I have personally confronted Ryan and asked him point blank, are you looking to run against Debbie Campbell? NO. Last night I asked him if he was thinking about perhaps filling in for Gary Comegys, should he be elected Mayor? NO. Actually, he laughed pretty good on that one. He said there's no way he'd even consider it.
I then said, look, you're running for something Ryan, is it the Mayor's position? Well, we'll see. Ryan would like to meet with me over lunch next week and discuss things.
I think he's a very nice Kid. Yes, I'm 46 years old and I can now say Kid. Perhaps out of respect I should say nice young man but you know, my Uncle always said that any of the guys coming to meet him and wanted to date his Daughters were all Turkey's until he decided they weren't.
So I'll do lunch next week with Ryan and see where things lead. Like I said, he's a nice guy but all too often lately people have clearly stated that he's the next Louise Smith, coming out of nowhere and all of a sudden caring. His Grandfather was one of the individuals that was running for the County Executive position not that long ago.
I should add, last night I personally didn't like it when he stood up and somewhat grandstanded after the woman talked about being attacked in her own home. Ryan mentioned that he works in the Industrial Park where they found the murdered woman recently and now all of a sudden he's an expert in crime?
Here's my very first piece of advice for Ryan. Should you run for Mayor and should you win, fire Chief Webster immediately and that will fix ALL of your problems right now between the City, County and State Police. You see, I could do the Mayor's job in a New York Second and fix many of the problems in the City. However, the City's not willing to pay me what I'm worth and I would NEVER take advantage of the Taxpayers to make up the difference!
By the way Ryan, if I'm buying, we're going to Sam's Club for a $1.71 Nathan's Hot Dog and large soda. If you're buying, well, you can choose where we go.
Joe..agree 100%...do not trust his motives...
Cheap bastid.
I heard him on the TV last night -- is he really that stupid to say that if we are nice to each other everything will be OK. Politics and government (and life in general) don't work that way. If he wants more communication and collaboration, then he should get Comegys, Smith and Shields to allow council members to participate in meetings by phone if they are away on business or pre-scheduled trips, and have them stop holding all those closed meetings and keeping things secret, like that PAC 14 rate increase. And tell Smith to stop interrupting Cohen and Campbell and trying to shut them down when they are asking real questions and pointing out important details.
Mr. Ewalt made no comments at all on the important matters that were on the agenda. When I look at him I see Mikey Dunn all over again.
Thanks, but no thanks.
Trust me, Ewalt is Louise Smith, part deux. Do NOT fall for the exterior presentation, he is SAPOA's guy all the way. That means special interests will take precedence over the people's interest. Vote for someone who has been in the trenches all along. If Jim Ireton runs, he's the guy to support, hands down.
Wow, I had never heard of Ryan before, but after gathering what I can about his background, I have no idea why so many people are eager to club him. He has a great educational background, and the very fact that he has returned to Salisbury shows that he has the proper intentions. If he wanted to get rich, he certainly wouldn't be considering politics in Salisbury. The benefits of connections he or anyone else could forge as the mayor of Salisbury amount to chump change compared to what this guy could make if his motives were different. Give him a chance.
Give him a chance my foot - no way. Where has he been for all the city council meetings - sitting at home texting Bubba or Louweasal? No thanks, too many bad apples out of that barrel.
Joe your such a tight ass !
He said nothing in his speach on
pac14 , a poor way of trying to make a point. What a jerk , another
butt-head in the area trying to
be somebody. I believe what he tried to say was " if you are not
part of the solution , then you are part of the problem."(change your diaper and go back home)
I agree with Sean, i have talked to him on this subject and alot of the things this website complains about he wants to fix too. We need to face reality and realize no one can make everything right, but some things are more important then others and thats what i feel like he will change.
Correction: Ryan's grandfather, Don Ewalt, ran for City Council, on the same team as Bubba Comegys.
Don Ewalt, known as the perennial candidate because he has run for things a lot and lost, seems like "a nice man." No reason to think he's not.
But he was backed by Bubba's people, aka SAPOA. That would be the landlord special interest group that tried to politically assassinate Tim Spies and Terry Cohen. They got Tim, but not Terry.
The young Ewalt is obviously well spoken and "nice." But there is no way he has the qualifications to be mayor.
