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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

ACORN Lines Up to Get Some of that Stimulus Money!

From the Office of Republican Minority Leader John Boehner:

ACORN Could Get Billions from Democrats' Trillion Dollar Spending Plan
"Job Creation" Bill Offers Taxpayer-Funded Bonanza for Organization Reportedly Under Federal Investigation

Washington, Jan 23 - The House Democrats’ trillion dollar spending bill, approved on January 21 by the Appropriations Committee and headed to the House floor next week for a vote, could open billions of taxpayer dollars to left-wing groups like the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). ACORN has been accused of perpetrating voter registration fraud numerous times in the last several elections; is reportedly under federal investigation; and played a key role in the irresponsible schemes that caused a financial meltdown that has cost American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars since last fall.

House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) and other Republicans are asking a simple question: what does this have to do with job creation? Are Congressional Democrats really going to borrow money from our children and grandchildren to give handouts to ACORN in the name of economic “stimulus?”

Incredibly, the Democrats’ bill makes groups like ACORN eligible for a $4.19 billion pot of money for “neighborhood stabilization activities.” Funds for this purpose were authorized in the Housing and Economic Recovery Act, signed into law in 2008. However, these funds were limited to state and local governments. Now House Democrats are taking the unprecedented step of making ACORN and other groups eligible for these funds:



BigEastFireDog said...

And Thats The Ball Game!!!

Anonymous said...

And you better believe ACORN will get their money. Who do you think got Osama Bin Biden elected.

Anonymous said...

Its the big "pay back" for all their (Acorns) help with Obamas election. How much is Oprah gonna get ?

Anonymous said...

Is it a surprise???? The "organization" that help BIG O get elected even after the fraud was proven. Its just a thank you, more untrackable money given at the real taxpayers expense. Rick P.

Chimera said...

Just what does ACORN do for communities that other groups like Salvation Army,Americorp and Scouts havent already?What exactly do they even do besides commit voter fraud and beg for money?

Anonymous said...

Have to make sure the commissars at ACORN are ready to stean the next election.

2010 is just around the corner ya know!