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Thursday, January 15, 2009

This Just In... Update on State Budget Cuts for Elderly and Disabled

This just came in from my sources with the State, listing what programs are being cut.

Dear Stephanie,

SSTA- Social Services to Adults- case management and coordination of services to adults, including homeless

IHAS -In Home Aide Service- gives personal care and chores And basically all services

EXCEPT APS adult protective service which is a federal mandate

Some of these people have no family or supports other than their workers.

We anticipate more hospital admissions, nursing home admissions etc. without these services, which in turn will cost the state more money in the long run.

It's a mess!

Hold onto your hat's ! We are in for a rough ride!

With these upcoming cuts it is imperative that we regroup and look at what each and everyone of us can do to assist those that we know to be involved in these programs.

One thing is for sure, that in a time of crisis our humanity comes to the forefront and we often find ourselves doing much more than we ever considered doing before.

Please reach out to someone. We all need each other!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

bought time we started cutting entitlements.. the amount of services is grossly over the amount needed... we need to do this, because you can't just tax the rich--over 50% of ALL Americans don't pay any federal income taxes.. there isn't enough money even if you took all the money from the rich and gave it to the governement.. I am not talking 50% of their money... take all of it and it doesn't even come close to what the government has in unfundated mandates.(who would work for nothing if the government took all of your money---is besides me.. they take over 50% now.. should they take 80-90% of it??? who would invest and take risk and hire employees---

Get used to it.. Social Security is next... it was NEVER intended to be the sole income for a person.. and with the baby boomers it is a 40 TRILLION dollar unfunded mandate.. that's TRILLION with a T. Money doesn't grow on trees, but the government spends like it does.... for those out there that think we can just print money.. think again.. that's called horrendous inflation.... remember the 70's 13% inflation, and 20% interest rates

Anonymous said...

Two societys and most of us are caught in the middle, which way will we fall?

joe albero said...

While I agree, "we all need eachother," WE also paid TAXES to provide these services.

IF we owned a corporation and placed funds into a retirement program and didn't deliver in the end, we'd go to Jail. ALL of us paid taxes to provide thee services, yet politicians never go to Jail and simply point fingers at the man or woman before them.

There needs to be better accountability in our government or the people will revolt. We can only take so much. Look at Social Security. I hate to say it Folks but people are going to become very angry in the very near future.

Someone brought up the 1970's, 13% inflation and 20% interest rates. Guess what, we were a much stronger country back then financially. American's can't take any more beatings like they are now. The MSM isn't telling you the whole story. Neighbors losing their homes to foreclosure like there's no tomorrow. I see some very sad days ahead of us Folks.

Anonymous said...

Ross Perot says 7% flat tax for all. We wouldn't need the IRS anymore. Imagine how much money that would save.

joe albero said...

Ross Perot didn't say 7% flat tax for all, he's not that stupid. If everyone paid a 7% flat tax across the board it would immediately destroy the American economy.

More like a 2% flat tax would be the most this Country would ever need.

Let me remind you, there are many people in America not paying taxes at all. No, I'm not talking about every day citizens. I'm talking about business owners who don't report 80% of the business that they do.

I spoke of this a while back ago. Just remember every time you go into a restaurant and they use a Casio adding machine to total your bill. That's NOT a cash register. By the time you're done and at the end of the day, how does anyone know what's been rung up? How about the service shop that hands you a hand written total, not from a computer. I could go on and on for hours here with examples of businesses that don't report their sales, yet many of them charge you sales tax and never report the sale. So they're picking up another 6% in Maryland on most of their sales and service. Flea Markets, Ice Cream Man, you name it.

So IF we had a standard receipt on paper provided by the Government that couldn't be reproduced easily and every time you bought something ANYWHERE you'd have to be given one of these receipts or you'd then report them to the IRS, 2% would make up so many billions, if not trillions of additional dollars it isn't funny!

Each State wouldn't have to raise their taxes and America would be sound once again in a matter of 2 years. However, even though I brought this idea to the Senate and Congress, do you think they'll do anything with it? NOPE! Why? Because it's fail proof. Because it's perfect. The Government can provide standard cash registers like lottery machines and they could collect their taxes at the end of every single day, not month or quarter like they do now. You ring it up, taxes are collected at the end of the day electronically, end of story.

You see, I do have answers that could easily help all of America.

Anonymous said...

actually for all you wanna -be accountants.. the flat tax rate has been proposed to be around 18-20% .. If you take a 13 Trillion dollar GDP and then a 3 Trillion dollar government expenditures per year.. it comes to around 20% or so maybe even more....2.0% is laughable at best

go to the web and see for yourself if you don't believe me

joe albero said...

I should add,

The flat tax would be on anything you bought or sold. That's why the 2% would be plenty.

Anonymous said...

i always thought it was the families responsibility to take care of their own. i always thought that health insurance was a benefit not a right. i never thought that it was the governments responsibility to save the economy, bail out folks who over spent, bail out the crooks. i was talk to get a job, pay my bills and raise my kids the same way. funny thing is i'm not that old. congress is today trying to push through another $825 billion dollar package to bail out more companies. problem is it won't do anything but reward those who were not responsible for their own actions and encourage them to continue doing the wrong thing. never thought i see the day that socialism took over the usa

Chimera said...

Heres a novel idea, Maryland. Leave the old people who worked all their lives ALONE and cut some of the other programs that waste our tax dollars.Theres too many able-bodied leeches out there who are in their 20's and 30's and refuse to work getting freebies to penalize our needy elderly.

Anonymous said...

why don't we go back and read the constitution and find out what the real rsponsibility of government was when it was established. why don't we simply ask people to take care of themselves instead of expecting the government to do everything. what a concept

Anonymous said...

What are we going to do when China stops loaning us money?

Anonymous said...


Now that is the perfect idea! Our elderly have worked their behinds off and now they want to take programs away from them that they deserve. Take away some of the welfare given out to all these teens, 20's and 30's who are able bodied to work and take care of themselves. Or stop giving more welfare to those women who have child after child after child they can't support. Give them the same amount no matter how many kids they have and they might stop being baby mills.

Anonymous said...


If those entitlements are not cut then Wicomico won't get all the goodies that have come its way with Norm Conway one of the head honchos in charge of spending.

We can't have it both ways -- Wicomico County and several others have tax caps and the General Assembly is beginning to listen to those that don't have a cap when they say make Wicomico raise its tax rate like we do and don't give it special treatment unless it does.

So, who should get what in the Obamanation that Maryland has become under O'Malley?

PS - wanna buy an inaugural ticket cheap?

Anonymous said...

I agree with the comments by 1:12 PM completely. The old people need and deserve it; the "puppy-mill" mothers should not be allowed to keep getting paid to bring more unwanted kids into this world. And the young and healty that won't work need a swift kick in the butt!

Anonymous said...

FoxeyinFruitland--I couldn't have said it better myself. When a society won't take care of its elderly population than it has failed at the most basic level.

Anonymous said...

I thought they have already stopped giving more money for each additional child. I also thought that there was a 2 yr lifetime limit to being on welfare. What happened? There are many people out there that do need this help that have been searching for job but none are to be found. It's the ones that dont want to work and collect it that bugs me. It's becoming almost a family tradition for some, generation after generation think they are entitled to it.

Anonymous said...

can't wait for the "puppies" to become elderly. wonder if they'll wish they had worked, or is social security taken out of their "freebie" check?