighbors on White Lowe may have to hire an attorney because of these crooks!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The so-called good old boys will have a hell of a time doing whatever they want if they're staring at a room full of opponents!
The problem is, people want to complain on a blog and to their neighbors and friends but THAT is not where it needs to happen.
Until the people wake up and start standing up to the elected officials, things will not change for the better, they will continue to get worse!

Anonymous said...

Hebron Needs to grow. I live in Hebron There are no decent retail stores in town. If you need something you have got to Salisbury.As long as they plan it right it would benifit everyone in town and surrounding area.
If Hebron does not grow before long Salisbury will be at Hebrons back door.There are so many elderly people in Hebron all there thinking about is what they want.
If you think about it anyone who has lived in Hebron any time would know there were more business open in town 20 to 25 years ago than there is now. Its dead in town. Thats what everyone wants.Hebron Used to be a busy little town.

Anonymous said...

You should start by bringing back the "Wonder Roast" chicken at the grocery store.

Anonymous said...

And I'd bet that when Hebron was a busy little town you still drove into Salisbury to do your shopping but now you want to complain about having to do so!
People in Delmar were the same way, drive to Salisbury and shop and the business community in Delmar dies!
It's happened over and over again.
Local communities do not support local communities, they will go to the larger metropolitan areas which have more choices for them.

Anonymous said...

to 2:50--You're living in La-La Land if you think Old Town Hebron will be reborn by all the growth out toward Rt. 50. If you want Old Town Hebron to revive, put your emphasis there--not so some out-of-town developer can flip land and make millions. Our Town leaders have sold the soul of Hebron--they are where the blame really lies.

Nobody wants the growth that the consultant is paid for in tax dollars to make happen. The huge egos of Hebron's leaders account for lots of the problems! Hebron taxpayers need to let their feelings be known.

Anonymous said...

I read chapter 6 and it has DRAFT written all over it. What does that mean?

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:09 PM,

The County Executive, the Council and even the State can't do ANYTHING about this....right now Hebron (and other municipalities) submits its comprehensive plan draft to the County and State for review and comments. Upon receipt of comments, Hebron can accept them and make changes or neglect the comments and send it off to be published at the State Clearing house.

Here's the catch though, Hebron can go on doing whatever it wants. Pete Johnston and Company can go around with foolish, idiotic plans and not accept MDP's or Wicomico's comments (which in part they have not) but they will NOT receive any funding for future projects! Municipalities can do whatever they want and the State acknowledges that, but if they want money and funding from the State then they better do what they say. It's the old carrot on a stick practice!

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:50,

uh...It means it's a draft....idiots...

Anonymous said...

Speaking as a 40-something year old and having lived in Hebron for 25 years, I have to say that I am totally against all of this. I don't presume to speak for the entire town however I wish that some members of the town wouldn't speak for me. My husband and other family members have attended the meetings and verbalized their thoughts however each walks away with the feeling that the commissioners really don't care what the locals think. And what is this about the Beach property?? This is the absolute first I have heard of this. It has probably been downplayed due to the family running the fire department and thinking they run the town. Is the town trying to sneak this one by us?