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Sunday, March 15, 2020

Maryland Delegates To Move Forward With Removing Plastic Bags From Stores

 Yesterday I spoke with Delegate Carl Anderton referencing the removal of plastic bags in the state of Maryland. It has been proposed in committee and has passed. Next week the House will vote yay or nay.

Carl informed me that they thought this one out a lot better then when they removed the Styrofoam containers. In the case of the plastic bags they are proposing paper bags as a replacement with NO FEE from the state. 

If the House and Senate pass this legislation it will go into effect in July of 2021. What many people don't realize is how difficult it is to separate these bags at the landfill. It has to be done manually and it is a huge expense across the state. It also gums up very expensive equipment and needless to say millions of these bags become airborne and pollute the environment.  

One of the solutions is this recycled grocery bag and I have to say in most cases right now even I use them. They're easy to work with and they last for years. 

So what's your thoughts on the state removing plastic bags from stores?


Anonymous said...

Lets work on removing certain politicians, first.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

how will i pick up dog poop? Oh wait, the liberals who want to ban bags usually don't pick up after their dogs- they wait for the state to do it.

JoeAlbero said...

9:50, There's nothing saying bags can't be bought. This legislation will simply stop retail stores from using them and instead use paper bags. Look, these bags are not recyclable, period. They really are bad for the environment and it's about time we took responsibility to remove them. There are BILLIONS of these bags disbursed yearly that end up in our landfills. There's an alternative and we need to start using other options. You all know I'm a right wing conservative so you know when I share this it's a serious issue/problem.

Anonymous said...

They don’t do a damn thing for their paychecks other than piddly waste of time do nothing issues like this

Anonymous said...

Those cheap reusable bags are made of a plastic fabric. They are not traditional fabrics like cotton, rayon or bamboo and they do not break down in landfills either.

Your guberment and Anderton are idiots.

Anonymous said...

Let's see......let me put my plastic soda bottles, plastic wrapped pizzas, plastic wrapped name anything in a bag not plastic. Yup, that makes sense. This liberal country we live in amazes me.

Anonymous said...

The recycled bags as pictured work pretty well. After being warned by an employee who worked at a well known grocery store to always avoid paper bags because they are a favorite place for roaches to hide and you can bring the roaches home with you I never used one again.

LastMohican said...

ok fine but what about all the products that come in plastic containers?

Anonymous said...

As far as picking up dog poop, one answer is to walk around your neighborhood and gather up the unwanted daily times and junk newspapers that just lay in driveways and use those plastic bags. Slide up your arm, pick up dog poop and slide it back off inside out and discard in trash.

JoeAlbero said...

10:07, Educate yourself. The reusable bags are made of RECYCLED and RECYCLABLE material. I used to manufacture/extrude plastic for 20+ years, don't challenge me on this one.

10:12, Roaches were attracted to the old glue that was used in paper bags. That's all changed today. Now cardboard boxes are a whole different thing.

As for the rest of you, a LARGE portion of plastic bottles/containers can be RECYCLED. These bags cannot. Please people, educate yourselves.

Anonymous said...

100% of all seabirds have been found to have plastic in their bodies and 50% of all sea turtles do as well. And we humans eat a credit card worth of microplastics each week. It has to stop! We're killing everything around us, as well as ourselves, with these single use plastics that remain in the environment for 500 years and more.

Anonymous said...

8 million tons of plastic waste get dumped into the ocean yearly! That's why we have to stop!

Anonymous said...

5 minutes to make it, 5 seconds to use it, and 500 years to break down. Yeah, lets just keep our head in the sand!

Anonymous said...

WTF is wrong with you people? We already subsidize the petroleum industry that produces this crap and you would rather back their BS then try and clean up what's left of our planet?

Anonymous said...

Tell you what. Go drive for 100 miles in any direction, and tell me how many plastic bags you see in the environment. Then tell me if you actually think legislation is needed. I rarely see them. A rare eyesore at the most, but not even an environmental hazard.