Do not vote for "nice" and "civility" any more. When you did, you got the Dream Team.
There is nothing "unnice" or "uncivil" about Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen, Jim Ireton or others that have been the people's voice for a long time. They have to function within a group that is not nice and not civil, except when they have to put on a show.
For heaven's sake people, vote for qualifications! I made a mistake with Louise Smith. I won't be fooled again.
He has been at many meetings, and is opposite of bubba and louise
I stand corrected. Don Ewalt did run for City Council and not County Executive, forgive me on that mistake?
Look, not for nothing and take this for what it's worth. The bottom line is, we need someone in the City with WISDOM and EXPERIENCE. While intentions are good, the Citizens need to take this election very seriously.
We're all tired of the past, including the Presidential Candidates. The Republican and Democratic Parties have deliverfed two baffoons once again. You can't tell me with the millions upon millions of people in this Country that we can't be handed two better Candidates!
Each branch of Government is important to all of us if this Country is to survive and grow. If WE can't change the Federal Government and the choices we're left with, that's one thing. But when it hits home, well, YOU do have a choice and we can live and enjoy a much better life locally.
Time will tell if this Blog can make a difference.
Without knowing politics, I do believe that anyone can be better than most of the clowns in the Salisbury City Council. If Ryan decides to run for office, please let him do it. It doesn't matter whether he runs against Debbie Campbell or anybody else. After all, this is a democracy and we should let the people decide. I certainly would vote for Debbie if she runs again for her post or even better if she decides to run for mayor. If she does decide to run for mayor, I will consider running for her city council spot and truly fight for the people who would send me there. It is still too early for me to make a decision. However, my major concern as a city taxpayer is that if we cannot find a decent person to run against Comegys, we will continue with the same city politics.
And the mayor sat there and allowed this guy to critique the crime scene in her beloved land of OZ? No tantrums? No threats? hummm.... what's up with that?
Nevertheless, I think everyone deserves a chance to prove their worth.
I'd relect B. T. and vote Comegy's, before I'd vote for an Ewalt for anything. He's another Louisel. You can't believe anything Ewalt says.
The politics in Salisbury have been almost as bad as it's sprawl. This city is the butt-end of many jokes among other Marylanders. Ryan Ewalt is a fresh face in a very stale place. Joe, the so called "wise" & "experienced" people you speak of have gotten this city no where lately and are old school in their train of thought. We need someone who is generally concerned with the condition of the town they grew up in and that want to see some changes to improve all aspects of the city (not their own agenda). I believe Ryan is a good candidate for any position of power in the city. He is fair and is only interested in the interests of the majority. It is unfortunate that there are not more people around here like him. He conducts his business with more proffessionalism and genuine concern for others than anyone else I know (and, I say that as a native who has lived in Salisbury for over 25 years). Let's all grow up, hear what he really has to say, and not cast judgement after one statement at a council meeting.
Ryan's grandfather, Don Ewalt, ran for the County Council, City Council, and even ran against Lowell Stoltzfus for the Maryland Senate seat.
I do know he had the gaul to publically campaign and say that Lowell was out of touch with the main stream eastern shore because Lowell had voted for secession from the western shore.
Lowell was right on the vote, and it is interesting to note that in the 1960's the eastern shore secession measure was just 1 vote short from passage.
If anyone is intersted. . . I'll gladly drive to Mardela to the border marker and tranplant a coarse for separating from the western shore.
I think Mr. Ewalt is serving on the mayor's newly formed environmental policy task force. Would you ask him what it is?
leave the guy alone, he is someone who wants change, but is actualy willing to do it, then just write about it on a blog,
does his mommy know hes playing politics?
Ryan Ewalt is one of the finest young men I have ever known. I knew him from my work at Bennett High before he left for college. When he returned to the Shore, I contacted him and have since talked to him a number of times. In his words, he is "passionate about public service" and wanted to return to his roots. We surely need to give him a chance, as Sean Butler writes; but the way, a great tribute to Ryan, Mr. Butler!
I believe Mr Taylor would be an excellant Mayor, wonder if he has considered running?
