My proposal is to encourage local Nurseries, Florist Shops and Landscaping Companies to take over the flower beds on the Downtown Plaza and let them maintain them.
Each day the IRS has a security truck that comes through the Plaza as well as UPS, FedEx, USPS and many other food and beverage deliveries. That comes to an immediate halt at least two times a week so Public Works can shut down the Plaza and maintain the plants.
This would eliminate ANY further expense to the taxpayers including plants and maintenance. The Plaza is shut down anywhere from 2 to 4 hours each day Public Works does this.
In addition, I'd like to reverse the traffic on the Plaza. While I'm even open to closing it to foot traffic only, I'd at least like to see the traffic heading east bound instead of west and let me explain why.
WHY someone thought of heading the traffic west is truly beyond me. Number one, Camden Street runs in the same direction, it makes no sense. Second and more importantly, WHY do you want people racing OUT of Downtown instead of slowly inviting them INTO Downtown.
Right now when you head into the Plaza and get to the top of the hill, people see the traffic light turn green and guess what happens, they start racing down the hill and run right through the stop sign to get through the green light. They never even notice what business is on the Plaza and they rarely ever pay attention to the speed limit.
By reversing the traffic I believe people will go much slower. (I'd like to add two speed bumps along the way as well). If they're heading east bound they will have a traffic light at the end, unlike the west end. It will be much safer for pedestrians.
Here's one more thing I'd like to see and let's see through comments how YOU feel about this idea. IF you had traffic going east bound, I'd like to see the entire north side of the Plaza cleared and replace the planting beds with diagonal parking from one end to the other. I'm sure there would be a good 50 parking spaces, (give or take a few) added to the Plaza and it would greatly enhance traffic to those businesses on the Plaza. NO METERS! We could put a 2 hour parking limit on those spaces so employees won't take advantage of those spots.
I look forward to your comments.
Joe, Terry Cohen was on the Don Rush show this morning- she had a good point- with Jim, it is all about him getting people to sign HIS petition to help HIM out. Terry said that whatever the plan is for downtown, it should involves US.
anonymous 10:38, Terry is exactly right. ALL of us must come together as a community once again.
Barrie Tilghman used to intimidate people who came to Council Meetings by walking up to them as they were seated and asked them for their name. She'd then write it down.
Jim Ireton has the nerve to go right up to these same people and lash out at them with sarcasm.
I know there are going to be people that disagree with me and I truly welcome that. I will hear what they have to say and hopefully incorporate their concerns into whatever project we're discussing at the time.
Joe Albero is not always right about everything. I know how to agree to disagree. I'm presenting such proposals soas WE can all come together with ideas and hopefully make things better.
Without YOU government is a dictatorship. It's time for a new leader, YOU!
Yet another good slogan mayor Albero!
There have been some good suggestions through comments here, most, a world away and better than Ireton's plans.
I supported Jim and told others to vote for him in the last election, had his sign in my yard, never again.
I like this proposal.. maybe treat it like adopt a high way thing but for our flowers in the downtown area...
You know what, whether this is a good idea or not, AT LEAST YOU ARE OFFERING IT, as no other is or will or would...
Keep the Ideas coming JOE
If local nurseries would take over the plantings on the plaza that would be great. Even without that, can't plants be watered without closing the plaza? As to reversing the traffic, I'm 50/50 on that but I'm not crazy about speed bumps, I assume that they are effective and wouldn't fight against them but they do annoy me personally. I like the idea of parking on the street. We need to make it as easy as possible for people to use the businesses that have chosen the plaza for their operations including yours, Joe.
Depending on the ADA regs to do the calcs for parking depends on the spacing of said parking... They have to be a minimum of 8' wide but 9' is ideal but would like to start seeing 10' as a standard... And a minimum of 18' long but can go up to 20' long... Unless your doing horizontal parking then its about 8' to 9' long and 20' wide...
You have to look into the code and see what SBY says about how many parking spaces are required for each business and does it meet that and does it meet the ada standards and have van accessible parking...
“My proposal is to encourage local Nurseries, Florist Shops and Landscaping Companies to take over the flower beds on the Downtown Plaza and let them maintain them.”
Wouldn’t these companies also need to go in with trucks and equipment to prune, weed, etc.? I do not think there is enough traffic on the Plaza to draw an interest from Nurseries or Landscapers, to use the area for advertising purposes. Your proposal would cost them big bucks plus continuous labor without benefit to these companies. Their works of art would soon be full of trash and yellow from urine. Do you believe these compnies want to landscape the Plaza and then have to come back daily to keep it looking nice.
As far as Florist Shops, how many actually hire people to go out and plant and come back and do upkeep. The Florist Shops I deal with have two or three employees. Certainly you will find no interest from a flower shop.
anonymous 11:20, While I'm sure many can easily figure out who's side of the isle you are on, that's cool and thank you for your comment.
I disagree with your statement. Each section would have a name plate in it advertising their business, website and phone number.
A special time can be set in the evening for these companies to come through with whatever equipment necessary to do the work but I'm sure once they've completed the initial work the only thing they would need is a pickup truch that can be parked in one of the new spaces. There's no need for them to come back daily.
As far as enough space for them to display their work, I strongly disagree on that as well. A small sample of what they offer is good enough.
As for trash being dropped off, I firmly believe the property owners or renters need to take care of that. Why the City is paying to service their front yards is beyond me. The City doesn't clean up the residents front yards or any other business owner. IF a property owner faily to take care of their own property they can and should be fined, period. If they don't like it, (in my opinion) they can relocate somewhere else. I tell it like I see it. I personally walk through that Plaza every single day picking up trash, it happens. Many have given up, (for now) but once things get cleaned up and people realize we're actually trying to HELP them, hopefully they'll get more involved.
