That's right Ladies & Gentlemen, you are about to learn very soon that your main roads might get cleared, like Old Ocean City Road or Mt. Hermon Road but ANYTHING aside from the main thoroughfare route, Delmar, Pittsville, Powellville, Willards, (you name it) you are on your own.
The state Highway User Funds that are usually given to each Town and usually given right back to the County each year for snow removal, well, Salisbury News has learned two things. One, there are only three drivers left that are certified to actually run the equipment. The other side is, there's just no money.
So, what might you see next. I'll tell you flat out, expect your taxes to go up. There's no other way to cover the expense. Some of what your elected officials try shoving down your throat as being a luxury/services are starting to disappear.
So why aren't you hearing about this anywhere else. Well, it's because Salisbury News is the only real news source on the Eastern Shore and quite frankly we'll have several stories posted today that reference Wicomico County and Salisbury you have NOT heard about.
In fact, I'll publish them one at a time and keep them at the top for the rest of the day because it's important you know the TRUTH. Put your seat belts on today because we're about to take you for a scary ride.
I'm tired of hearing they have no money, blah, blah, blah. If they didn't spend it on stupid sh!t like a parking lot across from civic center then there would be money. They don't deserve another red cent.
So what they are just going to let the kids be stranding so they can't go to school??
Our farming friends will once again come to the rescue at their own expense.
IMHO, I think we should set up a fund for our farmers and pay them to do what they have been doing all along---helping their neighbors. They clear the roads without being asked. If you offer them money for gas cause they cleared your driveway, they just smile and say they won't take it. Now this would be a great way to Pay It Forward....Beth
pretty sure the whole town of mardela has been cut off from snow plowing or street sweeping for over a year. last year our neighbor plowed church st with a ATV and plow on front
Stock up on food, etc...snow doesn't last forever. This is what happens when you depend on the government to provide everything for you. Prepare, prepare, prepare. I'll clear what I can with my loader but You'll have to shovel your own driveways and those of your neighbors and family members who can't do their own. That's what community is all about. It seems more clear all the time that we have lost our sense of community because the government gets in the way.
How often and how much can we keep getting tax hits? City, County, State, Federal. What needs to happen is to have entitlements cut. We have to stop demanding government do everything for us. We need more jobs so the government isn't paying unemployment to a person for two years. Government needs to be downsized. Daddy and Mommy need to take responsibility and support the kids they made. There are many ways to cut expenses but not as long as people think they are entitled. If there is no money for roads and education than the citizens need to find a solution - neighbor helping neighbor - and stop depending on the government. After taxes get up to 100% what will you do than?
We can affort two acres for PARKING at the civic center. I guess for the dog show. We cant affort to clear the roads for safety sake.
Joe I guess you will need to use your snow blower and the farmers will have to clear the public roads.?
WHERE WHERE is Mike Mcdermott...SAVE us from the SNOW ...or should we say the SNOW you all blow our way and blindside us with your snow stories for our votes and then leave us stranded or should we say snow stranded...DON'T WORRY will all rememeber this come election time
anonymous 12:13, DEPEND???? Do you NOT get it. YOU PAY for these services! The ONLY reason you're NOT getting this service is because of paid days off for Birthdays, Christmas bonuses, days off for Black Friday, a NON Holiday. Let them take away your trash pickup and maybe you'll finally get it.
anonymous 12:18, I'm happy to provide my services.
anonymous 12:19, what the hell does Mike McDermott have to do with this. Are you some kind of Idiot, or what!
Go out and buy a 4 wheel drive truck, you have time before it snows.
No the kids will stay home from school and make up the days during summer.
rick was brought up as a spoild little fat kid! he's had everything handed to him! he does not have a clue about managing money! rick does not know nothen about how rough it is out here!
Why can't the property owners clear the roads in front of their property? People have to clear their side walks in the city.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. Light the fireplace, put on a pot of chili or beef soup and slow down relax and take the snow day. Makes for good house cleaning time, that is if you don't have little ones to entertain. But then cookie making helps there if you do have those little ones. You know who's streets will be cleared.