If he is a stand-up guy, he will pay his dues and work in the community for a few yeas to establish a background from which to judge him. If he is a shill for BPT and SAPOA, he will be pushed forward as a candidate before he has paid his dues. The fact that BPT named him to be on an environmental commission with other FOB's such as Michael Day makes me very suspicious about how independent he really is. There are many ways for you to serve your community, Ryan. Do that for a few years, then you will have the background to run for mayor. The rush for a recent college graduate to be mayor of our city should raise alarm bells. He may be a good guy, I just think we have been burned too recently to take this leap. Slow down, Ryan, and you can forge a successful political career if that is what you want. The environment is not right for you this year.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Jim Ireton for Mayor.
I have this to say:
I have no problem with this young man running. From what I've heard, he's a fine young man.
But 2:16 anonymous is way off base if he is characterizing people like Terry Cohen and Debbie Campbell as not having genuine concern for their town. Can you just imagine the improvements we'd be seeing if they were in the majority on the council? They've put forward dozens of ideas rejected by those other three -- ideas MOST citizens support! Both have them have been part of initiatives in the past that have made a difference.
As for young Mr. Ewalt, 2:16 said:
"He is fair and is only interested in the interests of the majority."
If he is only interested in the interests of the majority, then he is NOT fair. Good government balances both the majority and the minority. The problem we have on the city council is a MAJORITY that delights in CRUSHING the voice of the minority -- and their the ones with the effective, progressive ideas!
I'll listen to what the young man has to say, but he seems connected to people who do not have the best interests of the city at heart. Is this just another "students know best" movement we're seeing here?
Talk is cheap, folks. And I will not be swayed by labels like "fresh" and nice little phrases we all want to hear.
Like the old commercial, I want to know, "Where's the beef?"
Don't you have to be out of high school to run for Mayor? But then, I doubt the current Mayor ever graduated.
Ewalt = SAPOA
That child dosent have a clue whats going on here in salisbury, let alone what this town needs. he's been away and now he's filling the shoes of his fathers {want'a be} legacy. Takes alot'a nerve or alotta ignorance to say with a boyish grin "we just need to work together" If he's so passionate about public sevice let him start at the bottom. We need someone with experience, respect and man enough to fire some of this deadwood rotting our city. We need someone whos been passionate all along, whos been fighting in the trenches, whos not affraid to speak out about wrong doing! Someone whos been going to council meetings and doing their homework...and making a difference, not just talking about it, not just going to make an opening campain speech...I'm with 4pm...my vote goes to Taylor if he's willing.
How about this anonymous 4:41 get some new material.
I don't know the young man, but he should get his feet wet in other areas before attempting to run. Playing nice and trying to work together doesn't work. The people he would be trying to do that with don't play nice and aren't willing to work together. Ask Debbie and Terry. I suggest he do the following: 1. Come to EVERY council meeting between now and filing deadlin. 2. Volunteer to help Debbie and Terry any way he can to prove his heart is in the right place. 3. If he decides to run, swear out a statement not to take any campaign money from anyone associated with SAPOA, developers, Comcast, and any other special FOB interests. Then, and only then, maybe we can trust him.
I keep seeing the word "young" in these responses. This city doesn't need "young". It needs "experience and leadership". The only experience and leadership any Ewalt provides is on golf courses.
Oh, No.
Two Ewalts running in the next election -- that's enough to make
you barf!
If you people took the time to get your facts straight....then you would realize his views and his grandfathers views are not even close to similiar
For those who have problems with Ryan Ewalt's youth: If memory serves me right, Jim Ireton ran for and was elected to the City Council when he was about 25, I believe. He served us admirably during his short tenure, much more so than most of his elders, the so-called "voices of experience." Now he is being touted as a viable mayoral candidate.
I've lived here way long enough to know you never hear the name Ewalt around here unless there is something in it for them
A council seat at 25 and mayor at 25 are two different things in my book. Especially since the council has been stripped of power by those idiots who just handed it to the mayor.
Gary was probably just fine with that since he was just waiting to step into all that power.
As for Ewalt -- and there are references to young to keep from confusing him with his grandpa -- his "chance" is to be heard, which I will give him if he runs. But he needs to appreciate the cynicism of voters after the Louise Smith debacle. And of his own last name's association with a group of people that have wreaked havoc on our city.
I've listened to people like Jim Ireton and Bob Taylor. Not only sensible talk, but specific recommendations, not just phrases. Louise was all about phrases. Ewalt's opener so far...phrases.
