The voice of Hank Williams Jr. has become one with Monday Night Football, and he has opened the telecast for nearly 20 years, rhetorically asking America: "Are you ready for some football?"
Apparently, ESPN, the newish TV home of the NFL's Monday night telecast, wasn't ready for Hank Williams Jr.'s rant on the Fox News show "Fox and Friends." (Clip below.)
Williams was being interviewed via telecast when he was asked what he thought about President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner playing golf together recently.
Williams responded: "That'd be like Hitler playing golf with Netanyahu."
The befuddled hosts then listened as Williams went on to discussed the polarized electorate and Obama's role in it, saying: "They're the enemy!"
This is what we have become. Seriously?
I listened to the interview, and the analogy was a pretty good one. People, well the government really need to grow some thick skin.
Boycott MNF!
5:07 it was abc/espn's decision to remove him not the government. He as an american has every right to say what he said, and them as a private business have every right to part ways with hank.
Boycott ESPN !
Personally I can not stand Hank Williams, Jr. Now I see he and agree on something for the first time ever!! What happened to his right of free speech?
Hank Jr was absolutely correct!
It was a really dumb thing to say. Even the mind numb mental midgets at Fox were astounded and felt the need to disavow. He's an idiot.
5:16 - You're absolutely right. As consumers we also have the right to continually let the advertisers of MNF know that because of their support for this kind of idiocy we won't support them by buying their products.
#1 Hank made an idiot comment! It's pretty crazy that those who claim to love America so much consider their freely elected leader "the enemy" whenever the election doesn't go their way.
#2 This wasn't Hanks first foray into political "discussion" over the last few years. I can bet ESPN warned him before. It's MNF, a great time to put aside all the politics BS and just enjoy a beer, some wings, and the game.
#3 Seem to recall the right did the same with the Dixie Chicks when they spoke against Bush, so cut all the croc. tears now.
I don't see what the big deal is. He invoked hitler's name. So what?
I am now a Hank Williams Jr, BIG Fan... It is a shame that he cant say anything about the Chosen one. Bush got hard hits but that was okay. Obama should be hammered for his stupidity.
Obama is a big cry baby and is nothing more than inner city trash feeling like a VICTIM WAH WAH WAH.
Why is it that all the blacks like Sharpton can get on tv and call people racists and such and it is fine. Remember when he slammed the college boys that were accused af raping that girl, and were then found clearly to be innocent? No retractions. Yet cnbc and cnn still let those racists on.
you go hank!!!
Obama didn't tell ESPN/ABC to do this people. He is an idiot but I doubt he cares enough about Hank Williams Jr to call ChriS Berman about it. Hank isn't even an employee of ESPN, they just use his outdated song. It was time for a new song anyway and this is just another examply of actors/singers needing the just act and sing. Now hopefully we can get a nice Justin Bieber song instead.
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