I agree with the comments that these services are what taxes are for; and not for un-used, empty parking lots; however, remember when everybody was for the tax revenue cap? It's come back to haunt the county. That being said, Wicomico County has both a revenue and an expense problem.
Poor schools, poor roads & infrastructure; why not just file bankrupcty?
While some of you are saying let it snow, when you can't get your kids to the bus stop and they are forced to spend additional weeks in school during the summer, I'll bet you won't be wishing for more snow then.
Now, mind you, amazing how WE all got to school back in the day when we had much larger snow fall in those days. No 4x4 trucks. I don't know how we survived.
it's sad to say! but the goverment does NOT want! smart ppl running it! the gov is set up to spend money not make money! it's a shame!
I would like to see average people cleaning the streets in front of their house---especially the 8 feet we got a couple years ago.
I am extremely fit and that is not possible to any reasonable degree. Would you want everyone to buy expensive snow blowers or trucks to use once in a while?
I pay taxes and there are plenty of money if used right.
I still don't see where this story has any legs... where are the videos, or memos that show snow is not going to be taken care of?
I don't know why the city & county don't consolidate. It would save so much on duplicate services. As far as the Civic Center parking lot, doesn't it look so pretty now that there are lights & freshly painted lines? What a crock!!! They need to DEMAND the owner of the "old mall" to remove that rubbish pile or pay the county to remove it for them. That would create some jobs, too.
No Joe...You're not getting my point. I agree that we shouldn't be paying for these "holidays", chrismas bonuses, etc. No question about it. My point was that we shouldn't have been paying for these services anyway. We have become way too dependent on government to service our every need. The more they provide, the more it costs us - unfortunately not ALL of us as there are some who will never, ever contribute. The more they provide, the larger government gets and the more unfettered waste takes place. If they had never provided snow removal we would have adapted just fine. Neighbors would still help neighbors in much the same way you help people when it snows. I mean really? Meals on Wheels? The churches and family members have been helping those in need for hundreds of years. Why is it that the government needs to do it at the taxpayers expense? VOTES!!! Thats why! Also.....they don't pick up trash here...we still take care of that ourselves. But it's whatever...lol.
If they would quit taking off birthdays and black friday with pay maybe the work could get done.That money is coming from all of us and I do not get paid for this shit.
What's the big deal? Odds are, we won't see more than 3" of snow in a single pass. That might happen 3-4 times. If you don't feel that you can drive through 3" of snow, stock up before the snow arrives and don't go on the roads for a day or two. I can do it just fine in my little sports car because I have patience. And if there's more than that I'll use my AWD CR-V.
The biggest waste of money is the parking lot at the civic center.I cannot believe they voted to spend that much money for that!
Anon. 2:44...the big deal is when you don't have an AWD CR-V or a 4WD anything. If I don't go to work, I don't get paid. Do you want to pay my mortgage for me because my car couldn't go through the 6+ inches of snow?
looks like you bought an overpriced house when you should have bought a 4 wheel drive. nobodys paying for your mistake.
is there anyway you can swing down and pick up 3:13pm? it seems he's having trouble.
There is going to be a OCC soon!(occupy city,county)
Keep up the good work Joe because us citizens need to know!
So, I'm a county taxpayer and they can't clear my road of snow so that I can go to work, but they can afford $120,000 in Christmas bonuses. How does that work. Rick, you want bonuses, pay for them yourself.
How much did the new Civic center parking lot cost?
I'll get mine cleared. I have a friend works at county roads. HA, HA.
328...I didn't read anything about 313 overpaying for his/her house. 313 simply made an observation.
It seems that in recent years the national guard has been called out in this area for seemingly moderate snow falls. If this trend holds true, we will have state of emergencies declared for 2 inches and we will be ok. The State then will pay for all the snow plow expenses from the emergency fund.
