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Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Comment Worthy Of A Post

"Retired negro minister said.....

I had a vision last night as I slept. I heard voices and the strings of angels playing the spiritual songs that our forefathers sung as slavery made them work in the fields. I looked through the haze to see cotton being picked, tobacco leaves carried to the barn and scenes that gave me a pictorial history of the suffering of our ancestors. One angel whispered, "let thy faith sustain thee". Another voice echoed with," your future generations will inherit the earth. Have faith and time will reward thee". Upon wakin in the morning, a thought was implanted in my mind. The Indians are compensated for the white man stealing their lands with monthly checks. Why shouldn't all blacks who are descendents of slaves be extended the same priviledge with monies to boost their standard of living? I carried this dream to church Bible study and everyone agreed that the Lord had shared with me what the future beholds."

Let me forewarn you right here and now, if anyone comes even close to being nasty on this you'll be wasting your time writing the comment because it will be deleted/rejected.


Anonymous said...

Well, since all negative comments will be rejected I'm sure there won't be many comments to this because there's NOTHING positive to say about it!

Anonymous said...

Are these the same slaves that were sold by rival black tribesmen in Africa? We have compensated you enough. It is time for you to stand up and grab the American dream as many immigrants already have instead of asking for a handout. We could always send you back to your homeland. I will pay for a few tickets myself.

Anonymous said...

Since most are on welfare or in the prison system, I think we have paid our fair share!

joe albero said...

Ah, but now one is President of the United States. Could this be what turns those statistics around?

While I figured some comments might be a bit harsh, I simply didn't want anyone using the "N" Word. They of course will be rejected.

I think this is an excellent topic and worthy of discussion. Many dreams are coming true and the America of the past is going to forever change. I see that as a positive thing, as long as things don't become too radical.

I see the timing to be quite ironic. We vote in a black President and our finances are at an all time record low. This means Americans will be drained of just about everything they own and together we'll ALL grow and rebuild a new America. Interesting timing.

Let's see where things go from here.

Anonymous said...

Aren't they already getting checks, my check doesn't come in the mail, I have to get out of bed and earn it!

Anonymous said...

My family came from England years
ago with nothing. They worked in the tobacco fields and cotton fields. I am white and we have never asked for a penny from the government. We have worked for what we have and are proud of it.
I have a dream too , but that wouldn't be nice to print.

Anonymous said...

First off, where is that check the Indians are getting? Please check your facts before posting!

Blacks on the other hand already receive:
affirmative action, welfare, urban housing, special government loan programs, their own college fund, their own TV channel, their own Miss America, their own award shows, subsidized housing(and please don't comment that whites do to cause we all know the truth, food stamps(see above), their own electoral districts, easy access to drugs in their neighborhood, government care packages, free admission to their local street gangs and the right to destroy almost any area they populate.

And NOW you want a check?!? The way I see it the day Obama takes the oath all the above things should be abolished because you obviously don't need them IF you're willing to quit waiting for handouts and do it yourself!

Anonymous said...