I'm sure companies would line up to get involved. If Florist Shops have no interest, so be it.
Remember Ladies & Gentlemen, this is a proposal. The Mayor can only propose. It is up to the Council to pass or deny such ideas so please keep them flowing.
You dont know until you ask.
Joe , you want the NAACP on you?
That guy is earning a wage. Educated at UMES , majored in "hose watering ". Dr. Colegoves
son .
anonymous 11:35, typical liberal threat. It amazes me how some people think these days.
Nevertheless, there's plenty of work to be done OUTSIDE of the Downtown Plaza.
I really like these ideas. It makes a lot more sense.
Who would foot the bill for the speed bumps, clearness the plaza and creating the parking spaces? Tax money??
anonymous 11:47, great question.
If I'm elected AND if the Council likes my idea with closing down the Plaza on Friday and Saturday nights for an entertainment district, some of the funds raised from the cover charge would pay for these improvements.
Other funds can be raised through private/business donations as well.
“who's side of the isle you are “ I am very much in the conservative aisle - which is why I commented – to give you some examples of problems which might need solving
“A special time can be set in the evening for these companies to come” And pay employees overtime, no thanks.
“As for trash being dropped off,” I do not speak of property owners or renters, as I assumed that was taken care of. I speak of trash being thrown out of vehicles, trash dropped by pedestrians, trash catching in shrub, trees and flowers by the wind. Most people cannot be bothered to clean up others crap. If I lived there, I would, and I give you credit for doing so
“I'm sure companies would line up to get involved” I cannot speak for other Landscapers but I would have no interest in doing a plot on the Plaza unless I can see a return in the future. Until the Plaza comes alive again and is filled with potential clients, count me out.
anonymous 12:03, we'll agree to disagree. You've said your peace and I thank you for sharing your opinion. I believe you are in the minority and I'll simply leave it at that.
Not a fan of speed bumps but they do work.
Remember Ladies & Gentlemen, this is a proposal. The Mayor can only propose. It is up to the Council to pass or deny such ideas so please keep them flowing.
Great point Joe, but the council loves you.
Eliminate vehicles on the Plaza. The space is too narrow and crowds out any hope of pedestrian traffic. Those restaurants that might think of having an outdoor patio don't want to have a moving car within 6 ft of diners...
if the goal is to get people to notice businesses downtown, work to change the signage laws and erect large (tasteful!) signs facing US 50, US 13 and Carroll St.
anonymous 1:20, I did just that on PAC 14 around 2 years ago and fortunately the Mayor and Council listened to that request. There is now signage on Rt. 50.
It sounds like a good idea however I don't know how you can keep the employees from parking there.
The one way end of the Plaza is always congested. Between the two stop signs and the traffic light that goes to quick. And OMG if the draw bridge is up. I try to avoid the Plaza at all costs.
You totally have some Great ideas for the City. I hope you get elected in April Joe.
Do you have advisers?
If you come up with this ideas by yourself you are wasting your talent on being Mayor. You really could do so much more.
I think the Plaza should be closed to all traffic. Like it used to be.
I saw your interview on WBOC and I believe you did a great job. But here is my question, Do you think a pawn shop is right for that area?
I think it brings the wrong kind of person downtown.
I would volunteer my time to help the City. I think everyone should do trash pick up or water the flowers. It would make everything look so lovely.
The words of Paris Hilton---
That's HOT!
And so are you Joe!
People in high places are talking. They are saying it would be better to work with you then against you.
Is it 5 o'clock because I want to toast to another interesting week on Salisbury News. You inform us of things we would never hear anywhere else and the funny posts as well.
This Bud For You My Friend!
You need a "LIKE" button on here Joe.
I would keep pushing it over and over again.
Thank you for the tee shirt. It is a little tight but I will make it work.
Save a Horse ride a cowboy! Oh sorry I thought on was on Jim's petition drive site! LOL
Joe ,you and your family have a great weekend!
12:03 isnt a minority...I agree with this person on their points. I sent in a comment a cpl wks ago when you first mentioned this proposal..... I offered to enhance the reflective pool, not sure why you rejected my comment...maybe it was the mini mardi gra comment but I meant no harm.....I'll just wish ya the best of luck with it...
So city employees do not have a uniform? That guy is wearing plaid shorts.
If you were a flower and I was a bee well I would spread your pollen.
In other words I like you and your ideas and will help in any way needed.
When the Plaza was built, it had a watering system in each of the beds ... I guess that no longer exists?
Love the flower idea!
Urban Salisbury also said traffic should go the other way, so see? People don't have to argue over that.
Love your weekend idea, too. I'm not much of a party animal, but I'd come down for a dinner and a drink and "hang out" LOL!
I agree with doing away with vehicular traffic on the plaza - period. It would eliminate a lot of the trash and lower the risk of injury to pedestrians. The street is way too narrow anyway! The only time I've ever used it since it was reopened to traffic was for a visit to the bridal shop. I can envision this space as an area of culture that represents local interests, art, music, food, etc.
I think perhaps there should be sponsors of the landscaping...whether they be families (think memorial garden), businesses, college sororities/fraternities, etc. Much like the Adopt a Highway program. Have a yearly competition for area florists/landscapers. I can honestly say that if I saw a landscape feature that I loved, I would certainly call the sponsor.
The ideas are endless!
Get rid of the plants and make it a 2 way street.... the whole concept as it is now isnt working nor will it work in the future
Don't let up Joe. Jim and all the gang are losing ground by the hour.
I believe you are the man that can make everyone come together. You have a special gift for getting inside people's heads. Keep It Up!
Will you still plant Pansies?
We all have big heads this morning because we all stayed up late last night talking about all your ideas for the area. Conclusion is the Majority of the party goes Love your plans.
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