"My choice of words was not the best," Rush Limbaugh said in his apology. That's the standard formula for these things — you apologize not for what you said but for the way you said it.
Though in this case, there didn't seem to be a lot of distance between thought and word. What was the point of saying Sandra Fluke was asking to be paid for sex and then adding "What does that make her?" if not to get to that potent monosyllable "slut"?
Whatever your view of Limbaugh, he's one of our most gifted controversialists, and he must have had a good idea that that word would kick up more of a row than any of the other things he said. Still, he obviously didn't anticipate that the reaction would be so intense that it would drive off advertisers who had been willing to overlook all his previous effervescences about race and gender.
His audience has increased since the slur and he has had many new advertising requests.The real issue goes further with most people than his comment about the promiscuous young lady.Keeping the government out of our churches is the real issue here.
Now out of courisity, I wonder what he calls a man who uses Viagra or the other number of pills men use for erectile dysfunction??
Then again,,,, do I really care what he thinks???
So funny when the girl was exposed as a skank for the liberal democrats with ties all the way to the White house...and the likes of Gloria Allred with all of her extremist rhetoric....
2:30pm Out of curiosity, do you think that insurance companies should be forced to provide viagra to any man that wants it?
2:21-Requests for new advertisements have increased twice as fast as those who dropped him.It's like when I filed for bankrupcy.I lost my regular credit,but gained alternative credit that was just as reasonable.
reply to 2:53 pm
If a doctor prescribes it, it ic covered by insurance when the doctor order states it is for theraputic reasons
Am I wrong here? Men will you reply to confirm?
2:21, how about we keep the church out of our government?
This isnt a christian nation and hasnt been since the Constitution was signed.
If the government forces insurance to cover the cost you can bet the cost for the pills will increase, sky rocketing. It needs to stay affordable!!! I feel the health dept. should be the place to get birth control for several reasons, they have been doing this already, it keeps it affordable for all in the community, they focus on the education aspect where local clinics are so over booked the nurse practioner has little time to spend with a consumer.
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