Anonymous said...

I just wish people would take time to throw those recycled grocery bags in a washing machine over time. I have seen some pretty nasty looking bags that people bring to the store that look pretty unsanitary and then load them up with their fresh groceries. l love the paper carry bags that Trader Joe's use...I salvage every one and use them for so many especially when I am taking items to the Salvation Army, use them as recycle items, etc...and they are much more sanitary!

Anonymous said...

There was one of those plastic grocery store bags found in the Mariana Trench in the ocean. The deepest spot in the ocean.

JoeAlbero said...

10:35, Tell that to the Farmers when these bags get caught up in their equipment. As far as being an environmental hazard, What is it about them not being degradable that you don't understand? Have you ever driven by a landfill on a windy day? Do you realize YOU have to pay for someone each and every single day to round up these airborne bags. It seems to me everyone against the removal of these bags is uneducated, with all due respect. I'm serious, rather then educating yourselves you run right to these bags no being a problem at all. You are wrong.

Anonymous said...

If your not concerned about them then eat one for dinner and see how well it works out for you. That's what your subjecting sea creatures to.

Anonymous said...

The problem isnt the bags. The problem is the lack of morality in people to cause them to be brainwashed, ignorant and/or flat out liars. These current plastics to in fact break down, leave one outside and it turns to nearly dust...gum machines? separated at the landfill? Flat out lies. Lying dosent help, it makes things worse. Go ahead tho n keep ignoring the real problem. Theres a recycle container at every grocery store but like our lazy braindead politicians, few use them. They can and are recycled but the misuse and abuse of our tax money and education system has produced shear idiots with zero self responsibility...thats why they end up blowing everywhere. Teach the yng and the 3rd world migrants how to keep their trash from blowing everywhere and you might fix the problem. I look out my window right now and I see 14 pieces of trash across the street at the neighbors fence...all plastic...none are these plastic bags. Worthless irresponsible people wont pick their crap up.
You want me to carry around 6 of these fag bags because YOU think its cool and trendy. They not only dirty and get raggy quickly but they take many many years to break down. You should be fined for being so ignorant.
As for MY remedy to the useless foolish laws that ignore the real problems...I'll start doing my grocery shopping in another state just like pat tax laws and such caused us to do.

Anonymous said...

Humanity has allowed industrialists to destroy the world. Since we like their products we never questioned the production materials or methods.

Much like accepting poisonous vaccines (aluminum and mercury) made from dead baby tissue. The vaccine industry relies on abortion for its existence.

Anonymous said...

well excuse the hell outta me for not being educated in the makeup of a freaking plastic bag.

Anonymous said...

We recycle the plastic bags as pooper picker upper, car trash bags, trash bags in the hall way and bedroom bag trash. 40 years ago we were told not to kill as many trees for paper bags. Seems to me it would be better to keep plastic bags instead of killing a live tree that gives us oxygen to breathe

JoeAlbero said...

10:47, Then go shopping in another state.

Anonymous said...

How did we ever manage to not look faggy before plastic bags were made? Oh yeah, we used brown paper bags. Geez! What a load.

Anonymous said...

Plastic is a petroleum product. It's often found to cause cancer. Keep drinking their Kool-Aid and wonder why you're sick.

Anonymous said...

Why does just about every topic on here have to turn into a pissing contest? Everyone is smarter than the next guy. Just ask them, they'll tell ya. And to prove just how smart they are, they throw in insults, smears, anything they can think of to try and shut people up.

Doesn't that get old to you or you just like the chaos?

Anonymous said...

@ March 10, 2020 at 9:56 AM JOE

Right on Joe!

I am also a Conservative and think this is a great idea... plus I actually prefer using my own tote bags.

JoeAlbero said...

11:16, Yet you come here often enough to make such a claim. And just what is your comment doing???

Anonymous said...

