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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The British Called - They Want Their Guns Back

Camp Obama is refusing to comment that this protest (the largest in UK history) even happened, and you will not see this reporter's story anywhere in the US media.

The only way to share this story with others is to have it distributed by Americans LIKE YOU.
The US media will not air it!


Anonymous said...

Pay attention people. The way things are going this IS coming to America.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the reason that the President and the media are not commenting is simply because of the fact that this story is old news. This event happened years ago. Just because someone posts a video on youtube doesn't mean that it just happened.

That being said, I against gun control in any form and I hope this time around more people pay attention to this video.

Anonymous said...

10:06am what do you mean coming? Its already here and it the good people of this country let it continue next thing you know we will be in the same situation as the video. The bleeding heart gun haters are just waiting in the shadows to take your firearms as well as you constitutional rights as fast as they can. Just look at crime stats in other countries where firearms have been banned the police we have cannot protect everyone in every situation. All of the gun laws that are already in place in Maryland have absolutely no affect on the criminal (why do they care about another gun law, if they did care they would not be a criminal to begin with)they only hurt law abiding citizens.

Wymzie said...

"Throughout history the government has been the oppressor of it's own people" ~ John Nevin

Anonymous said...

Learn from history, people. That is why it's taught in school. It's an inch by inch effort, and each inch seems like such a good idea... until it' a mile long. Then it's too late.

Anonymous said...

Joe, this video should be sent to our two US senators namely, Ben Cardin and Barbara Mikulski as well as our Eastern Shore delegates such as N.Conway,L.Stoltzfus,etc.I will never turn my pistols in. Only one is even traceable. My relatives bought them before 1950.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous who posted at 10:37. Don't reference other countrys' gun laws. You sound like a complete idiot and only serve to hurt our cause. Japan has one of the strictest gun controls laws and the lowest violent crime rate of any large country. Criminal activity is a cultural issue, not a gun control issue.

That said, in this country where gun ownership is strong, the only thing keeping the droves of criminal trash out of our homes is that they do not know which one of us has an easily accessible firearm handy to blow their trash butt away.
This is how we win gun control debates. Not some ignorant, dumba$$ reference to other country's activities that the gun control wacko's can refute.