Mike Dunn clearly had a previous arrangement with PAC 14 in which Mike Dunn NEVER allowed their cameras to scan the crowd, yet last night PAC 14 did exactly that. There was a pre planned show and the only flaming Idiots that were missing was the Mayor and a former Mayor.
Talk about professionalism though. Council President Terry Cohen never even came close to reaching for the gavel, because she's so above the Mike Dunn, Louise Smith and Lynn Cathcart freak show.
This entire group of Idiots actually thought they'd get up in public comments and try to use a scare tactic by stating they had 2,300 voters that did sign their petition and those 2.300 voters will NOT vote for certain council members in the next election.
ROTFLMAO! We had well more than that, signature wise, when Barrie Tilghman raised taxes but when they were VARIFIED we fell short and dropped it with class. Jim Ireton and Laura Mitchell have run so far from allowing their signatures from being verified because it would be an embarrassment. You see Folks, every time one official looked at each page they immediately dismissed those names because MOST of them were students NOT registered in the City, THEY WERE JUST NAMES!
Want to call me a LIAR, verify the signatures! Until then, Mike Dunn, Louise Smith, Lynn Cathcart, Barrie Tilghman, Lora Mitchell, Jim Ireton and the rest of the DIRTY DOZEN are simply FULL OF CRAP!
Come on Anti Albero Bloggers, Daily Times, prove me wrong. I DARE YOU!!!!! MY sources do NOT lie and I do NOT rely on quotes/lies from a Mayor to make up a story, knowing its a lie.
As far as PAC 14 goes, they're scum with an agenda. That's OK though, it was the people above that actually made so many people stop watching their program anyway. These are the kinds of people that go home and make a video of themselves feeling so proud they broke their own rules of order. I guess THAT'S what makes a man, a man. Right Mikey?
What was done last night, (by Mike Dunn and Louise Smith's own standards and rules) was completely disrespectful. I think I just figured out why Jim Ireton and Mike Dunn are so close.
Mikey's tactics were so very obvious and the PAC14 camera spinning around to scan the group was also even more obvious as a set-up.
Give it up, Mikey, we've seen your tactics before and we have not forgotten.
Joe, Great photo evidence coverage. You da man.
yep! good job joe! there's another..that was a spoiled little runny nose rich boy! mommy and daddy set him up too! lmao..clueless like rick!
Who is Mike Dunn? lmao
I can't understand why Mitchell, Dunn, etc. keep pushing this thing. Even if it were put on the ballot it is a NON-BINDING referendum and the Council would be free to completely ignore the results if they wished. Of course, we know why they won't allow the signatures to be verified. Perhaps it's just grandstanding at its worst.
Oh, I am sooo glad to be an ex-salisburian...... Not utopia here in Florda but none of all the childish bickering that has ruined Salisbury over the years. Probably have Mike and Barrie back in next election lol
Grown children. Most are not self made. They need a bend over the knee and the strap.
Light in his loafers?? You can be really rude Albero. I pray for you.
Some of the commenters were a trip. Palmer Gillis describing how he didn't have the balls to go up against Barrie, then dissing Campbell and Cohen about having them; the Holland woman saying "We needed the Bricks" (another tax drain project to put more poor people in an impoverished, drug ridden neighborhood - sorta like The Projects, isn't it?); the office manager for Rental Management, an obvious landlord tool, who dissed everybody but Laura and Shanie - bet you didn't know that she's Laura's aunt.
The list of posers grows.
I can't believe anyone would ever say "we need the Bricks" unless you are a drug dealer looking for a place to set up shop.
Decent people do not want to live in that area plain and simple and for someone/anyone to want to put low income people there are ignorant fools!!!! Yes IGNORANT FOOLS!
do they have refreshments
that many seniors don't come out for nothing
sad it looks like a Hooterville town meeting
It really was sickening. You look at how these so-called city "leaders" behaved and you understand the world of poo this council inherited.
As for Mitchell and her meaningless number of signatures, I want my vote back! I was worried she was a Lousie Smith and she has proved it!
I too noticed Cohen didn't gavel anyone. A class act. One of the few adults in that room.
A friend of mine at work saw this and said it looked like a meeting of the Wicomico Democrats Club.
I don't know the players. Are a lot of those folks part of that Club? If they are, that's just another reason I'm a proud Independent!
I'm not saying a word.
The verify word was "satan".
Notice how I have not been challenged. The signatures were all BS. Today will prove to be a record day for Salisbury News. Every one is coming out of the woodwork to see what's been said and not one challenge. Not one shred of evidence. Come on Ireton, varify the signatures or forever shut your big fat mouth. You lied to people in the hopes it would go away. You and your scumbag followers will NEVER believe in you ever again. Your style of lying politics are over. Mitchell will forever be looked upon as someone who will never be trusted.
Since I refuse to go to the Anti Albero blogs, (haven't been there in a year and a half now) I can't say if they've challenged me on this Post but let me assure you of this Folks, without Ireton verifying those signatures it will forever be one big LIE.