Not sure if this will make it or not but it needs to be said.
Millions of Indian descendents do not get a monthly check. I am Indian, a descendent of a prominent medicine doctor of the Cherokee tribe. My grandfather was full blooded Cherokee, as were all of my ancestors prior to him. My uncles and grandfather grew working in fields and producing a future for their children with very little outside help. They worked to provide food for their families and as they grew older they had children of their own and instilled work ethic and care within those offspring. My uncle worked at a train yard for the majority of his adult life. He lived to be 102 years old, he just passed away last year. My grandfather worked for bell atlantic until he was no longer able to climb the poles, you see in those days you actually climbed a pole; you did not stand in a bucket and hit a lever to raise and lower yourself. My grand mother who was a white American worked as a seamstress making in the ball park of $1.50 an hour, and ironed neighbors clothing to supplement the family income. She did all of this while being a cub mom and running a community center for the neighborhood children. Out of 9 children that my grand parents raised with no monthly check from the government, none of those children ended up in jail or prison and went on to have families of their own. My ancestors were given nothing from the government just like the majority of the Indian tribes. In order to get a check you must have proof you are a certain percentage Indian, and you must volunteer time to clean up the Indians lands.
The Indians had this land way before the white man came here. The white man then enlisted others both white and black to work on plantations to produce income to sustain and develop life in America. There were indentured servants who were white and did not get paid for their work on plantations, in the field, or in the home. The white people who were eventually freed were given the same as the blacks who were freed, nothing. They had to find work while living on the streets often starving from malnutrition. The Irish immigrants were actually treated the worst out of all indentured servants and slaves. They were left on the streets to die. People walked by and did nothing to help these people up. While the black man was finding relatives that had been separated when the colonists moved from area to area many black families had been separated. However, the black families had one another to help them find missing relatives and to help them survive. They also had the Northerners who helped the blacks to obtain freedom. Black people shortly after being freed were able to work and earn enough money to buy their own stores and to buy their own homes before 1900 even arrived.
It wasn't until the 1930's that black people started to feel deprived for what had happened when Africa, there homeland, sold their people, mostly ancestors, to American farmers that were in need of help to keep America alive. There are many actions that take place today that benefit the black race. There are organizations that speak on behalf of the black man, there are laws of affirmative action that lower testing standards for the fire department and certain government jobs to accommodate the black man. There are predominantly black colleges that offer every black man and woman a place to further their education along with white schools people of all races are welcome. There are more successful black people in this world right now than there ever has been in the history of the world. There are blacks in government, teaching children, in law enforcement, and any other place that can be mentioned. Now with all that has been earned by the black ancestors, many blacks want to say they are not given equal opportunities. Feel free to explain that to me, because as I see it the opportunities are there, but too many do not chose to take the high road in life. The solution is to encourage and devote time to rising the black race above your own prejudice and becoming what the USA is encouraging all of us to become, productive members of society. In what year did the first black man vote? In what year did the first white woman vote? When was the first store opened, ran, and maintained by a black man and his family? These questions more than likely (without research effort to show me wrong) cannot be answered by the common man or woman because they only listen to what someone preaches day in and day out rather than educating themselves to our history. When slavery ended there were options to go back to Africa for the slaves, but the majority of slaves did not want to go back. They wanted to stay in America and benefit from the lands and the opportunities they were given.
So the way I see it the monthly checks to Indian descendents doesn't happen as often as many chose to believe. The Indian culture in most concentrated areas has stood strong for at least a century. They work, they take care of their children, and they take pride in who they are and the struggles they have overcome to be where they are in life. The black culture is separated within it's self. There are two types of black people, the first being the black people who realize the opportunities available for themselves and all people alike. Then there is the type who feel owed something in life without realizing they are given every opportunity the white man is given. Not all white, black, hispanic, english, Israelis, or any race or nationality will be productive members of society. It is up to each individual to become the absolute best they can be. Unfortunately preaching like this enables some weak minded individuals to feel they can sit back and wait for the world to cater to them. This will never happen because this world caters to no one race. Grow up realize things happened to all Americans who are generational offspring, get an education instead of hanging out all night and do what so many before you have done, contribute to the society in which you reside.

Anonymous said...

What I'd love to know, and there is no way to find this out, is: How many blacks who are actually descendants of slaves in America would be alive today if their anscestors had been left in Africa? Those slaves may well have starved to death or died of disease had they not been brought to this country.
Maybe it's the other way around; maybe some balcks today owe whites for their very existence.

Anonymous said...

If all indians are getting a check for lands that were stolen I want my check and I want it retroactive to the day I was born and registered. The only checks handed out as stated is not for stolen lands, it is lease money. Pennies paid on the acre for ranchers to graze their cattle or Peabody Mining and other oil companies to dig coal, gas and oil. Although there are billions upon billions of dollars in lease money so conveniently lost by the DOI and the BIA that will never be paid to many people. Now the only checks we get are casino checks IF you happen to be a member of a tribe that has a successful casino. Not all tribes have them, not all that have them are successful.

If you want to know what the government gives indians, go to the reservations and see for yourselves or ask an indian. We get crap and shoved into it. We have received rancid meats, small pox infested blankets, substandard medical care, substandard housing, substandard schools. Some tribes are given commodities, you know beans, cereal, cheese logs that can be used for door stops, all of the things they wouldn't dream of giving away to anyone else or a foreign country. How many of you can say the government came onto your land and poisoned your water supply so you would leave? How many of your women, black or white were forcibly sterilized? How many of your people fought for this country, won wars for this country and were not afforded the right to vote?

