It was an honor and a pleasure to have been invited to the Wicomico County Civic Center and take some shots of a Living Legend, Willie Nelson. Ladies & Gentlemen, I have to admit, this guy sounds exactly like he does on the Radio. For those who were fortunate enough to enjoy the show, they know what I'm talking about.
The Civic Center offers Shows like this fairly often and in many cases is a once in a lifetime opportunity to be in a smaller Arena. Man, I'll never forget some of the concerts in the old Capitol Center. Oh, some 25 years ago I went to a Steve Martin concert/performance and we had the cheap seats. He said, to all of you ALL the way in the back, it's time for my disappearing dime trick. YEAH RIGHT!
You get my point though. Here we are with incredible acts like Willie Nelson and the place wasn't fully packed? There was one hell of a crowd, don't get me wrong. Nevertheless, for those who went and enjoyed, you got your money's worth!
If the Civic Center keeps sending us the info on concerts coming up we'll keep you posted.
I'm sure since it's summer part of the crowd drove from Ocean City. If the place was better accoustically it would sound better. Willie is a good draw here, then again since it's summer, some may be away on vacation and couldn't attend.
Willie loves that old guitar with the hole in it, not the sound hole an actual hole! LoL He's had plenty of guitars and swears he's never found one that fits his hand and feels as good as that old one.
I had tickets to see Willie with Bob Dylan a few years back at Shorebird stadium but that damn hurricane skirted the coast and it was canceled. Like to see them both again, together or not.
I wouldn't walk across the street to see that burnt out hippy if someone paid me. Just simply over rated.
Willie wouldn't trade Trigger for love or good money. The Martin company offered to take Trigger and rebuild it for Willie, FREE of charge and Willie declined their offer. Like Willie, that old guitar just keeps getting better with age.
The concert was great, I had a great time and enjoyed the good company I was in. I'm still amazed at how unbelieveably sedate the crowd was.
I really was not impressed. I guess I kind of expected more energy (both from the crowd AND from the band) and more vocals - and for the vocals to be timed to match the music. (and, of course, the Civic Center acoustics bites the big one)
When you're paying to hear a legend sing, you don't want almost every other song to be just instrumental, and you want the songs to be recognizable.
I really didn't feel that I got my money's worth. Apparently, I wasn't the only one, because people started leaving a long time before the show was over.
There were plenty of people enjoying the show, however. I had to smile at the people dancing their way down the aisle to the clear space in back.
You can have Chief Webster apologize on his knees in front of the news media at City Hall and I will say congratulations, my man.
You can have tens of millions dollars more than me and I don't really care. (they print billions daily)
You can have the number one blog in the world and we say "God Bless You" and wish you the best.
You can have a hundred of the best Harleys and motorcycles in the world, not a twinge of jealousy.
You can smoke $50 Cuban Cigars with breakfast lunch and dinner, while I roll my own. My hats off to you.
Getting to go 'burn one' with American Foke Hero Willie Nelson from a personal invitation...
Well like I said on the phone last night.
Now I'm jealous...
And to anonymous 9:56
You can Kiss My Ass, Willie Nelson is a True American Hero and not some "burnt out hippy"... Have you heard anything about Willies 9-11 Truth campaign?
I was a OK fan until I heard that this idiot,, Like many Other believes that Our Goverment created and made the Events of 9-11 happen??? I sure hope I AM WRONG! Anyway if I am not then they should rot in hell with their TExas Steakhouse kangaroo meat!
Joe, those are great pictures.
I was a OK fan until I heard that this idiot,, Like many Other believes that Our Goverment created and made the Events of 9-11 happen???
I am not a conspiracy theorist and really don't think OUR government was behind this.
Willie Nelson is not some wack job and when he starts publicly asking these types of questions, it makes me wonder if there is something more to it all.
He is asking for the truth and thats something we would all like to see!