Joe, just so you know, your story is not accurate at all. The county will still be performing snow removal just about the same way it always has. If you don't believe me, why don't you call someone and ask. As far as "what you pay taxes for", this money came from a user fee that was meant to maintain roads. The State would distribute it to Counties, Cities, and Towns. The Towns would turn their share over to the county and the county would maintain their roads. This money is GONE. The county now has to find millions of dollars in a budget that has decrease 10's of millions and continue to provide services, all the while, you all are screaming about taxes in a county that has about the lowes taxes per capita in the state. Your information is flat out wrong. I understand that the individual towns will have to start taking care of their own snow removal, but as far as any county road, nothing has changed. Powelville is not an incorporated Town, and Delmar, Fruitland and Salisbury perform their own snow removal.
The National Guard has done SQUAT around here for any snow emergencies. They wouldn't even pull people out that were stuck in the snow. You people have no idea of what you are talking about. Just chill out and go work on your tinfoil hats.
4:37, You're a little lacking on the facts yourself. While Highway funds are used, in recent years general funds have been added, especially in the city to make up the difference because the work still needs to be done.
3:02p Voted? Who, what and how much? Please explain.
4:00,somewhere around $1,500,000.00
Why not let kids run the government hey wait this would probably destroy the government wait it is already destroyed. The only reason we're having this problems are 3 reasons Politicians never keep there word what his president Obama is trying to get create more jobs but why did he pass the health care bill the CEOs of the company may have to cut people to get the same profit to come in and not out with health care. The Leaders are idiots not to be mean but president George w.bush spent 3 trillion dollars for a unneeded defense system and now Obama is passing bills which cause millions and billions of dollars to finish a bill and isn't helping at all as well as writing unimportant bills and bills.
Move to Florida...no snow there.
Joe, there is a comment above that raises some interesting questions. I, too, understand that it will be up to the individual towns to plow their own snow. That's great for towns that all ready have this in place. What about the towns that don't and do not have the money to do so? What about the rural areas that don't fall under any of these guidelines? And what happens when Salisbury is plowed and John Fredericksen decides not to cancel school and you have areas like Athol that haven't been touched? Wonder how all that will work out.
It is my understanding that the towns have known for quite some time that this was coming and they had time to arrange for contractors or find another way. If they can't do it, it is because they chose to do nothing. If the county still plows streets in incorporated towns, the towns that plow their own streets should get a differential.
I have not seen this in the daily times or any other news outlet. Some have said its been known. Can you please show me where.
8:03,I said the towns have known. It is their leaderships responsibility to take action. The county has no more responsibility to plow streets in incorporated towns that collect taxes than you do to paint your neighbors house. Especially if you don't have enough money to paint your own.
anonymous 8:03, You won't read about it in the Times, not for a while anyway. Heck, watching WBOC tonight, they had stories on tonight we covered 2 and 3 days ago. NO ONE knew about this. We get the top tips now because concerned people know we'll not only get it out there, we'll tell the truth. Oh, sure, there will be comments on EVERY single Post we do trying to say its not true. You just wait and see what happens after the first snow and who gets what plowed. Then wait for the second and third snow. There's NO money, yet they've known this for a VERY long time.
How many of you have heard me state for YEARS now, Rick Pollitt waited far too long to start making cuts. Now his only response is, OK, you don't want me to raise taxes, then I'm going to have to take away services. Hell, he knew this was coming 5 years ago, especially as an O'Malley buddy.
Pollitt is playing the citizens like a fiddle. Its time to bring Ireton and Pollitt out and challenge them.
Here's a good one for you Folks. There's been a LOT of talk about crime in Salisbury, 4th, 5th, 9th most dangerous city. Well, what about the COUNTY????? Why hasn't ANY ONE challenged crime in the County and given those stats. Again, too many people afraid of going after those leaders. We'll provide those stats very soon.
If the MSM is too scared of their own shadow, I'll bring it on.
When I had a job, my employer paid for my heath care insurance. When the economy soured he stopped paying it. I had to pay it myself.
