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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Watch The Entire Obama News Conference


Anonymous said...

Back from the Brink...???? Unemployment is still bleeding like a stuck pig and the debt is higher than ever. And they want another bailout...

Anonymous said...

No thanks. Not even once was TOO MUCH!

Anonymous said...

I for one am offended and highly ouyraged by comments the president made about the gates situation in Mass. The officer acted "Stupidly". Well it would appear that the president has taken a strong side race issues in this country. If the officer would have taken this mans word on face value and his items would have been stilen it would have been the old song and dance. I am a Black man so the cops did not investigate, they just took the word of a man forcing a door open after a phoned in complaint. It is a no win for honest cops trying to do a job. I agree after the identity was established maybe the officer could have shown some degree of discreation and let this man go. I doubt I would have been happy being called a racist at the onset of this situation. This Sgt. gave a Black Boston Celtic who collasped mouth to mouth. The man later died. Yea he is a racist all right. One contact with an arrogant pompous ass and he is a racist. Black and White officers have rallied to to this officer's defense on this issue. Obamha took the word of a friend who has proven to be hyper sensitive about race issues over the very men and women who protect him. Sad he is showing his true "Colors" so early in his term. I have lost all respect for this president. He has insulted a class of people by lumping them all into one basket.

I ask all to follow this story closely. The charges were dropped and the officer has been asked to give an apology. I know what I would say. Kiss my white butt, there is only one racist here and it is you Mr. Gates. O just cost himself over a million votes that I am sure of. The president owes 98% of the officers in this country an apology.

Is there any doubt there is racial strife in this country when the president takes on case and labels a whole profession. I guess I am a racist to. I dont like criminals educated or uneducated.

This wound will run deep and wide. I hope the local F.O.P. will take a stand on this issue as well. Enough is enough. If you racially profile then you are a criminal. To the 98 plus percent who do thier job daily based on the facts.

it should be known that in that 2% not doing what they are supposed to do it does not matter what color you are. The screw everyone including their brothers and sisters that do this daunting job daily. That 2% made it through the net and need to be dealt with. There are more clergy arrested yearly than police. I think that sums it up in a nut shell.

This race card has been played on a local level as well. Look at Princess Ann barrack a 6'2 235 pound Black Trooper testified he feared at 5'5 female Lt. This trooper stated he felt she was the equivelant of the head of the Klu Klux Clan and the Aryan brothergood. This White female had a 20 plus year career without ever displaying this behavior. I find it odd no other Black Officer saw this racial demon hiding behind a badge for so long. Does anyone else think this man may have had some bad life expriences that dictated this fear. Is he hyper sentivie. I dont know, but it sure would appear that way. Any investigator worth their salt would have noted this right away. It is tragic many lives changed due to this case. The recent statement by President Ohbama shows there is much learning by both sides on such an inflamatory issue.

One angry American in Delmar.

Anonymous said...

May God Bless us all. We are in big trouble when issues like this are mishandled. The ripple effect goes far and wide. Wounds that may never heal in such a crucial time in our society.

Anonymous said...

the news conference was about health care. he shouldn't have fielded the question. Mr. Gates is a race baiter, extrordinare, like sharpton, jackson & you know all the rest.