Willie Nelson is one of the greatest men to ever live and breathe air. He's not only about his music and he doesn't stick to one genre, he plays them all. When everyone ran to that concert in Philly for Live Aid it was a one time shot. Willie started Farm Aid with Neil Young and John Mellencamp and they have done a concert every single year since it's inception, aiding AMERICAN farmers in need. Recently they've opened up their coffers to help those farmers in the midwest that suffered from the floods. Then Willie from the great oil producing state of Texas thumbs his nose at the oil industry and produces Biodiesel, opening truckstops selling this product. He also put an ampitheater in Carls on I35 so that truckers who rarely have time for entertainment can be entertained while laying over. Willie Nelson is 75 years old and still working harder than some 20 year olds, doing 176 shows a year. Do you think he's doing it for the money? I seriously doubt it. He is fortunate enough to be doing all of his life what he loves the most, playing music, golfing and helping those he can.
Let us not forget when the levees broke and the US government couldnt get water or anything else to those people Willie Nelson got a tractor trailer load of water through to one of the hardest hit Parishes in Louisiana. Willie has given back more to AMERICAN PEOPLE than anyone I know. If Willie is questioning the government you had better damn site be listening. He has the balls and the money to ask these questions and get the answers. If the IRS didn't shut him down to you think anyone else can?
Willie is MY HERO!
1050 If you thought the concert was dead and boring, how do you think Willie felt playing to a bunch of stiff assed people that won't even clap to the music unless he encouraged them to do so? Don't you all feel the music? I've been to funerals more lively than the folks at this concert. I could see if the crowd was all 60 and upward but that was not the case. There were people there of all age groups.
As far as the instrumentals go maybe you don't know he just did a jazz recording as well as a reggae and blues recordings not long ago. If you didn't recognize the music maybe it was before your time. He played a lot from his early days, some Hank Williams, some hits he wrote for Patsy Cline as well.
Damn, looking at all those pics of willy gave me a buzz....
i thought he died?,(whooppps).
Who wants to see a concert in a "DRY VENUE" I'd rather spend the gas, get a few friends, and go to a venue in the baltimore area, and be able to have a beer with my show even if I have to pay $8.00 for it.
It just shows how conservative of an area we live in. And yes I know the story behind how the land was given to them and it was part of the deal. They should have never taken the damn land, and paid for land somewhere else so I could have a damn beer.
I can drink downtown at the Salisbury Festivel but not at the convention center watching a show.
Thanks for the rant
I had the privilege of seeing Willie and friends in Luckenbach, Texas, the town he made famous, many years ago. He is still great, and I'm sorry Smallsbarrie didn't appreciate him. As for his 9/11 theories, I believe he bases them on research he has done about calls and messages and the like that were sent to the White House and others months before the tragic day. I can't recall hearing him say our government "created and made" the events happen. If I am correct, I think he feels they could have been prevented. My challenge to you (11:02) is this: Go back and read everything you can about why people like him feel this way, and research the facts and history leading up to the attacks, and come back and report to us all why it is impossible for this to be the truth.
You know, when I first heard that people in New Orleans were thinking that the government may have opened the levees and flooded areas like the Ninth Ward I thought, "yeah, blame the government." Then I found out that years ago there was a hurricane and they knew the levees would fail and "the government" decided it would be better to open the levees and flood the bayou country and save the developed areas and they came up with a plan. They went to the "bayou people and told them that they would reimburse them for their homes that they knew would be destroyed if they would agree to this plan. It was for the greater good after all. The deal was struck. They opened the levees, flooded the bayou country, saved the populated areas-- and backed out on paying restitution. Now the light gets shined on the picture. No wonder the people thought "just maybe" history was repeating itself. The moral of the story --we don't learn the answers if we don't ask the questions.
Tom Sawyer, Again.
In the past couple years I have been to the Civic Cntr 3 time.
I have to agree with the Damn Beer guy. Really, what are they going to do if they start selling beer there? Take the land back!
The last time I went, poeple who got up and tried to dance where told to stop by security. Come on!
This area does pull big names.Wonder why they don't fill the place? Boring thats why.
You wont see me going Back there.
You mean people don't stand up on the seats anymore and hoot and holler? Shuck's no smoking, no drinking, no wonder they were stiff, no Moshe Pit? Hell I'm getting so old now I might break bones in a Moshe Pit.
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