Blogger JoeAlbero said...
11:16, Yet you come here often enough to make such a claim. And just what is your comment doing???

March 10, 2020 at 11:31 AM

Oh, come on Joe. It doesn't take many visits to notice that. My comment is pointing it out. There will always be some kind of bad behavior. No one can get rid of it all. And why are you so defensive? It's just an observation.

Anonymous said...

Blogger JoeAlbero said...
11:16, Yet you come here often enough to make such a claim. And just what is your comment doing???

March 10, 2020 at 11:31 AM

Lookit, I was making a comment about the majority of commenters, not a personal attack against you or anyone else. Their identities are unknown for the most part so it can't be personal against them.

I was just trying to encourage more civility in the comments. So sue me.

Anonymous said...

It's great, it works in countless other places to reduce waste. Don't be a lazy bum, get some reusable bags.

Anonymous said...

The reusable bags become germ filled. Unsanitary.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Peace out Joe, I have to go. I think we are misunderstanding each other. It was not my intention to offend you or anyone else. There seems to be a lot of hate and contention it the world nowadays. I do not want to add to it.

I'm not perfect and everyone has a bad day now and again. So I will leave it at that and move on. Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your comment that those ridiculous blue bags are made from recycled plastic but they still do not degrade in the landfill.

So I stand by my comment, as it is not a "challenge" it is a fact.

Recycled or not, they are no different in the land fill or compared to other plastic bags because they are plastic.

See how I did that without insulting you by telling you to "educate yourself". I am educated enough to know that those such bags are no different in the big picture.

JoeAlbero said...

I'm not being defensive. I'm simply pointing out that your original comment stirs the pot just like many others do. I'm not perfect either and I'd rather see healthy debate as well. However, there's a ton of comments here I disagree with but people have the right to their opinions and if I don't regulate them, neither should any of you. Learn to agree to disagree and you have a great day as well.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy the chaos 1116

Anonymous said...

The cloth bags do break down. AND the most important factor is that they are REUSABLE! That way they eliminate the 5 TRILLION plastic grocery store bags used yearly. That's 160,000 bags per second. Surely the math alone should drive the point home. Five minutes of use and then into the landfill.

JoeAlbero said...

12:22, The bags I/we use are cloth bags. But let's entertain your comment for just a minute. I want you to think of how many uses you can get out of the bag you are talking about. Then think of how many plastic store bags you would've used instead. I'm guessing, 50, 100, 500 times? You can put probably 2 plastic bags worth of items in your blue bag, so double whatever above number you choose and that's how many ONE PERSON can eliminate in plastic store bags. Just think of ow much we can help environment wise. Like it or not this is becoming a huge topic nation wide. It's not like our government wants to control us. We have solutions and other options we should consider, tat's all. Our elected officials are seeing the actual impact this has on our landfills nation and even world wide. Change is always difficult to accept but we did this very same thing when we changed from paper to plastic, it was a wrong choice. Now we need to correct it.

Cracker said...

11:58 - Bye Felicia

Anonymous said...

The last time they tried to make this law, the stores said they would have to charge .15 per paper bag. But I guess now that the state is sitting on millions of acres of pine trees they bought with our money, there still isnt a lumber demand because they destroyed the construction industry with their housing bubble and crash. So they now have bahzillions of pulpwood materials sitting yeah lets force that on'em.
I wonder who sells these reusable bags, or makes or owns stock....
Id wager someone in gov is going to really make bank when this deal passes.

JoeAlbero said...

The stores won't be charging for bags unless they want to lose business to the competition. Just buy the reusable bags and create a new trend. Oh, and start washing them for those commenting stating they get dirty. Good Lord.

Anonymous said...

Example of point

Anonymous said...

No doubt

Anonymous said...