Don't even get me started on the rights of indian people vs the rights of other races in this country. You people are owed nothing. Not any of you, white or black. Have any of you bothered to listen to yourselves? You should all be ashamed.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I hope you and others will take this to heart.

This is the second comment by someone posing as a black minister, saying that blacks are "owed."

I do not believe for one minute these are comments by a black, or a minister, or a black minister.

This is either some white someone who believes blacks all think this way and wants to "stir it up" here, or it's one of your Joe Albero haters making it up as bait to encourage racist comments on your blog and make you sound like one (I know you aren't, although I do disagree with some of the posts you've made on the issue, Obama, etc.)

I believe you and your regulars are getting played either way. I think if you aren't going to allow some comments, these "imposter" deacons and ministers would be a good place to start.

Hope you will accept this in the spirit in which it's offered.


Anonymous said...

since Obamas election and true equality is with in site , Is it going to be equal for all if Afro-americans are receiving governmental fundings while caucasions are not ?

Will caucasions have equal oppertunity to successfully operate a bessiness as others ? I beleive that I will be successful inspite of the handicaps I must over come yet I alsobeleive I could be so much more successful if I was given "equal" opertunities as Afro-americans.

As has been afore mentioned , Now that Obama is president It would only seem right to end all the governmental aide given to a race because of how their ancesters got here. Im sure my ancesters didnt ride over in the captains cabin theor self if you get what I mean. Its time for Americans to Man-up ! Work and be fed , be lazy ....starve. Neccesity is the mother of invention. Let those that need to eat invent a reason to work.

joe albero said...

Jane, you could be 100% correct. However, isn't it worth mentioning for discussion? I mean, let's get right to the beef of the topic and clear the air. I believe people have been pretty decent about the subject and the only way we're going to heal as a Country is by getting it out there for open discussion. If you think it's inappropriate we can certainly take the Post down?

Anonymous said...

Jane, wow you sure must be busy on Sunday's, and Friday evenings, oh yeah let's not forget Wednesday because that is a typically busy church day as well. Oh hold on then there is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Man please do explain to me how exactly it is you make time to visit all the churches across Delmarva, oh no wait wait a minute you would have to attend every church across the United States and even beyond in order to accurately say that NO deacon or minister has made these claims. Please do tell us all how you can say with absolute certainty these statements are not being made? I mean for a woman who is so busy with the churches, I am really interested what it is you do for a living. How do you manage all the expenses that must come with traveling across the lands to accurately state no one is saying these things. Don't you some what feel your accounts are not at all accurate being as though this would be never be possible to do? The minister at Obama's (former?) church was caught on tape making statements just as these in this post. Racists nah, a believer in equality yes. A believer in "we deserve more because .... happened 100 years ago, no. I believer in get off your butt and make a change for yourself, yes.

There are people who overcome many obstacles in their lives, things that have actually happened to them, such as child abuse, sexual abuse, poverty, assualts, foster care nightmares, living in government housing with parents who didn't give an ounce of love or care. I can think of two off the top of my head that are from Maryland, Oprah Winfrey and Toni Braxton. So stop trying to portray this as a racial issue for the white race and start realizing there are blacks who keep the fires burning. JUST STOP!! Don't say someone didn't say something because you don't know if it was said or not. Don't say everyone commenting is a racist because you have no idea. Take it for what it is and realize that not everything has to do with race. White, black, brown, or high yellow there are good and bad and you are doing nothing but spreading ignorance by making an accusation you cannot back up.

You know why Condoleezza Rice and many other black Americans are where they are? Because they got off their butts and earned everything they have. Do you know why Johnnie Cochran is a successful lawyer, because he took the steps to be what he is. Or why Jerry Rice is such a dang good football player, because he worked for it. There are radical groups for blacks, whites, hispanics, etc. BUT they will change nothing because they preach hate rather than change. Even some of the ones who say they want change are cleverly inserting messages that just (guess what... give up) BREED HATE. So like I have already said just stop it.