He'll have to do better than that.
its awfull funny this kid comes outs nowhere, several folks swear'n he'd be a great mayor, I seriously dought these folks are regular readers here.....this smells of foul play to me, a thought out PLANT even,
It's nice how you (and others who have commented) think it's okay to judge someone whom you know nothing about. Not experienced? A kid? What do you do - sit around "blogging" all day and thinking of ways to vilify hard working Wicomico County citizens? Maybe you should think about getting a real job before you write about anyone/anything you hear about that has the potential to make someone look bad.
Anonymous at 7 is totally off base with this comment they are some of the nicest and NON selfish people I have ever met.
Ireton ran when he was 28, and had a long list of community service before hand. That is what the community needs more of...service to others, not service to special interests. Ireton has been on Channel 16 twice in 2 days discussing how neighbors are watching out for each other and comming together to solve problems. We need more of that.
If I were Ryan Ewalt and I was reading this blog, I would run not walk away and just say "let them continue down the path they are going". The way you all feel would surely make me not want to waste my time on trying to help make improvements. I am sure he could go elsewhere and would be welcomed as fresh, young and with new ideas. At least he is willing to come forward. Give him time, perhaps he will do volunteer work. I was considering running for County Council, but frankly life is too short to put up with today's attitudes and bureaucracy.
Aren't we all just a little ahead of ourselves?
Ryan Ewalt has not declared for mayor. Let's watch, listen and see.
(However, if it is true he exchanges winks, nods, etc. with Pick, Barrie or Gary, I wouldn't vote for him if he ran.)
As for this comment by 8:53 anon:
"I am sure he could go elsewhere and would be welcomed as fresh, young and with new ideas."
I heard nothing fresh and no new ideas in what he said. But he is young. All he did was get up to speak.
As for jumping on the kid and making him want to run, don't blame us...Barrie Tilghman (with support from Mike Dunn, the Cathcarts, Gary Comegys, Michael Day, Shanie Shields and the deceptive Louise Smith) are responsible for the nastiness that Salisbury has sunk to.
As I said, we are getting ahead of ourselves. But it shows you how raw the nerves of citizens have become, thanks to what those people named have done to our once pleasant city.
well put 8:53 well put. Also, I don't think Ryan is connected to or working for anyone. He is talking to all sorts of people around town to hear what's happening from all perspectives. Everyone's lenses are a different shade. One thing we can all agree on..... some things need to change.
Intersting discussion about the young man who spoke at the council meeting. Everyone who wants to be involved, (for whatever reason) has to start somewhere, he picked the council meeting.
But, "wanna be s" are just that,
the jobs of council member and mayor SHOUlD have "qualifications" however, in the past people seem to have a "popularity contest" or a personality contest or a "special interest group" contest.
We have Mr. Ireton who is without a doubt the most "concerned citizen" I have ever met, and he has shown over and over by his hard work in the community how much he really cares, he is closely followed by those brave souls Bob Taylor, Bob Caldwell, Linda Kent, Tim Spies, GA Harrison,Dot Truitt and even Joe Albero; there are more,who's names I forget but those who follow the council meetings know who they are, these folks are always there for the citizens, they are always there to testify before the council on things that matter, they are always there to question and to further the democratic process by trying to help the only two voices on the council that are not puppets of the Mayor.Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen.
Do we need more Puppets? No, if you do not realize that Mr. Comegys
wants to be Mayor, the Mayor wants Mr. Comegys to be Mayor, (because he has not had an independent thought since he was been on the concil) I am surprised that when he speakes his voice does not sound like the Mayor, he certainly is her puppet. We can ill afford to have more of the same in the city, the city is suffering now.
It is good that new people want to get involved, and it is good that anyone would have the courage to stand up knowing that the Mayor has a nasty habit of "getting even" no matter what. So if you have the courage to "testify" you can be sure that you will have things done to you, by the Mayor, but perhaps not if you are "a puppet" or speaking because she asked you to.It does not take long to find out about the motives of some folks, so, just wait to see Mr. Ewalt's behavior, those who know have already seen his connections to the Mayor and Mr. Dunn, that for me is enough, but, we will see. It is difficult to be fair, when the current administration has been so unfair.