This is just another ploy by Democrats. They want to pass this so that Maryland Dems can say,"Look at what the Democrats are doing for the environment and the Republicans aren't". There are many types of plastic bags that are already biodegradable. Make these bags the same way. Problem solved. If not then let's get rid of all plastic trash bags, leaf bags, laundry bags, those small sandwich bags up to the gallon zip storage bags and I could just go on.
Why not attack some of the real problems. How about industrial companies in Baltimore discharging hazardous waste directly into the bay and instead of fixing that problem it's easier for them to pay a small fine. How about that upper bay dam no one will dare try and remedy that situation because the power company has to many high paid lobbyist. Shut the damn thing off and watch how quickly they fix it. Instead we'll just continue to blame the farmer.
Yeah, right, let's just jump on them small plastic bags.

Anonymous said...

March 10, 2020 at 12:22 PM


Anonymous said...

March 10, 2020 at 12:33 PM - Joe - That's a lovely rebuttal but slightly off point.

Fact is those blue plastic fabric bags do not break down and are just as much of a hazard to the environment. And how many of those white bags does it take to make one of those blue bags? Several.

You are just trading one problem for another, because they have not actually solved the problem.

Anonymous said...

You have got to be kidding me!! Let's talk about the plastic that is used to wrap meat!!!The plastic bags we use to freeze food, The plastic used when we go to the deli and buy meat and cheese, etc., etc., etc., etc.. If these bags are so hard to separate, etc., etc., then how about all these other plastics that are used as mentioned above, plus all the other plastics used these days in so many different items! I can go on and on, but this is ridiculous. Yes, I am aware of the environmental hazards, but let's keep this real!! You had better start thinking about ALL plastics that are involved instead of one ""small" item such as a plastic bag!!!!

Anonymous said...

It is time to get rid of plastic all together. The sad fact is we will never see our oceans clear of plastics it will take over a hundred years and then it will still remain. To assholes that throw their trash from fast food places all over our roads there should be at least a 500 dollar fine. I have never seen a place as bad as Wicomico County when it comes to people throwing trash and cigarette butts out of their vehicles. The fine and put them on road crews cleaning the crap up would slow it down.

Anonymous said...

IDK how this became a conservative/liberal issue. We do subsidize the petroleum companies. For what? Because we've become a society that only cares about convenience over life itself? For those of you so completely blinded by idiocy and lack of concern for anything other than your own lazy disregard for trying to make any slight difference for future generations, then go ahead and use the plastic bags that go right to your trash can.
You have to start somewhere. This is a great start. Baby steps, because we all know change is hard for those of you that just cannot stand it!

Anonymous said...

Oh the horror and humiliation of using cloth bags repeatedly! Yikes! You people should be ashamed!

Anonymous said...

I grew up using paper bags back in the sixties and seventies.
They would tear if there were heavy items but that was the only real problem if you didn't pick the bags up from the bottom.

They didn't go to waste.
We would reuse them as trash bags and to cover books at school.
They are great fire starters for vent stacks for charcoal grilling or starting a bonfire in the back yard! I prefer them over plastic anyway.

I keep plastic bins in the back of my truck for loading groceries, so I could go bag less if I want to.

JoeAlbero said...

2:26, Remember putting all your daily newspapers in paper bags? 2:19 is so right. So you all know, our Delegates did not put in the proposed legislation the plastic bags we use for meats and so forth. Both sides of the isle came together on this proposal, bipartisan for the good of the state. I'm thinking some of you might actually bombard your legislators over this issue but won't take the time to slam them on major issues like tax increases and so forth. People just like to bitch and complain. The world isn't coming to an end, we have solutions this time.

Anonymous said...

Some stores in other areas have taken the plastic bag
controversy to heart. Sprout’s actually gives their customers a nickel discount for each reusable bag they use when purchasing groceries. When they first started it I rarely saw anyone with a reusable bag but within a year I rarely saw anyone requesting a plastic bag.
We have to start somewhere and if it takes legislation to make it work than that is what we need to do.
Years ago you didn’t have to wear a seatbelt but once it became the law people started doing so.
We will never know how many lives that law saved.
Sometimes you just have to step back and accept the reality that some of us have to be told what to do to help save ourselves and the planet.
Thank you ever so much Joe for stepping up and advising people of the truth.

