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Thursday, January 15, 2009

And We Wonder Why Soo Many Lawyers Can't Get Face Time with a Supreme Court Judge

This is unbelievable.
Nearly two dozen cases have been filed to force the President Elect to show a Judge of the Supreme Court his original Birth Certificate, his college applications, and his passport, but each time they have gotten thrown out on a technicality.

Is someone pulling some big strings here?...

Now the latest is that John Brennan, Obamas selection for Intelligence Advisor is the former head of the company that 'Breached' the passports of Obama, Clinton and McCain! Question is .... Is this quid pro quo ?



Anonymous said...

Double standard is the staus quo!

Wymzie said...

you got that right!

Anonymous said...

I guess Chicago politics has come to DC. He isn't even your President yet and the corruption begins to swirl. (Yeah...I am a Salisbury resident, but as far as I am concerned..not my President)

Anonymous said...

Wait til Obama replaces the three that are goin to retire or die soon, well be dealing with the court for decades to come.

Anonymous said...

COuld it be that the "cases" have no merit?

Naw that couldn't be it.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:32
Do you think the qualifications for a person to serve as the President of the United States are - without merit? Are you drunk?

What is wrong with you?

Wymzie said...


With all of the fuss about his Birth Cert. aren't you even the least bit interested?
Doesn't it strike you as a tad disingenuous that he pays $100s of thousands of dollars in legal fees to not show us something you and I have to pay $15. for to obtain a drivers license yet he will become the leader of the 'fascist',oops I mean 'free' world,and he won't show anything?

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:20 pm and Wymzie

The only fuss that is being made is by people with nothing else to do.

The Supreme Court rejects these "cases" because it has better things to do with it's time. They have no merit.

As stated before Obama answered these original "questions". He provided the proof needed and required. His birth cerificate was "CERTIFIED" by everyone that needed to do so. That wasn't good enough for some so they tried to change the question again.

No one is going to play that game for long so Obama let the courts settle it.

It looks like they have. But since it's not the answer you are looking for you again try to change the question.

Anonymous said...

It "could be" that the SCOTUS doesn't want any outcome, should they hear a case, to be challenged.

Anonymous said...

technicality is what loses cases, so they're very important.