8:53 --
I saw his performance on PAC 14 but heard no fresh (or other) ideas, just the same pap spouted by Cathcart for several years that we still get from Bubba Comegys and now Louise Smith, too. When the agenda items were discussed he offered nothing at all on several serious matters.
He's a classic political "wannabe" who surfaces before each election, but won't be in the trenches when needed at other times, just like that other Ewalt. That type was called a "sunshine patriot" by our forefathers.
If Ryan is following this post, I hope he realizes that for most of us, the main objection to his runnning for mayor is not a personal attack on him, but more on the circumstances surrounding this next election. If you talk to Jim Ireton, he will be the first to admit that he made mistakes as a young councilman, and allowed himself to be pushed around too much. Now, having had years of experience and a solid track record of community service, Mr Ireton has the skills and the background to know how to lead, to know when to ask questions, and to know whom to trust. Mr Ewalt certainly may get to that position quickly, but he isn't there now. Just a bit of unsolicited advice--you don't want to start a political career in this atmosphere, seriously. Start lower, let the poison of the Dunn and BPT regime ebb a bit, then come in and go for the office. Otherwise, you are just setting yourself up for failure, even if you should win the election.
I have known Ryan all my life and I must say I am surprised at most of these comments. I can assure you that you will never meet some one who has more sincere motives of making Salisbury a better place to live for everyone. Here is someone who has moved back to Salisbury, after attending to of the most esteemed Universities in the country, to make a positive impact on the place where he grew up. Last time I looked around that is not something you see everyday and some of you want to burry him after one he stood up to talk at a meeting. (Meetings he has been in attendance all summer)
As for experience I can assure Ryan has been involved in as many organizations, and has held many positions of power in those organizations, as anyone could at his age. Experience? What are some of the credentials of the town’s current leaders? Because if that is what experience gets you I will take youth and enthusiasm any day!
Get to know Ryan and he will tell you what he believes and what he wants for the city. If he decides to run you will know where he stands and if you like it vote for him, if you don't then vote for someone else, but he is as genuine of a person as you can find.
Brandon Laws
Anonymous 4:37, I was speaking of those other idiots that do nothing execpt hold up progress. Every decision is suppose to be made to BETTER the community as a whole. We have had a few poeople in power lately with their own agendas and no vision of a healthy city.
WE are responsible for the
"nastiness" anonymous 10:10. There are other ways to respond to problems with our politicians.
Sincerity has very little to do with the ability to lead a city that is in trouble. His motives can be (and probably are) sincere, but leading the interfraternity council at UVA and dealing with guys like Richard Insley, millions of dollars in a budget, and people lobbying for their own interests are two very different things. Dude, slow down and really figure things out before you run. Sitting in city council meetings all summer is not enough preparation to be mayor, and if you think it is, that is enough evidence that you are not ready.
This Just In: Salisbury is infested with the same old 'I'm scared of change,' and 'Young people can't be trusted' and 'Experience in the public sector is a direct corollary to good leadership' type of morons that have slowed the pace of America to a dehydrated, knee-scraping crawl. I would take a bright, dynamic, DEDICATED individual like Ryan Ewalt any day over any of the bums posting here or 'Status Quo Gary's (or Jim's) who appear to be our 'alternatives'. I don't know what Ryan will do, but I sure hope he is given the chance he deserves if he does brush past the negativism and foot-dragging folks down here and offer his life to leadership. There is almost no context in America, political, civilian, military or otherwise that does not recognize the value of a quality education. So, if anyone here or in Salisbury wants to minimize his education, you're a sad minority and your arguments aren't convincing. Mr. Ewalt's education and experience in local government will serve him well, and would serve the citizens of Salisbury well. I'd personally rather see him working selflessly for the people of Salisbury than take some high paying DC job. Furthermore, 'youth' (if that's what you want to call the trait of someone who has been eligible to run for Mayor for 8 years) along with its sister traits, 'fresh perspective' and 'new ideas' are almost always preferable to entrenched people who have no options in life but to try to control and suffocate the destiny of a small city with incredible potential. 'Experience' is without value if it is in the hands of the incompetent and incapable.
