It looks that way. It was 7-10-06 when Jim Rapp and I had our last situation together down at the Salisbury Zoo where I agreed to stay out of the Zoo for 2 years if they agreed to do certain things for the betterment of the animals well being.
That being said, my two years is up. Now, do I have any serious interest in visiting the Zoo? Not necessarily. I personally believe they need the opportunity to settle in with their new Director and prove that when I do walk through those doors, things had better have changed for the better or I'll be on these guys like they've never seen before.
Don't look over your shoulders now Ron Alessi & Co. but one never knows, does one?
you are such an arrogant prick. who made you the keeper of all things good and pure for Salisbury? you don't even live here from what I read.
you say that you have the public interest at heart. you could care less. just stuff your blog with crap about things that are usually everyday incidents and blow them out of proportion. you say you have a job, I hope you are self employed because I couldn't stand to have you work for me with all the time you spend on this blog.
I can only stomach visiting here on Wednesday to see what other horseshit you are trying to shovel down people's throats.
I hope we never MIRL, you would be a big disappointment.
I know I'll get slammed for this, but who gives a damn. And yes, I'll remain anonymous. I can't imagine what kind of slime you would throw at me if you knew my name. It wouldn't matter if it were true or not.
The ANIMALS of course.
anon 9:35
WOW, who pissed in your Cheerios today?
Did you drink out of the Wico river again? Joe's told you about that.....
Get off your anonymous high horse! what are YOU doing for Salisbury to make it better or shed light on it's demise?
People in glass houses...sir!
and what are you doing countrygirl besides defending someone that really has an agenda we haven't figured out yet.
I just read the blog where Joe says he was in Sam's and people love him......is his ego really that big!
He puts just enough good news in this blog to keep people from being as pissed off as I am.
If Joe is the champion for your cause, of course you like him.
I have never seen such a crude, rude blogger in my life and I've visited hundreds of them.
One more thing...his outright hatred for anything Obama and black is evident, with the exception of the local boxer who he likes to have his picture taken with. Hope he doesn't think that will get him an invitation to the Olymics!
anon 2:07
It sounds like you're the one with a personal agenda. Great debates are what form great ideas! Insults and complacancy devour brilliance! It is better to stand up for what you believe is right and fight for fairness than to sit back and attack those trying to change things for the better. Just because you don't agree with Joe, doesn't make him wrong or ignorant...he simply has a different viewpoint. Try voicing your opinions without insults and racial mud-slinging and you just might get your point across intelligently.
9:35/2:07--My suggestion to you is to stop coming here on Wednesdays. If you truly think this blog sucks, and if you truly don't like Albero or his style, and if you can't see any of the good Joe has done, don't come here and don't comment. Joe pokes fun at himself a lot, and I don't believe Joe is a bigot, just anti-Obama. I don't live in Salisbury, but I don't see any hidden agenda to Joe, and most people I speak with who know him personally say the same thing. And I will sign my name.
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