Geoff Williams
Jan 26th 2009
Hooters is finally seeing some competition.
Turns out some restaurant entrepreneurs are realizing that what Hooters has on offer (good food, served by pretty, buxom young women), is a recipe for success, even in the current economic environment. Restaurants like Twin Peaks and Bone Daddy's, both of whom only hire women to serve food, are opening new restaurants and growing in an otherwise, er, flat market.
I wouldn't know this because I'm married, and of course, haven't any opinions on this, but these are women who are apparently, upon sight, able to make grown men drool and stammer like cavemen. And order lots and lots of meat-based entrees to wash their beer down with, apparently.
These restaurants -- that feature scantily-clad waitresses -- have become known as breastaurants, and are liberally borrowing from Hooter's well-established playbook. Hey, all's fair in love and food.
GO HERE to read more.
where is the click to enlarge button
Woman dont have that power over me anymore, priorities change.
My goodness , Oh to be young again.
I didn't see anything like that in the 60's!
I like the Tilted Kilt in Florida.
We need one up here.
I think we should open a restaurant for women called Schlongs.
The hooters in OC should be called hooterless..it looks like a batter convention in there..all AA
I've been to Hooters a number of times and still cant tell you what the food is like
Anonymous said...
I think we should open a restaurant for women called Schlongs.
haha LOVE IT
I feel the vibe that some womens out there are feeling rather sixxy today-Can we dim the lights a bit?I have a couple rules first, though-my clients must have a shower..and no laughing (especially during)...it puts me off a bit...
The Tilted Kilt has a great website
'at is a body stoatin place.
This post is rather offensive to me and probably to other women as well. Stick to reporting news that really matters.... :-)
I am female and was not offended. In fact, I almost send one in to Mr. Joe for the females..some nice eye candy but I was afraid of offending the males so I changed my mind!..lol
Come on Judy. The body is a work of art. :>)
Mine just happens to be the weird kind that's hard to interprete!
I am happily married and still enjoy looking. When a man stops looking he is literally dead or being untruthful.Even when you reach my age ,I still look and would love to rub on one of these young beauties but the consequences aren't worth it. As my grandfather used to say, "I might not do her any good but she can shore make me feel good".Remember without sex sometime along the way there wouldn't be any marriages. Why pay for the extra baggage. A good yellow lab dog would be a cheaper companion and always lets you do as you please.He is always glad to see you and never argues.
Sheeeesh this blog is filled with a bunch of PROVERTS. Yes PROVERTS professional perverts lol
As a woman, I did not find this offensive at all, the woman in that picture is actually pretty damn hot. If I had a set like that I'd be showing them as much as possible!! And yes, we need a Schlong's for women! "Build it and they will come!" LOL
My wife has always liked going to Hooters to drink some beer and get some food. She is such a good girl. She even likes helping me on our race car and SHE changes the oil in all our vehicles.
Does this beautiful waitress provide anything not on Hooter's menu? She looks hot. I am going to cut back my working hours and visit Hooter's. 50 hours is enough to work anyway.Which Hooter's does this gal work at?
There is a Big Pecker resturant in OC does that count???
Her shirt says "Arlington"
Good God, TedH, did you see the size of those wings on the tilted kilt site? Hooweee!
I will be visiting the Tilted Kilt next month, Florida
Isn't there a topless truck stop/diner in northern Delaware somewhere?
"Breastaurants" do not offend me as a woman,but it would not be MY idea for a good time.Men are different from women.I love to look at "buff" & "ripped" men but do not want some guy showing his garbage when I am trying to eat.LOL.
Excuse me sir but could you kindly remove your garbage from my soup? On the other hand take it back because by the looks of things my soup must be cold.
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