The Daily Times misslead you in a VERY BIG way people.
The applause that once was silenced by those who started it is Monkey See Monkey Do.
The world has changed and if a balance is not attempted we deserve to drown.
To hell with the previous dictators, damn the current ones and let us move on The petition failed so get over it, you were heard so grow up and respect what people have died for freedom. Dunn and his puppets and puppeter can eat poison ivy.
Silence is compliance and don't let the attempt at disruption hinder you the honest and open minded council members.
Joe, this is better than your posts above it. People need to focus on your main point. The petition did not get the required number of signers, period.
These are the SAME people who disregarded "the people" over and over. Now they think they are entitled to special treatment and more attention than anyone else.
Now they put on a show and viciously attack the people who beat them at the polls.
The man in Florida laughed that Barrie and Dunn would probably be back running things. They will if the good people of Salisbury don't stand up. All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
It's not funny. It's sad. This city used to be a nice place to live. Not any more.
Boy, Joe, you really are one nasty person.
I think alot of people were conned into signing the petition. It's all about open meetings and transparency. It's a no brainer. Why should it only be the mayor who can discuss litigation, etc with the city attorney? Or say if it's okay for the attorney to attend a council meeting if the council requests the attorney's presence?
The only reason anyone would ever be against this (unless they are clueless and do not understand the amendment) are those who don't want the public to know certain facts like the controversy surrounding the waste water treatment plant ,costs of litigations (esp litgation caused by former officials) and various property sales and transfers, etc.
There was a total of about 30 people who stood up with Dunn. All of them landlords, landlord scions, friends of landlords, relatives of landlords and employees of landlords. They all are tools, just like Laura, the Crown Princess of Civility.
Verification word: useds
It's all about the Maryland Open Meetings act (or something like that) which you will NOT hear a word about in the DT's. They hid that part. Only the Dispatch mentioned the act.
It's absurd that before the council had to ask questions of the city attorney through the mayor and he was under no obligation to fulfill their request.
It's absurd that the mayor can confer (and possibly conspire) with the city attorney and the rest of the council not be privy and in certain instances the public.
It's absurd that before when the council handed something off to the city attorney, they were not privy to it again until the 11th hour if the mayor wanted it that way. Then when they nix something because of an obvious "flaw" they are the bad girls and guy? How's that work?
No one can give a good valid sensible reason why this change should not have taken place.
Notice how the puppet master Phil Tighlman remains beyond the shadows of sight yet still controls some puppet strings.
Mike Dunn would have called for some pepper spray from local police to contain this foolish out burst during a public hearing.
Phil Tighlman + Mike Dunn = Barrie Ireton.
I don't think the DT's mentioned the time back in June when Debbie Campbell asked the mayor to have the city attorney come to the council and update them on litigation that they hadn't been updated on in over 2 years and Ireton said no.
Things that makes one go-Hmmmmmmm.
9:50, That's part problem with the mess Salisbury is having to contend with-lack of accountability and responsiblity on the part of the landlords.
Landlords operating the way they are allowed to do in Salisbury would not last one minute in Berlin or Ocean City. The landlords are not running the show in those places like they are in Salisbury. It's starts with electing real leaders like Cohen, Campbell and Spies.
It's tragic that these people should choose to make such a spectacle of themselves when there is no other issue than the council doing its job in a legal manner, which it did. All the rest is just smoke up the public's behind. Mitchell and her cohorts don't care about the issue, it's all just face time with lies and empty notions. Even if it had taken two weeks, the players would have been the same, but the vote would still have been to advance it. What would Laura have done then? Continued to moan , most likely. That woman needs some professional mental health help.
The Maryland Open Meetings act rules were followed to a T. It's all about Laura, and the Dunn, Cathcart, landlord crowd is happy to jump aboard if it means clogging up government and attempting to make Cohen, Campbell and Spies look bad. Those three have been tortured by landlords for years, but they've persevered, as they will continue to do. They are honorable public servants: they serve the public, not the other way around.
It's straight from the ACORN playbook.
Dunn, Gillis, Smith & the rest are trying to turn back the clock. The Camden Clowns want time to stand still. Salisbury needs new energy, ideas and real leadership or this town will keep rotting from within.
Talk about somebody with a problem, 11:15. I live on the other side of town from the three you refer to as "clowns" (which they certainly are NOT) and it never dawns on me to think of where they live.
Crime is everywhere in Salisbury. Screwed up finances have been screwed up for the whole city. Targeting political enemies is that crowd's history.
Hard to move the car forward until you get the flat tires fixed! The three honorable people are rolling up their sleeves and getting smudged up trying to get the car moving again.
The MD Open Meetings Act is and was followed but I believe the council majority wanted to take it one step further and create more transparency between the mayor and city attorney and themselves?
Isn't that a way to keep everyone honest?
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