My son had an altercation with another child, my son is white the child he got into it with was black. Since the school board sucks I thought long and hard and decided to go to my neighbors house to try to talk it out to come to a resolve. After only a few minutes of very friendly conversation the mother told me that friends of hers (black) said not to confront me because I would probably pull a gun and shoot her!! Are you kidding me? I wanted the same thing she did, to confront the issue and put a stop to it, but once again bull crap racial issues nearly prevented that from happening. I am not scared to step outside the predetermined comfort zone and you know you shouldn't be either. Get over yourself and come to realize you have no control over other peoples words or actions, you can only control you and you are doing a whale of a job on that one!

Anonymous said...

well if the retired black minister is real....I wish him everything he deserves and even more....just like Gen. Custer received!!!


Anonymous said...

In reference to Joe's comment:
Once again, he(Obama) is NOT Black! He is 50% White and only a small percentage AA.

Chimera said...

Me thinks the minister is delusional....nobody is owed anything in this life.

Anonymous said...

What kills me about some of these comments is that people tend to forget a large part of history.

Yes slavery was 100 years ago. "JIM CROW" and that legacy was only a few years ago. There are people from both sides of that issues that were alive then.

Some people believe that blacks are ticked off about slavery. They are to a point. Many more still remember the Jim Crow era.
Let's talk about that ans its hardships.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:00 PM -
You have the United Negro College Fund.
You have Martin Luther King Day.
You have Black History Month.
You have Kawanza.
You have the NAACP.
You have BET.
You have Affirmative Action.
What else you want 40 acres and a mule?

Anonymous said...

I may be missing something here. But the slaves who were sold into slavery in America would be 150 years old now. The point is difficult for me to comprehend. I think about 150 years ago, someone, related to ME, was mistreated, insulted, enslaved, or jailed without cause. I'm almost certain of it! I will let Joe know privately, where someone, somewhere, somehow can send me some of somebody else's MONEY!

Anonymous - of course. Are you kidding me?

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:14pm
Try to follow me on this. Martin Luther King Day and Black History Month are all federally mandated things. Everyone is supposed to share in those things. Kwanzaa is not federally mandated, however, anyone can participate.

United Negro College Fund is a charity created to give scholarships for African Americans. There are equivalent scholarships for every other race in this country.

NAACP was created to make sure the plight of the African American was known to the general public. It made sure the laws of the land applied to all Americans in the land.

Affirmative Action makes sure that everyone who has historically been kept (instead of not present at) from the table is able to be there. Women are a huge benefactor to affirmative action also.

I have no idea why anyone would even watch BET. It has actually done more harm to the black community than good.

I would like to have 40 acres and a mule. This is the problem with these posts. While Joe is probably censoring the N-word, there seems to be no problem with allowing the lies about welfare and jail. It assumes somehow that blacks are given everything in this country when that is clearly not the case.

Anonymous said...

Black and white, black and white enough already. Anyone with boots and a gun will be accepted.

Anonymous said...

Methinks Shannon has the best points today. Thank you, Shannon.

Anonymous said...

To Hipboots,

Custer got Siouxed.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:37
Lies about welfare, drugs and jail?? There's a little thing called statistics, look them up befor you talk more nonsense!

Question for you. When's the last time you had to lock your doors when you drove through a white neighborhood and when's the last time you DIDN'T lock your doors in a black area? Funny thing is on here, I'm sure the whites who are trying to say they're not racists are the first ones to reach for that lock!

Anonymous said...

How come every time you watch a reality show there's always one idiot causing trouble and they're usually...not white!

Anonymous said...

Barry G.. well thank you! I wish more people would just get "it". I put a lot of faith and trust in common sense, unfortunately not many others have the ability to do the same!

There are (statistically) more black males in prison than there are black men in college. There are (statistically) more white women with biracial children on welfare than there are solely black or solely whites(statistically) more hispanics recieve medical assistance in the United States than any other race. Now THAT is the statistics, debate the facts since apparently none of you want to take the time to find out the facts before shooting off at the mouth.

In oder to receive medical assistance from the state you do not need to have a social security number and do not have to be a legal US citizen! What sense does that make?? Now, please continue the debate with some general FACTS instead of a bunch of uneducated assumptions, thank you!

