Boreanaz took to Twitter to harshly criticize President Barack Obama’s handling of the ongoing situation between Russia and Ukraine, noting that “sanctions aren’t going to cut it.”
“So here we are in a Cold War now with Russia,” Boreanaz tweeted. “Sanctions aren’t going to cut it. Putin is Nuts and a serious threat to the USA. Grow some Obama [sic].”
Who is this guy? Some dude from Buffy the vampire slayer challenging the president of the United States ?
What's wrong 9:47 are you afraid someone from Hollywood is straying from the liberal agenda? If it was Jane Fonda you would be sniffing her seat.
If he was concerned about politics he should have studied political science and not drama and theater
well here, here Mr. Boreanaz. Find your nearest recruiting office and sign up. You can be the first to jump out the plane to go fight the Russians
Anyone can have an opinion. Even actors. You're allowed yours aren't you?
I agree that everyone is entitled to their opinion,but when force is their option they need to stay out of politics."Growing some" equates to military intervention to some degree.
To quote Ann Coulter, "Shut Up and Sing!" Or act, in this case.
Go back in your cave Obama lover.
Another Obama lover fool
Every one has an opinion...his just happens to be more recognizable. I like him in BONES.
Go back to your trailer park.. I'm a Republican stupid
Perhaps some day soon, people will realize that the left / right paradigm is an artificial construct designed by the PTB and supported by the media, to alienate and divide us. To keep us squabbling while they rape and pillage with impunity. Perhaps then, people will stop with the left right name calling and begin building bridges that will help us all come together and beat the bastards who are calling the shots, into submission.
All this squabbling and name calling among yourselves and no one has mentioned anything relevant.
Here are some relevant facts.
Fact 1: 6 mega corporations effectively own 93% of every mass media outlet in this country.
Supposition, Anything coming from the mouths of anyone who works for one of these companies, is automatically suspect.
Conclusion, David buffy slayer's antics are suspect.
Fact 2, You don't get elected in this country unless you are accepted, vetted and promoted by the party machine of your choice.
Fact 3, Both parties are heavily supported by large corporations, usually said corporations are donating heavily to both parties and following lines of ownership primarily lead back to the same corporations that own the media.
Supposition, National politicians, regardless of which side of the aisle they stand on are ultimately controlled by these corporations.
Conclusion, Everything that comes out of the mouths of these politicians is potentially designed and promoted by said corporations.
Conclusion, Any national drama you see on Television or in Print is potentially manufactured and manipulated to achieve an end.
Conclusion, potentially, David Buffy Slayer is calling out the president in a pre-arranged drama to begin a call to war in a country we are already violating our international agreement with Russia on by involving our country in its regional politics.
Conclusion, The six companies who control this country need the profits of more war to feed their endless demands for more money.
We the people, will pay the price and keep squabbling about who is left and who is wrong and miss the entire point.
We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.-- William Casey, CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)
It's worth noting that of all the dems and repubs in congress, ONE MAN voted against going to war with Iraq.
Ron Paul.
Who was later vilified, marginalized and ignored by the media when he ran for president.
it sounds to me, that when the corporations wants war, their stooges in congress all tow the line. Well, except for one man with integrity. Out of what is it, 535 members of congress, total?
But hey, let us squabble about left right some more. That's fun!
But hey, Cattle mutilations are down.
Oh, and let us not forget, that if the US goes to war with Russia over the Ukraine and does get control, it will then control the oil pipelines that cross Ukraine territories.
Oh, gee... that couldn't possibly be the whole point, could it? What with Russia making deals with european countries to sell them Russia's oil without using the Federal Reserve toilet paper known as the Petro Dollar?
That couldn't possibly be the point, here... no, it's really about David Buffy Slayer Telling the president to grow some balls and attack Russia. that's right...
If I were in Putin's shoes I would be on his same destination. If he does not act, the Muslim Brotherhood will take over the whole area.
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