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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Support The S-CHIP Program!

S-CHIP (State Children's Health Insurance Program)
"Where Taxes Never Felt Better"


Two Sentz said...

So the kids get free weed now?

Anonymous said...

if marijuana is legalized i hope the big companies that manufacture it don't add a lot of addictive and disgusting chemicals like the tobacco companies do now.

Anonymous said...

Great....a joint with a filter!

Anonymous said...

I would buy them, but only to support the program. You know- I wouldnt inhale or anything. LOL

Anonymous said...

Its govermental health care for children, the first step in socializing our medical.

Anonymous said...

Obama’s recession remedy: Tax the poor!
By Michelle Malkin • January 14, 2009 04:43 AM
It’s baaaack. Remember S-CHIP? The Democrats are racing their universal health care Trojan Horse through the House today and in the Senate by Friday. Yesterday evening after I filed my syndicated column (printed below) on Obama and the Democrats’ first massive tax increase of 2009, the 285-page text of the proposed S-CHIP expansion went online. It’s H.R. 2 and you can read the PDF in its entirety here — something a significant number of congressional members will not do before voting for the behemoth bill. The tax portion of the bill is broken out here (thanks to the Stogie Guys). Pelosi’s press release is here.
Every legal tobacco product from premanufactured cigarettes and cigarette papers to cigars to roll-your-cigarettes, pipe tobacco, and smokeless tobacco will be taxed out the wazoo. Take roll-your-own tobacco. It’s currently taxed at $1.09/lb. The Obama/Democrat S-CHIP plan would hike that to ‘$24.62/lb. Cigarette taxes would rise from $19.50 per thousand to $50 per thousand for small cigarettes and from $40.95 per thousand to $105 per thousand for large cigarettes.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refuses to have an open debate on the bill. House GOP leaders lodged a protest. (But remember that 42 Republicans sided with Pelosi last January in failed attempt to override President Bush’s veto.)
So much for transparency and openness. And so much for those promises to provide tax relief to “ordinary Americans.” As usual, Barry O was just blowin’ smoke:

Anonymous said...

No stem no seed nothing you don't need Marboro weed is OK with me.

Anonymous said...

Please stop kidding yourselves. We are a Socialist Government. Let's just hope it remains Socialist - and not move on towards Communist.

On the other hand, I truly wonder if the Communists would treat us better than these Fake American - Globalists we currently serve.

Obama please treat us decent. Please. But if you don't, we will kiss your boots anyway. We need you, Oh Master Obama!

Anonymous said...

Just out of curiosity, if fewer people are smoking, wouldn't it make more sense to tax alcohol? I know a lot more people that drink, than smoke. Just imagine how much money could be raised by adding a dollar to a six pack, 5 dollars to a fifth, and so on.

Anonymous said...

Just stop wasting the money we already have to start with.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be easier if we asked the government to simply negotiate over how much money we actually keep? You know, like the overbearing parents who take the teenagers paycheck entirely, and then dole out a certain "allowance" to the kid. That way the kid actually saves most of her/his paycheck - thanks to the parents' oversight. So what we need the congress to discuss is this: How much do we really need to take care of ourselves? Just give us that amount and take the rest. It will be like George giving Jane the wallet, and he gets a little cash. Please Masters, tell us how much we can spend frivilously on our selves - how much should we eat? Take us under your 33 feathers and keep us, please oh Masterful One! Provide us comfort from the terrorists - and show us, how many movies to watch, and how many freedom fries to eat.

Anonymous said...

joe it would be an interesting thing to post a poll a completely anonymous poll, so that people could really see. of all your readers, how many do, and how many do not, smoke weed. id love to see the numbers. and if people could really do it honestly, real numbers would be neat to see.

Anonymous said...

I smoked it when I was younger, I know it is illegal, but outside of that, I see no difference in it than alcohol. It is probably better. How many people beat their wives after smoking a doob compared to after drinking 12? If it were legal, and in the right setting, I would probably do it again. I dont think that people who have never done it can truly have an opinion of it. It would be like me saying I dont like corn, or corns gross, yet I've never tried it. And believe it or not, it doesnt give you dain bramage like some people think. LOL, LOL