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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Montauk Monster.... Salisbury WWTP Byproduct?

Do you think possibly the infamous internet Montauk Monster might possibly be a by product of recent Salisbury WWTP contaminations???? If some animal fell in the Wicomico River (say a dog)....would it be possble for it to mutate and wash-up on the Long Island shores? Just a Thought for the Day.....

GO HERE and then GO HERE to see the stories.


Anonymous said...

Dang Joe, imagine if that were possible we better keep the mare away from the bars around the river its hard to tell what that would come out to be. Wouldn't wish her mutated on anyone.

Anonymous said...

its probably a sea turtle that lost its shell, a big turtle.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with anon 5:25 It looks like a turtle that lost its shell

Anonymous said...

I know what it is! I know.

Barrie had a miscarriage and flushed it :)

Anonymous said...

so what's the deal with Salisbury's water winning the "best tap water in Maryland"? and is now going into a national contest??
How does this sh*t happen??? It has to be something political, because our water SUCKS!!!
Let the contest promoters read this!
Joe...a little 'front page' coverage on this one? Also, if the water is soooo great, why does the city buy bottled water??

Anonymous said...

Ssssh Bubba, you weren't suppose to tell them!

anon 8:24

sssh it is the best water! Just like the mustard in the grabs add to the flavor. The wwtp is the mustard of the water :) It just gives it that distinct great all american flavor. Who needs vitamin water when you can, get some Salisbury city water loaded with heavy metals, sediment, sulfur, and bacteria!

Anonymous said...

Dont' you know the "Salisbury" water they used for the contest WAS the bottled water???? You think maybe the contest rules stated the water had to come 'from' Salisbury, not specifically stated 'from' the Salisbury water system itself?

Anonymous said...

So if you ran across something like this on one of our local beaches....Wouldn't you take more than ONE photo???? I'd have deleted my kids Birthday party pics just to get another shot or two!