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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Salisbury Council Feels Your Pain When It Comes to Crime

Murders, home invasions, gang activity. These are just a few of the items guaranteed not to be included in Salisbury Mayor Barrie Tilghman's "All-America City" application. As citizens found out last night, don't expect much more than hand wringing and shirt tearing from Tilghman's council majority.

It was interesting that the misfortune of a Johnson Lake resident was used as the jumping off point for a potential opponent to Councilwoman Debbie Campbell. Read More ...


Anonymous said...

Ewalt is going to run, and he is the slumlord candidate. We need to do everything we can to prevent his being elected.

Anonymous said...

G.A. Harrison, you say that Ryan Ewalt "recently moved back" to Salisbury from NC.

How recently?

Doesn't someone have to be a resident of the city for a year before the election.

Anonymous said...

As someone who knows Ryan, I would like to know the facts that the commenter has. A slumlord candidate??? How??? Ryan has no alliances within the city (as both sides already do) and who would he be beholden to? I am 99% positive he has no intention of running against Debbie, as I know he has spoken with her on several occasions. Ryan grew up in Salisbury, attended JMB, and moved away to GO TO's not like he just got back after fleeing the city. Ryan is a man of high intelligence and high integrity and character. I can see that the baseless attacks on him have already started. Good job backing up your comments with facts guys!!!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Ewalt sounds just like that local political wannabe with the same last name who has run for every office except dog-catcher (and only because that one is filled by appontment). Are they related?

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:54,

Take all the words you just wrote, change the name to Louise Smith, and you have last year's campaign. Don't be fooled again! We need to vote for someone who has a track record of community involvement. Mr Ewalt may be a nice guy and intelligent, but last night he displayed a naivety about local politics and the pressures that would hit him right away as mayor. Let him work in the community for a few years, establish a record we can evaluate, and THEN run for mayor.

Anonymous said...

After a string of insincere office holders in the city government, anyone without a track record is taking asking something very unfair to expect people to show support before they have worked locally for a while and proven that their top priority is Salisbury's future. Someone gives good advice, if Ryan is the "real deal" he won't mind spending time proving himself. He seems nice enough, but I have seen the words, winks, and smiles he exchanges with Barrie, Pick and Gary.

Anonymous said...

Just because he studied political science doesn't make him a candidate for office. I agree he is a very nice person, being a nice person doesn't make you mayoral material.

Hang around awhile Ryan. Learn the issues within the city, whats important to the people. Find an issue and fight for it. Help others fight for issues of importance, not to city all but to all the citizens of Salisbury. I think once people get to know you, they'll come to trust you. You can thank Louise Smith for the skepticism of everyone in the county.

We won't be fooled again, is the mantra of many.

Anonymous said...

if you haven't been in this battle until now don't expect many to back you. we want someone who has helped lead the fight in getting more and better paid police and firemen. we want big changes no empty promises. if you haven't already drawn your line in the sand by now and have made your priorities clear don't waste your money running you trojan horse.

if you just all of a sudden feel that now you care? nobody cares

Anonymous said...

Is he related to Don Ewalt? If he's the son, there's your Real Estate connection.
Don ran for everything and was flying on Comegys' coattails last election.
Ewalt was constantly with comyges, everywhere you saw one, you saw the other. Saw the 2 of them the Sunday morning before the last election, putting all those fliers out at the apartments. They never knocked on any homeowner's doors. Now those same apts. are advertising for rentals. Never before has this happened. These particular apts have always been full & with a waiting list... until now.
Thank you weezie, & mr. "C", especially for all the "smart growth".

Anonymous said...

"no intention of running against Debbie, as I know he has spoken with her on several occasions."

didn't weezie also "speak to Debbie"?
and gonna support her for council pres?