This morning, while driving on the Bypass, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this individual crossing the very busy Highway. He was in the medium cutting grass when all of a sudden he took off across the road, not in an area in which I thought he'd be cutting.
As I was driving up towards his direction he was actually driving towards me in the shoulder pavement of the road???? Are these guys a part of SHA? With all the regulations out there towards safety, this guy was NOT following any of them, including common sense!
Joe, I haven't tweaked your grammar in a long time. Was he "in the medium" vs. a large or small, or was he in the median, the part that divides 2 sections of a road? We love you, Joe!
SHA contracts all their grasscutting out.
LOL! I wers in da hurray.
Now Joe, I know you pulled over onto the shoulder when you took this picture so you didn't put your life or others in jeopardy just to bring us news right???
You might have been in a hurry, but you can't spell worth a dam!
And you are real bright, driving down the road taking pictures.
that is your local mexicans at work.
Didnt you know that the state wont hire local people no more and give them a decent job?
They hire mexicans for nothing,give them a drivers license and take what they saved from doing this and give themselves a raise.
This article brings up a topic that I have been discussing recently.
If we are suppossed to be going 'green'; our City, County, State and Federal Governments are overraught with huge financial burdens that they cannot meet...Why are we so Anal about cutting the grass along the sides of the roads?
There is so much guilt propoganda out in the air waves about how much CO2 we add to the atmospher just cutting our own lawns, but have these fear mongers taken into account the amount of emmissions and fossil fuels wasted on cutting the grass on the side of the road?
I have traveled through most of the continental US and I must say that MD, DE, VA, NJ are the most anal about the grass along the highways.
Many many states that one can drive through does not participate in this practice, and the sky has not fallen.
In many states in the Midwest, farmers actually bail the ditches and road sides for their livestock.
I think that this is something that really needs to be revisited, in our local and State budgets.
Just my two cents.
I agree Wymzie... we are from the West Coast (yes... yes.. we are "come heres...") and we were ROFL when we saw them cutting grass on the roadways after we moved here... why?! Tell me, why?! I guess so it will look pretty? Glad we pay for that...
There are some intersections you better cut the grass at or you will be in the intersection before you are able to see traffic. That is because of poor planning by the Good Ole Boys
Anon 2:53 PM - you don't spell worth a damn either - A "dam" is a barrier that divides waters.
Joe... you and your camera!! Could you post pictures of your vehicle(s)?
I, for one, want to be prepared! lol
I agree that it's crazy-ridiculous to cut all this!! Besides, since they can use inmates to pick up trash along the roads they could put them to use pulling the weeds, couldn't they?
; )
Thanks guys ....
Now i can tell my wife i can't cut the grass no more because it is polluting the atmosphere.
One possible reason for keeping grass cut short along highways--reptiles and rodents like tall grass.
this guy is head of the chinga sha grasscutting crew that is contracy-ted in the sby area. better keep your distance from him to because the elevator is stuck between the 1st and 2nd floors as joes pic shows.
I am so glad to see that I am not alone in this thought!
To Anon who was concerned about critters; they are there anyway, and if it does provide a little rabbit and snake cover, then that's a good thing as they certainly had it before we paved it.
I think it is a huge waste of money.
I know it looks nice, but during a time of such economic hardship and scraping to get the tank filled it feels like a slap in the face, with the states and counties saying...
"You can't afford your house or your gas; but damn those green median strips look nice"!
I say Ditch the Ditches and lets save the money.
Anon 4:57, I'll be doing edible vegetation in the front yard, this next year. I have a small yard, and one side is completely filled with a fig tree, and the other has the most sun of any area in my yard and edible plants are going in!
To heck with these ridiculous prices.
Wait till you see how much the state pays on mowing:
Check these out:
Those are just a few counties.
But wait you wanna really get pissed off.
This is how much they pay for litter pick-up:
I guess the inmates have better things to do, like study in the best law libraries around, and lift wieghts.
You can thank affirmative action. Maryland hires MBE (Minority Business Enterprise) contractors. That means even if they bid 25% higher on the job, they still get awarded the contract. Talk about reverse discrimination. Alot of times, a minority is named as the "Owner" when in reality it is just a front to be awarded contracts. It is a racket. People should protest this. Affirmative action should be ended.
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