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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Today's Survey Question 1-19-12

Do you think there should be an age restrictions on tattoos?


Anonymous said...

yes 18

Anonymous said...

11:01 is right on target

Anonymous said...

Get a dental checkup instead.

Anonymous said...

At least 60, maybe even 75. When you get tattoos at a younger age they look awful at a later age when your skin gets all baggy. Yeah, 75 is about right.

Anonymous said...

Yes.NBA players should not be allowed on the court with excessive tattoos.If they want to look like a clown,go to clown school.

Cathy said...

i think 18 is appropriate. under 18 only with a parents permission.

anon 11:15 - not all tattoos are trashy and nasty, although i have seen some that definitly fall into that category. some tattoos are truly pieces of art. there's a local guy, Jonathan Kellog (owner of Crucial Tattoo Studio) does incredible works of art.

there's such a bad stigma associated with tattoos. maybe years ago, only gangs & questionable people had tattoos but that's not the case anymore. i was in a tattoo shop once and a woman was there with her mother to get a commemorative tattoo of the baby she lost at birth. they did a recreation of the babies actual footprint with some other things. it was beautiful! that's not trashy OR nasty, is it?

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't tatoos be illegal since they go against bible? Seems to be the justification for everything else. Don't the bible thumpers always say you cannot pick and choose what to follow in the bible.

Anonymous said...

Cathy tatoos are nasty looking and degrade the human body. If people what works of art, try putting them on paper and frame them to hang on your wall not your body.They are disgusting to look at.There should be a manditory law banning them.One good thing about tats is if your are a criminal they sure can identify faster.

tattooed up :) said...

I agree completely with Cathy. Anon 1:36 how does a footprint of a lost child degrade the body? How does any tattoo degrade the body for that matter? Tattoos are not harmful nor do they cause long term side effects. Believe it or not some people prefer to decorate their bodies as opposed to on paper. I have a tattoo and I have never had so much as a speeding ticket. Also Anon 12:27 your post makes no sense. Everything is being dictated by the Bible? Oh is that why gay marriage is legal in some places? I thought the Bible was against same sex relationships? The idea is to separate church and state. Get with the program pal.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Cathy, I agree with 11:16. Tatoos are trashy.

Jack K Richards said...

An excessive amount makes one look trashy and trampy. I can understand a Marine logo for an ex-Marine or something but other than that I think they are a utter disgrace. My opinion,

Anonymous said...

I don't have a tatoo,and I can say I have no problem with those that have them. The last two girls I dated both had plenty and I thought they looked great. To pigeon hole all people with tatoos and all tatoos as trashy is rediculus and exceptionally closed minded. That said, there are a lot of poorly done amateur and "jail house" tats that are not works of art and would have been better never having been produced.

Anonymous said...

i agree with tattoos = ugly! and trashy!

Anonymous said...

No more trashy than infants and babies with pierced ears.

JoeAlbero said...

anonymous 4:04, Oh, come on now. The tattoos are forever, especially certain colored inks.

Anonymous said...

I like change too much. If you could change them every month I would think about it.