Anonymous said...

You're assuming they aren't going to come for all other plastic packaging too.

Anonymous said...

Aldi and Save a Lot charge for non reusable bags and they seem to be doing ok business wise.

Anonymous said...

What about Peanut Butter. They're in plastic Jars

Anonymous said...

The major oil companies started the plastic craze. They had waste by product and some genius came up with plastic. Petroleum is a known cancer source. Exxon was a major player and some got extremely rich. Ever wonder why Tupperware fell to the way side. The word came out about cancer and glass came back for a while but profits in plastics were so lucrative our buddies in D.C. just like every item those bastards can get rich off of stays. Oxy anyone. Just one example of D.C. turning a blind I. I just love the word lobbyist it is short for freaking Criminal. Why would anyone in their right mind want a product made that is not biodegradable. I guess hell your kids just do not matter. The crap has to go somewhere. The one poster stated they have those plastic bags in every room of of the house must be a great place to visit WTF.

Anonymous said...

I use the reusable bags you can get more in them less trips to the car into the house. When I forget i get plastic cause you have too but I use those for bathroom trash bags. I would rather see these bags go for sure. They are all over the place I had one stuck in a tree out side my office window for 3 years.

Anonymous said...

The reusable bags are little petre dishes of bacteria and other pathogens to contaminate your food on the way home from the store.

Anonymous said...

Make a Law to keep ALL the damn Registers OPEN !!!! or close
the doors !!!!

Also make a Law that they have to take 10% off your bill for
Self-Check-Out doing their work !!!!

Anonymous said...

Paper comes from trees we need to plant more for bags and the air we need.

Anonymous said...

This is the DUMBEST thing i have heard! They are going to ban plastic bags which you use to transport the food that you just bought that are PACKAGED IN PLASTIC! Oh and don't forget that when you are finished with the said product you purchased in that PLASTIC PACKAGING you will now THROW IT IN A PLASTIC TRASH BAG! Please tell me where the plastic bag you carry out of the store honestly makes that big of a difference!

Anonymous said...

9:14 your comment is the dumbest thing I have ever heard! The reason we need to ban these bags is because they are ending up everywhere! In the ocean, in the rivers, in your drinking water! 91% of plastic isn't even recycled!
A person uses a plastic carrier bag on average for only 12 minutes. On average we only recycle one plastic bag in every 200 we use. Each year, an estimated 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide. That comes out to over one million per minute. Billions end up as litter each year.
Start where you can! With this! How many dead sea turtles, whales, and seabirds have to die because your to lazy to bring a cloth bag instead?

Anonymous said...

I have no problem with the removal of plastic bag use, Are they going to approve all of the other plastic uses, Meat wrapped in plastic and all of the items "theft proofed" items in the stores and everywhere we shop.
Lets get real.. do away with plastic or not..
I read where even tooth brushes are all over the oceans..

Anonymous said...

Get rid of all plastic. It's horrible for the environment. There was a period in time when we didn't rely on this cheap, horrible product. Switch to using plant based plastic substitutes. They're becoming more prevalent and are certainly so much better environmentally!

Anonymous said...

Mylar is the worst.

Anonymous said...

And continue to package everything in plastic...the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

Anonymous said...

when they first came out, I was opposed. I want my milk & soft drinks in glass. It's so much better. And milk in waxed paper is fine also. I didn't want it. I got it. I avoid buying it when I can.
Not my problem.

Anonymous said...

The bags hold massive amount of germs.

Anonymous said...

9:42 Carl should be at the top of that list.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile the crime is out of control in Salisbury and Baltimore but banning those plastic bags will save lives.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Joe for using reusable s.

Anonymous said...


Make it law !!!!