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:00pm, yes please let's talk about the "Jim Crow laws". These laws that were dictated in primarily the southern states did not only impact black society. Since you are so educated to the issue than you would know these laws also effected poor and low class white citizens. You would also know that these white Americans were not permitted to be jurors or to be in office. Oh did I mention that body of government that enacted the Jim Crow laws were democrats... that's right you know all about it so no sense in going into details. You would also know that two very important people who attempted to resolve the issues by introducing the civil rights act of 1875 were Charles Sumner and Benjamin Butler, both white republican politicians.
Thurgood Marshall was able to complete law school in 1933 and went on to become on of the most historic black men in history, may I add he won his first case in front of the supreme court. He was also the person who won the Brown vs. the board of ed of Topeka.

This man went through many fights for equal rights. he didn't sit and whine he did something to make a difference, just like the majority of whites outside of the south did. So you see the Jim Crow laws that you are attempting to make a world wide event were no such thing. The south was ticked off because they felt the north was dictating how their lives should be lived and as a result they did everything they could do to rebel against the north... yeah including that little war you know the one that has remained the largest war on American soil.. the Civil War.

If you get into an altercation with someone do you stand in their face and dictate how they should react and keep pushing and pushing knowing dang well they are going to end up punching you in the mouth? If you have any common sense you don't, you just walk away until that person has time to cool down. Well the civil war was that altercation and the repercussions of the up in their faces was racial segregation. Maybe, just maybe if the northerners weren't shoving their ideals down southerners throats and dictating what they had to do, but instead gave the dust some time to settle all of that could have been avoided. But noooo just like today it is do it right now the way we say and we dont give a dang if your part of the country fails or not. The southerners had lost so many young men in the civil war the area was devestated, farms were destroyed, stores were destroyed, there was utter destruction during the war and the south was ticked off. Not only did they get beat, the got beat on their own land!

So, my original point was not only the blacks suffered as a result of the Jim Crow laws, and the laws were state mandated which means each state could decide to do what they felt was in the best interest of the people. Besides that, there were many others states that blacks were free to roam without bias, so once they were free to go where ever they wanted, why stay in the south and further tick these people who had lost everything including much of their family for a war no one to this day fully understands?

Anonymous said...

how about you go get a freakin job...and stop waiting for your "big payout" because you think everybody owes you something for something you never did... i could see if you actually worked in the fields and you were the slave but you wernt...get over it and get a job like most of the world.

Anonymous said...

"United Negro College Fund is a charity created to give scholarships for African Americans. There are equivalent scholarships for every other race in this country."

Tell me where I can get a scholarship for being white and is only exclusively for whites? As a white male, I would like to add the exception of my race/gender to your list. There are scholarships for all races except whites, but women are usually covered by the minority scholarships. As for your white male we get nothing but low-income and/or merit-based. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Anonymous said...

what about our grandfathers, fathers and sons?
grandpop worked on the water, alone, risked being shot, biked his catch to town (never owned a car), fed his family, built his own house & boat, walked to church every Sunday, etc. (we were poor, but richer than most since we knew how to sustain ourselves.) HE NEVER GOT A CHECK for any of his hard work. his family doesn't deserve a penny for his efforts, either.

Anonymous said...


Your revisionist history lesson is to say the least, interesting. First of all if you think Jim Crow Laws had the same effects on poor whites as it did on blacks you are sorely mistaken. Blacks have suffered much more than whites.

Secondly, blacks fought on both sides of the issue during the Civil War so let’s not pretend they did nothing during that time. Many were slaves at that time and lost their lives on the whims of their “masters”

Thirdly, you are implying that once the war Civil War was over, blacks should have just left the south. You are forgetting the fact that it was their home also. And you have the belief that blacks weren’t treated the same in the north.

That is a fallacy.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:29pm

You question doesn't make sense. I lock my doors equally no matter where I am.

It is just commen sense.

Anonymous said...


There are also more poor people in prison than rich. If black people are on the lower economic spectrum, isn’t this a class problem? There are more men in jail than women. Does that mean women are better than men?

There also is a statistic out there that states there is a large proportion of prisoners who eat white bread.

You can spout of “facts” all you want to, and apparently get upset by them, but you have to do a little more research to actually understand. That will take a little more work. Statistically there are more whites on welfare than blacks. Just a fact.

“Now, please continue the debate with some general FACTS instead of a bunch of uneducated assumptions, thank you!”