Whatever. I've given all the advice I can, but it seems the Ewalt supporters think any advice against him running is a personal attack. You tout his "experience in local gov't," but he needs to get actual experience (not just attending meetings--get elected to serve on the council, perhaps)before running for mayor. If the very mild criticisms here get you irate, just wait until you run for office. That skin better get a lot thicker. He will be associated with the entrenched powers, he will be dragged through the mud, and he will be drawn into the anti-Tilghman/Dunn/Comegys backlash. Ill informed voters (i.e, most of them) will believe he is grand dad, running once again, and will automatically dismiss him. You can avoid all that by paying your dues and waiting a few years to establish a track record. Or you can listen to the voices whispering that the time is right to strike and become the chief executive of a multi-million dolar business with a bunch of disgruntled employees. Go for it. Not everyone here is anti-education, and I would put my degrees up against his any time. But academics and the real world of political negotiations are two very different experiences. I'm not hiring an inexperienced person to be my CEO, and I'm not voting for someone to be mayor until I've seen their political work. Show me you can stand up to the lobbyists and the pressures of government leadership, and I'll be the first to vote for you. Until then, I'm going with the guy with new ideas, experience, and a loooong resume of community activism.
I have known Ryan for a long time and can explain where he's been for the last few years. No, Ryan hasn't been back in Salisbury long, because he has been busy the last several years completing a bachelor's degree in Systems Engineering from UVA, working for Price Waterhouse Coopers in Washington DC, and perhpas most importantly, earning a master's degree in public administration from UNC. But now he's back because he feels strongly about giving back to the community that gave so much to him.
It's amazing how quickly some people crucify a person just for standing up to speak at a meeting. Those people are probably the very same ones who can't understand why the bright young people that grow up here on the eastern shore don't come back or stay here to contribute. Gee...what a mystery!
For all you folks out there who are so quick to judge, do us all a favor and do your homework first! Get the facts straight and talk to Ryan yourself so you can make an intelligent decision rather than spreading rumors that aren't true.
Look at where so called "experience" has led Salisbury in the last ten years(ie. Mayor, Bubba, etc. etc. etc.)!! I give Ryan credit for having the balls to stand up to all of the uneducated people who continually complain on this blog/city. Salisbury needs someone who is energetic, smart, classy, and non corrupt. If you did not get the memo, we are not living in the 60's and 70's anymore. Our city has sooooooooooo much potential (especially downtown).Get a clue people, then go somewhere and get an education.
Is he related to that loser Don Ewalt. Ran for the House, County Council and city council. If he is anything like Don Ewalt he doesn't have a chance in hell of winning anything.
Pssssst....Hey buddy, a bit of advice... change your last name...
Wow, I am so glad I moved the hell off the Shore. You stupid rednecks see a guy from Salisbury who had the sense enough to leave and get a real education as a threat and will punch away at your Tandy's with your dial-up internet for as long as it takes to keep "those people" away from your government, or lack thereof. I happen to know Ryan and though he picked the wrong ACC schools, he's still a good guy. Most of you toolboxes couldn't finish your Associate's at Wor-Wic let alone posess the intellect required to read this guy's high school transcript. The days when great City Council Presidents like Norm Holland Jr. are gone and now we have to face facts: until Salisbury embraces the diversity of culture that is rapidly consuming the nation and stops quibbling over crap like speed deterrents on Isabella, you will always be Schaeffer's "outhouse" and intelligent people like the majority of us who do not live there anymore will continue to be embarassed to admit we grew up in Smallsbury.
I really like this Ewalt kid....It is nice to see a fresh face (well fresh since his return to the area) in Salisbury.
Before everyone tars and feathers the kid and runs him out on a rail (yeah I can call him kid too) listen to his ideas or at least give him a chance before you get that tar heated up.
I think he is just what our area needs; some youth, energy and new ideas from his experiences which have brought him back to this area. I really feel like a kid like Ryan, with a fresh prespective on things, who has seen and been places other than our town, will put the people's interest before any special interest and trust me he is no Mikey Dunn.
Have an open mind and give the kid a chance.
Who are YOU Matt?
Look, I'm not knocking the guy, not at all. I'm simply saying, IF you're going to make a statement like TGRUST ME, back it up with a name, will ya?
Maybe the biggest deficiency of Mr. Ewalt is his judgment - in looking to put himself in a position to have to listen to folks like the above writers on a regular basis. I've know Ryan for a few years during grad school and you would be lucky to have him.
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