Never got holiday pay. I either worked it or if fell on my scheduled day off. Always got my vacation pay.
If the county can afford it they should give benefits to their employee's. Including holiday pay and personal days paid.
If they can't afford benefits they should cut them like my employer did.
Why don't we have the money to snow the roads? They still collect taxes. Taxes are what is to be used to remove snow and a hundred other things.
They have reduced the amount of taxes they charge everyone to my knowledge. Where has the money gone?
If you need to make cuts to have more money, get rid of non-essential employee's. Use their salaries to remove snow.
If anyone wants me to remove snow in front of my property, I want my taxes back. I'm not paying the county so I can do the work myself.
If the people in charge of all this knew there would be no money 5 years down the road, as Joe states, why didn't they plan for it and find ways to get the money.
Their salaries could replace some of the money we don't currently have and get rid of some dead wood at the same time.
They paid what, 3 million for a parking lot that was not needed? Sounds like whoever is in charge of planning and spending tax monies is not doing a good enough job.
Get someone in there that can so this doesn't happen again.
It's very clear from most of the responses on here, people are fed up with how the gov't has squander away taxpayers money and now don't have any money to handle the services our taxes were meant to serve. I hope all of you realize the state and fed have pushed this burden on the local/lower counties and towns so they can balance their budget and continue with the frivilous spending. They continue to push programs without monetary help and penalize if its not done. I think Joe said it correctly in another post...something has to change and we need to start at the top.
I am a federal employee. I was aware that several times a year I would be required to attend out of town training sessions with all cost paid. Even being the dummy I am, it only took one training session to learn that these were a little bit of training and a lot of vacation.
The funny part is the agency offices ran out of money to purchase office supplies a couple years after I started work. Pens, paper, printer ink, calculator paper, etc. I asked our State Office if they could cancel the worthless training sessions and use that money for supplies. The answer: NO, money is allocated for each type of expense and when it runs out we cannot take money from another allocation (such as you cannot move training session funding into supply funding).
The Agency has now wised up but only after much funding has been cut from the federal budget. Our training sessions can now be done in the office in a couple of hours, instead of a week in Cherry Hill NJ or wherever.
My point is, funding has been cut for snow removal and the civic center parking lot funding could not have been transfered to snow removal. Every item you all fuss about as useless spending, (after the fact) probably involved grant money that would have to be returned if not used for that project, or else was allocated for that particular project so cannot be transferred. When using grant money from the federal government it cost local taxpayers more in the long run. Example Shore Transit. By using government money to get it up and running the local government is now required by law to fund it.
Local governments through the years have put themselves in a position that they cannot survive without the federal government, but now the federal government is broke too, because we the people think/thought we are entitled. Why are we entitled?
Glad to see someone gets it about where the money came from for the parking lot. It wasn't about deciding between that and snow removal. Is that concept really too much for you to understand? If anyone understands even a little bit about the funding, they would realize the funds cannot be used where ever the need is. They are designated for a particular use, to be used for that use, or forfeited. But sure, let's stand on principle and give it back. I'm sure Ocean City would like a new parking lot and they would be happy to benefit from our "principles." Snow removal is a completely different animal, and no matter how badly you want it to be so, it is not paid for by the same money.
Is the county going to charge to park in the new parking lot at the civic center? If not, that would be an additional source of income for the county. Most other cities make you pay to park when events are held at their centers. Just a thought.
The point was the parking lot was a waste of money. Every time an agency has to use the money or lose it is a waste of money. They just spend it on whatever to get rid of it so their future budget doesn't get cut. Happens in the military too.
Yes, they should have gave the money back but we all know they won't do that. If they did it would go back into the pot and be used for something useful. But like some have said, if they gave it back someone else would take it and waste it.
That is a wide problem not just limited to the parking lot. It was used as an example but I guess it was lost on most.
We now return you to your regularly programmed brain washing.
Here is another reason there is no money for essential services-all the open space grants and land preservation grants the state gives out .Its your tax money being wasted!
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